similar to: savehistory() for ESS {was "ess and debug package"}

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "savehistory() for ESS {was "ess and debug package"}"

2002 Sep 19
savehistory directories and quitting R (PR#2038)
# # # ###################################################### Because I work in different directories, but always want to save my .Rhistory in the same place, I have changed the system function savehistory to this: function (file = "D:/R50/.Rhistory") invisible(.Internal(savehistory(file))) When I use q() to quit R, and it asks me whether I want to
2000 Jul 06
Re: [R] R 1.1.0 dev.print() & dev.copy2eps -- bug{let} (PR#596)
>>>>> "StEgl" == Stephen Eglen <> writes: StEgl> Hi, I just upgraded to 1.1.0 from 1.0.1 this morning on my OSF/1 StEgl> machine. I now have problems with the following code: StEgl> %E /tmp 43% R --vanilla StEgl> Version 1.1.0 (June 15, 2000) StEgl> ... >> test2 <- function () {
2006 Oct 18
strange error in mtrace
Dear useRs, I am experiencing very strange error with Mark Bravington's package "debug". I haven't seen them before. Here is the sample session > library(debug) Loading required package: mvbutils MVBUTILS: no "tasks" vector found in ROOT Loading required package: tcltk Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done > x<-function() return(1) > mtrace(x) > x() Error
2009 Oct 25
Help with history() in Emacs/ESS
Hi Everyone, I am a beginner running R 2.9.2 under Ubuntu and typically use Emacs w/ESS. However, I am confused with history() command. When I issue command history() in Emacs within an R session, this is what get: > history() Error in savehistory(file) : no history available to save Similarly, history(max=10) command gives the same error message. However, there is this In/Out Menu in the
2004 Sep 27
mtrace and debug
Hello, pointed to the article "Debugging Without (Too Many) Tears" of Mark Bravington in Rnews Vol 3/3, December 2003 there is a package mvbutils mentioned. So I started to install this package from within R > install.package(mvbutils) I receive an error essage that this package is not found! Is due to a merge,removal or rename of this package? When I try to follow this
2007 May 12
mtrace() fails
I find the R debug package very useful. I've installed and used it on several of the machines I use, without problems, but on one machine I get the following error: Loading required package: mvbutils Loading required package: utils MVBUTILS: no "tasks" vector found in ROOT Loading required package: tcltk Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done [Previously saved
2003 May 14
savehistory not working properly in R?
Dear R users, I have a .RData which contains .Last object as follows: .Last <- function () { savehistory(file = ".Rhistory") } In this directory, if I issue the following command Rterm --save < mycmds.q to execute commands in mycmds.q and to save results in .RData, I got the following error message towards the end of the execution: Error in savehistory(file) :
2002 Oct 21
savehistory directories and quitting R (PR#2038)
Thanks-- as Duncan Murdoch also noted, R_HISTFILE can be used to solve my problem, as below. BTW it's not easy to find out about R_HISTFILE in the help system or manuals, though, unless you already know it exists-- it only seems to be described under startup options, not things to do with history. However, Duncan's reply did hint at an inconsistency, in that savehistory() defaults to
2005 Apr 18
ESS 5.2.7 released
Dear ESS users, {BCC'ed to RPM and Debian maintainers of ESS} We have now released ESS 5.2.7. This is a bug fix release against 5.2.6 where - the new UTF-8 "support" gave problems for Xemacs, and - accidentally, 'auto-fill-mode' was activated for *.R buffers with a few new features, see "New Features" below , notably some extended Sweave supported,
2010 May 04
masking of objects between mtrace() and getYahooData()
I am using getYahooData from TTR to get daily data. When i do it standalone, it is fine. It also works fine inside my code. However, when i run code inside mtrace(), i always get the following error: Error in xts(cbind(adj[[1]], adj[[2]]), index(obj)): requires an appropriate time-based object After a lot of hand wringing, it looks to me that it happens because index in xts masks
2001 Sep 28
savehistory: Suggestions to a \seealso{} (PR#1104)
Full_Name: Henrik Bengtsson Version: 1.3.1 OS: WinMe Submission from: (NULL) ( I suggest the following \seealso to be added for savehistory: \seealso{ To execute \code{savehistory} automatically when \R quits see \link{.Last} and \link{.Rprofile}. } -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-devel mailing list -- Read
2002 Jan 15
labels returned by cut() when include.lowest=T (PR#1263)
Full_Name: Stephen Eglen Version: 1.4 OS: Redhat Linux 7.1 Submission from: (NULL) ( I think the brackets in the levels of cut() are slightly incorrect when include.lowest is TRUE. For example: > table(cut( c(1,4), include.lowest=T, right=F, breaks=c(1,2,3,4))) [1,2) [2,3) [3,4) 1 0 1 I think the last range in this case should be [3,4]. A similar problem
2004 Mar 21
learning to debug
Hello I am trying to follow the instruction in README.debug on how to debug a code I wrote, so since it only shows the steps on how to debug a built in function and not a code in an *.R file, so ok, let me do this and maybe later I can find out how to code my code in filename.R. now > library(debug) Loading required package: mvbutils MVBUTILS: no "tasks" vector found in ROOT Loading
2007 Apr 29
[debug] package - Error in all.levs (PR#9638)
Dear All, I encountered the following problem: fun1 <- function(x){ 2*cos(x) } >library(debug) > mtrace(fun1) > fun1(0.1) Error in all.levs[[j]] : subscript out of bounds > sessionInfo() R version 2.5.0 (2007-04-23) i386-pc-mingw32 locale: LC_COLLATE=Polish_Poland.1250;LC_CTYPE=Polish_Poland.1250; LC_MONETARY=Polish_Poland.1250;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=Polish_Poland.1250 attached
2008 Jan 14
savehistory in OSX version
Running Version 2.6.0 GUI 1.21. Generally, I enjoy working with the OSX GUI, which has some very pleasant features. Kudos to the developers! There is a nice history panel which slides out of the Console window. The buttons on the panel work as expected. I am puzzled by the behavior of history() and savehistory() run from the Console window. I would think that these functions would view and
2010 Oct 29
how to debug (mtrace) a function defined inside a function?
Hi, everyone. I am using a fair amount of closures in my code. Problem i am experiencing is i cannot figure out how to mtrace functions defined within a function. There must be some way to name such function for mtrace to see it and let me step into it. For example, say i have code mymodel<-function(){ data<-numeric(0) build<-function(){ data<<-1 } m<-list()
2012 Jan 06
graphic problem: transparent window when starting mtrace() from package debug
Hi Jannis [I'm the author of package debug... I know this is 6 months after your query, sorry-- but I don't subscribe to R-help, and you didn't post to the maintainer! I'm primarily sending this to close off the thread.] > when I use the package debug, mark a function with mtrace() and enter > into the browser like mechanism of debug a window displaying the code of >
2011 Jul 23
graphic problem: transparent window when starting mtrace() from package debug
Deal R , when I use the package debug, mark a function with mtrace() and enter into the browser like mechanism of debug a window displaying the code of the marked function with the current line highlighted usually appears. When I use GUIs other than ess or the standard R console sometimes this window is totally transparent so it is not possible to see any code in it. After closing/resizing
2007 Apr 16
session log
Hi, is there a platform independent way to log a complete R session (input + output + warnings + errors + ???) into a text file? I can use sink(file, split=T) and savehistory() but it is quite cumbersome to merge the files and still there is some loss (eg. warnings). I wondered that I only found this thread from 2003(!) related to this topic:
2010 May 22
Capturing R console output into a file (sink+savehistory ??)
After reading more, I understand I didn't formulate my last question correctly, so please allow me to rephrase: What I am looking for is a way to save the R console session output. That is, a command that would combine the results of using: ?sink # And ?savehistory My motivation for this is that doing it will allow someone who is a blind user of R to be able to easily export his results to