Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "rank(*) with NAs -- new option "keep" desired"
2004 Mar 15
spearman rank correlation problem
Hello R gurus,
I want to calculate the Spearman rho between two ranked lists. I am
getting results with cor.test that differ in comparison to my own
spearman function:
> my.spearman
function(l1, l2) {
if(length(l1) != length(l2)) stop("lists must have same length")
r1 <- rank(l1)
r2 <- rank(l2)
dsq <- sapply(r1-r2,function(x) x^2)
1 - ((6 * sum(dsq))
2002 May 06
Spearman rank-order correlation matrix
I"ve got a data frame with a selection of columns I want to compute a
rank-order correlation matrix from without disturbing the original
data frame.
What I wanted to do, intuitively, was:
> cor(rank(foo[,c("a","b","d","f","g")]))
but rank in that context
2003 Oct 22
Something strange in cor.test in R-1.8.0 (PR#4718)
Full_Name: Ian Wilson
Version: R-1.8.0
OS: Windows (but own compilation)
Submission from: (NULL) (
the p-value is incorrect for cor.test using method "spearman" in R-1.8.0. This
was not the case in R-1.7.1.
Version R-1.8.0 on Windows
> cor.test(rnorm(50),rnorm(50),method="spearman")
Spearman's rank correlation rho
data: rnorm(50) and rnorm(50)
2003 Sep 26
Spam-Filter @stat.math.ethz.ch: was dead for about 15 hours
As many of you have probably realized, the spam filtering
at @stat.math.ethz.ch has been dead for since yesterday (09-25)
~16:50 till today ~08:30.
The sudden death may have been caused by unrelated installation
of some perl modules (spamassassin *is* running on perl) by our
IT staff.
We are very sorry for this event.
On the bright side: You have been able to get a glimpse of what
you are
2002 Nov 14
R mailing lists: move from majordomo to [procmail+mailman]
We have locally collected good experience the last few weeks
using procmail-spam filtering, inclduing spamassassin to the
procmail filters.
The last two spams that went past the majordomo filters (the
"traditional ones I've been using) through to R-devel both were not
delivered to me, be but caught by the filters.
I have now collected a bit more of a week experience using the
new scheme
2000 Mar 14
boxplots of 1 datum AND comparing rank and boolean
Q: When R does 'plot()' in a context that yields boxplots, is there a
way to force it to draw something even if there are only 1 or two data
in the category? I'd like for it to draw the data, perhaps using the
outlier symbols. My code is (*** marks the line in question) is the
following, for R-1.0.0:
d <- read.table("nserc-results-pgsb", header=FALSE,
2003 Jan 23
spearman rank correlation
hello help,
i''ve searched through the manual pages and the only reference i can find to spearman rank correlation is cor.test, which only seems to give the significance value of the correlation.
is there any way to get the actual value of rho?
[[alternate HTML version deleted]]
2002 Dec 17
Changing "..." inside a function: impossible? desirable?
This is was something like a request for your comments, thoughts
on the topic...
Many of you will know that the "..." (aka \dots) argument is
very useful for passing ``further graphical parameters'',
but can be a pain when itself is passed to too many plotting
functions inside your own function.
An artificial example being
myplot <- function(x,y, ...) {
plot(0:1, 0:1,
2003 Jan 27
rmultinom() -- how \\ via own C code?
I've had a need for multinomial "random number generation"
occasionally. And other people too.
The following code is currently in the
(very small ``not very high importance'') CRAN package normix
--- which I will rename to "nor1mix" very seen because of a
``name registration'' problem
I want to add "this" (well the functionality) to a
2003 Apr 03
Re: Outbound e-mail slow from R servers?
>>>>> "Marc" == Marc Schwartz <mschwartz@medanalytics.com>
>>>>> on Thu, 03 Apr 2003 09:24:20 -0600 writes:
Marc> Martin,
Marc> Not sure if you are aware of this, but since yesterday
Marc> there seems to be multi-hour delays in outbound e-mail
Marc> from r-help and r-devel. Inbound mail seems to show
Marc> up
2003 Apr 03
Re: Outbound e-mail slow from R servers?
>>>>> "Marc" == Marc Schwartz <mschwartz@medanalytics.com>
>>>>> on Thu, 03 Apr 2003 09:24:20 -0600 writes:
Marc> Martin,
Marc> Not sure if you are aware of this, but since yesterday
Marc> there seems to be multi-hour delays in outbound e-mail
Marc> from r-help and r-devel. Inbound mail seems to show
Marc> up
2004 Mar 03
cor(..., method="spearman") or cor(..., method="kendall") (PR#6641)
Dear R maintainers,
R is great. Now that I have that out of the way, I believe I have
encountered a bug, or at least an inconsistency, in how Spearman and
Kendall rank correlations are handled. Specifically, cor() and
cor.test() do not produce the same answer when the data contain NAs.
cor() treats the NAs as data, while cor.test() eliminates them. The
use="complete.obs" has
2002 Nov 26
R-announce moved from majordomo to [procmail+mailman]
I have moved the R-announce mailing list from the Majordomo
software to a combination of procmail & mailman an hour or so ago.
You find a link in the footer of this message giving an URL
where you can modify your subscription, look at the archives
(everything from the beginning in 1997) and more.
CHANGE: Postings to R-announce are now moderated, ie.
they have to be approved by a list
2002 Nov 26
R-announce moved from majordomo to [procmail+mailman]
I have moved the R-announce mailing list from the Majordomo
software to a combination of procmail & mailman an hour or so ago.
You find a link in the footer of this message giving an URL
where you can modify your subscription, look at the archives
(everything from the beginning in 1997) and more.
CHANGE: Postings to R-announce are now moderated, ie.
they have to be approved by a list
2003 Oct 18
cor(*, use = "pair") bug in R 1.8.0 (PR#4646)
As reported on R-help by Ming-Chung Li,
the cor() function has a new bug in R 1.8.0 when used with
matrix arguments (to give the Cor-Matrix) and the non-default
use = "pairwise.complete.obs"
argument (which can be abbreviated, e.g. to use = "pair").
A quite minimal example is
> x <- cbind(1:3, c(0,4,5))
> cor(x)[1,2]
[1] 0.9449112
2002 Oct 21
dist() {"mva" package} bug: treats +/- Inf as NA
Vince Carey found this (thank you!).
Since the fix to the problem is not entirely obvious, I post
this to R-devel as RFC:
help(dist) says:
>> Missing values are allowed, and are excluded from all computations
>> involving the rows within which they occur. If some columns are
>> excluded in calculating a Euclidean, Manhattan or Canberra
>> distance, the sum is
2003 Oct 23
Re: ichar() function in R : 1st implementation, RFC
(RFC := Request For Comments)
>>>>> "Tim" == Tim Keighley <Tim.Keighley@csiro.au>
>>>>> on Thu, 23 Oct 2003 11:45:22 +1000 writes:
Tim> Hi Martin,
Tim> In October 2000 you wrote to r-help:
>>> which reminds me that I've had a desire for something like
>>> the old S function [from the blue book, and
2012 Aug 29
Help on calculating spearman rank correlation for a data frame with conditions
Dear all,
Suppose my data frame is as follows:
id price distance
1 2 4
1 3 5
2 4 8
2 5 9
n 3 7
n 8 9
I would like to calculate the rank-order correlation between price and
distance for each id.
cor(price,distance,method = "spearman") calculate a correlation for all.
Then I tried to use
apply(data,list='id',cor(price , distance , method =
2008 Feb 28
p-value in Spearman rank order
Dear R-helpers,
I would like to do a Spearman rank order test, and used the cor() function
with the method "spearman".
It gives me a number (correlation coefficient?) , but how can I get the
Thank you for the help in advance!
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 Jul 04
Martin Maechler asked me to restate my problem.
Compiling the file (slightly modified w.r.t. the formerly
attached file) that can be found at
terminates with the error message
******* Syntax error: mismatched or missing brackets in
when compiled by
R CMD Rdconv -t txt xswms2d.Rd
However, the file does