Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "bug in fisher test---p-value cannot be Inf (PR#4688)"
2005 Apr 13
easy question: obtaining rw1080.exe
Dear All,
Can anyone please tell me where I can obtain uncompiled binary
instalation files for R version 1.8. (i.e. rw1080.exe)?
I can only find the uncompiled source code on CRAN today.
Thank you,
Mary Wisz
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2004 May 03
Help making a simple R code only package
I am new to R and I am trying to figure out how to build and install a
package with nothing but R code inside. I have run 'package.skeleton' to
get the basic structure.
When I run 'Rcmd INSTALL testPackage' I get this error message:
make: *** No rule to make target `Files/R/rw1080'. Stop.
*** Installation of testPackage failed ***
When I run 'Rcmd build
2010 Dec 30
Curso de R en Santiago, Chile. Gratis!
A todos quienes estan insterados y estan en Stgo de
Chile les tengo una muy buena noticia. Desde hace ya algunas semanas,
nos hemos sentado a la mesa con Alex (Epidemiologo) a discutir la
necesidad de desarrollar un curso de R para principiantes. No solo
porque es necesario unirse en torno a un projecto como es el R, sino que
es una oportunidad para muchos cientificos (como
2003 Nov 20
file not found?
Hi R maintainers:
when I use
And I try to update the package "maps"
maps :
Version 2.0-9 in D:/rw1080/library
Version 2.0-10 on CRAN
Update (y/N)? y
The following message appears:
trying URL
Error in download.file(url, destfile, method, mode = "wb") :
cannot open URL
2003 Oct 12
Rd problems
I have the following in a .Rd file:
\eqn{\mbox{coef} = c(\mbox{coef}[1],\ldots, \mbox{coef}[n]) }
{coef = c(coef[1], coef[2], \dots, coef[n])}
However, both arguments come out in the latex file!
Whats happening?
Kjetil Halvorsen
2017 Jun 08
C7, systemd, say what?!
Mark Haney wrote:
> On 06/08/2017 09:12 AM, Andrew Holway wrote:
>> I think we had enough of Systemd flaming last month. Please stop
>> polluting my inbox and find an operating system compatible with your
>> worldview. It is really tiresome to keep on hearing about it.
> Huh. Okay, though I'm not sure when you became arbiter of this list. If
> you don't
2003 Dec 10
dyn.load for c code
I am learning how to load C code into R-1.8.0 on Windows 98. To this end I wrote
a small c program, downloaded the tools, perl, and mingw on the "building
R for windows" page, and proceeded to create libR.a & libRblas.a as explained
in the readme.packages. I started with a simple c program called mysum.c that can
be found on:
2003 Oct 23
texi2dvi and buildVignettes() on Windows
I am currently writing a (private) package in which I produce pdf
files from within R using LaTeX. To do so I mainly copied some lines
from the buildVignettes() function in the tools package. This uses the
texi2dvi which is included in R's bin directory:
system(paste(file.path(R.home(), "bin", "texi2dvi"),
"--quiet --pdf", bft))
This runs
2014 Oct 09
cambiar un valor por NA en data frame
Tengo un data frame de datos de salud sobre Enfermedades de Notificacion
Obligatoria. Algunas variables tienen una codificacion 99, 999, y 9999 para
asiganr los valores perdidos. LAs variables que tienen esta codificacion
Me gustaria poder editar esos valores a NA, sin tener que hacerlo uno por
uno con
2017 Jun 09
C7, systemd, say what?!
On Jun 9, 2017, at 10:08 AM, Michael Hennebry <hennebry at web.cs.ndsu.nodak.edu> wrote:
> On Thu, 8 Jun 2017, m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:
>> Maybe we need another mailing list, like alt.religion.editors*, we could
>> have alt.religion.systemd.... <g>
>> mark
>> * vi, not emacs! Nyahhhh....
> You mean 6, right?
2015 Oct 13
RFC: Introducing an LLVM Community Code of Conduct
On 13 October 2015 at 16:41, Rafael Espíndola <llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:
>> - *Be welcoming.* We strive to be a community that welcomes and supports
>> people of all backgrounds and identities. This includes, but is not limited
>> to members of any race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, colour,
>> immigration status, social and economic class, educational
2003 Oct 20
Update Packages / help.start() (PR#4681)
Full_Name: Leonard Weil
Version: 1.8.0
OS: Windows2000 Pro
Submission from: (NULL) (
I have encountered two anomalies in version 1.8.0 that I had not observed in
version 1.7.0:
When using the menu Packages -> Update Packages from CRAN,
The console repeats the message twice (example below)
> update.packages()
trying URL
2015 Aug 02
ayuda con análisis de supervivencia
Hola a todos,
-Estoy estudiando el efecto de dos genotipos (~tratamientos) en la aparición de síndrome metabólico (MetS) con datos longitudinales recogidos a tiempo 0,7,10,15,20 y 25 años.
-He hecho un dataframe con las siguientes variables
MetS: Síndrome Metabólico (Si=1,No=0)
bmi: Indice de masa corporal (IMC) cuando se produce la conversión a MetS+ . Para los que permancen MetS-, esta variable
2003 Nov 03
USA map
R users,
In S, there was a function called usa() that
would draw the map of the United States, plus
it had other options for graphics. I have looked
but I can't find the equivalent in R. Is there one?
2012 Sep 03
Calcular la media de filas en un data.frame
Estimada comunidad, no encuentro como calcular el promedio de las filas de
un data.frame, ya que R por defecto aplica las funciones en sentido
vertical me da la impresion ... podrian ayudarme ??
muchas gracias,
Saludos, Eric.
Nota: las tildes se han omitido para evitar conflictos con algunos lectores
de correo.
Frases notables:
* SATYÂT NÂSTI PARO DHARMAH (No hay religion mas elevada
2005 Jun 13
Re: Re: Digium Website Update: Asterisk Busi ness Edition
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Esben Stien [mailto:b0ef@esben-stien.name]
> The other problem is the issue that free software developers are
> mostly (in my experience) not happy with the fact that their code
> would be used in proprietary software. It conflicts with the whole
> religion of free software.
Well, yeah, that's the whole problem, isn't it? You
2019 Oct 15
nouveau kernel module will not load on old Sony Vaio laptop with 8400M GT
is there anyone here who can help with:
nouveau kernel module won't load (not available) on Sony laptop with NVIDIA G86M
[GeForce 8400M GT] ID: 10de:0426
Evolution as taught in public schools is religion, not science.
Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!
Felix Miata *** http://fm.no-ip.com/
2020 Feb 13
setOperands(int, Value*)
I am trying to reset the operands of instructions. What I am doing is, I am
finding all Uses of a specific operand in an Instruction and resetting it
with a new value using "setOperands(int, Value*)". I am doing as:
for (auto vmitr=vm.begin(), vsitr=vs.begin(); vmitr!=vm.end() &&
vsitr!=vs.end(); vmitr++, vsitr++){
// I have two *Value ( operands)
for ( auto myitr
2003 Nov 17
$RHOME/bin/check in windows (PR#5135)
To whom it may concerned,
I'm trying to build a new R package in a windows platform.
Before that, I tried to check the previous well-know package from the CRAN
using the Rcmd command.
But I got the error messages as below.
I think this comes from the parsing error from the Perl script in $RHOME/bin/check.
In the following example, 'Program Files' is splited into 'Program',
2008 Jan 29
A good way to store some profile-information?
What would be a good way to store profile-information, in the cases
where the information can be selected from a list of choices? i.e.
gender (male,female), religion or marital status.
The lists don''t change, so putting that in the db doesn''t seem like a
good idea, but how do i put something like this in a model?
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