Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "FAQ/Website problems (PR#2840)"
2003 Sep 24
splitting clusters
Hi All:
I am clustering 500 genes using hclust of R. Visualizing cluster
membership becomes difficult with so many genes in each cluster...Is there
a way of printing the dendrogram in multiple pages so that I can clearly
see what is in each cluster?
Thanks in advance.
2003 Sep 26
Spam-Filter @stat.math.ethz.ch: was dead for about 15 hours
As many of you have probably realized, the spam filtering
at @stat.math.ethz.ch has been dead for since yesterday (09-25)
~16:50 till today ~08:30.
The sudden death may have been caused by unrelated installation
of some perl modules (spamassassin *is* running on perl) by our
IT staff.
We are very sorry for this event.
On the bright side: You have been able to get a glimpse of what
you are
2003 Oct 19
Has anyone ported the Bagplot function by Rousseeuw, Ruts, and Tukey from S
to R? The S function comprises a script and a FORTRAN function. I assume
porting is relatively uncomplicated, but since I have not done any porting
before I would not want to invest the effort if a port is readily available.
2004 Jan 21
derivative of atan(x) and similar functions
Dear R experts.
'D()' function recognizes some of the analitical functions, such as
sin, cos, etc. But I'd like to take analytical derivatives from asin,
atan etc. functions. Are there any R packages providing that features?
2002 Nov 14
R mailing lists: move from majordomo to [procmail+mailman]
We have locally collected good experience the last few weeks
using procmail-spam filtering, inclduing spamassassin to the
procmail filters.
The last two spams that went past the majordomo filters (the
"traditional ones I've been using) through to R-devel both were not
delivered to me, be but caught by the filters.
I have now collected a bit more of a week experience using the
new scheme
2003 Jan 07
Extracting means for given strata from dissimilarity object
Is there a way of extracting mean distance or dissimilarity for a given
strata from a 'dist' or 'dissimilarity' object, e.g. extract mean distances
for each species in Anderson's iris data?
then what?
Mikkel Grum, PhD
Genetic Diversity Scientist
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI)
Sub-Saharan Africa Group
2003 Feb 24
"trace" argument in legend() (PR#2578)
Full_Name: Jerome Asselin
Version: 1.6.2
OS: RedHat Linux 7.2
Submission from: (NULL) (
Should be an easy fix...
Consider the examble below:
It gives the following trace:
> plot(0,0)
> legend(0,0,c("Hello!","Hi!"),pch=1:2,lty=1:2,trace=T)
xchar= 0.05178 ;
2003 Sep 03
read.table: check.names arg - feature request
I thought it would be convenient if the check.names argument to read.table, which currently can only be TRUE/FALSE, could take a function value as well. If the function is supplied it should be used instead of the default make.names.
Here is an example where it can come in handy. I tend to keep my data in coma-separated files with a header line. The header line is prefixed with a comment
2002 Oct 22
Draw ellipses in S-PLUS or R?
Dear S-PLUS/R users:
Do you know any default function or a user contributed function that
can draw an ellipse with given axes and origin? Thanks for any help.
Romance, like alcohol, should be enjoyed, but should not be allowed to
become necessary.
-- Edgar Friedenberg
r-help mailing list --
2003 May 21
Dear List,
this may be a little off-topic, but I failed to obtain the "mother of
R"-reference through a couple of library services...
Maybe someone can provide me with a PDF?
Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman.
R: A language for data analysis and graphics.
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 5(3):299-314, 1996
Helmut Schuetz
Biokinet GmbH
A-1170 Vienna
Tel +43(0)1
2003 Feb 28
Concerning the clustering tree
Dear Stuff,
I am trying to enjoy "PAM", but I could not recognize which sample is in
which branches in the clustering tree because of too many samples and size
limitation for my monitor.
I mean, I did unsupervised clustering with "PAM" (
data2$newy<-pamr.makeclasses(data2) ) with 275 primary samples,
but samples were piled up at the point of each branch, so I cannot
2002 Oct 22
cubic spline smoothers with heterogeneous variances
Hello. I have data (plant weights over time) that are non-linear and in
which the variance increases over time. I have to estimate the first
derivatives of plant weight given time (i.e. growth rate) and their se,
using a regression smoother, and I have been considering cubic spline
smoothers. However, I do not know if this can be done given that the error
variance would increase over time.
2002 Jan 08
colour coding and different point types in a plot
I'm trying to plot four different sorghum types on a plot using a different
colour/symbol combination for each sorghum type (TYPBOTA in the script
below). What am I doing wrong?:
I get the following error message
Error in 1:4[codes(xx$TYPBOTA)] : NA/NaN argument
2003 Jan 08
Undocumented bahavior of as.integer() (PR#2430)
as.integer() truncates doubles toward zero, as Splus does (at least v. 6.1
under Windows does). Thus:
> look <- (10 * seq(14)) - 76
> 10 * (73.1 + look)
[1] 71 171 271 371 491 586 681 791 886 981 1101 1201 1301 1401
> as.integer(10 * (73.1 + look))
[1] 70 170 270 370 490 586 681 791 886 981 1101 1201 1301 1401
... It is not documented in R! I propose appending
2002 Jan 07
cluster - clusplot.default (PR#1249)
The following code in clusplot.default (package cluster) is in error:
x1 <- cmdscale(x, k = 2, eig = TRUE)
var.dec <- sum(x1$eig)/sum(diag(x1$x))
if (var.dec < 0)
var.dec <- 0
if (var.dec > 1)
var.dec <- 1
x1 <- x1$points
x1 has components with names "points" and "eig", not "x", so
2003 Jun 16
Constrained optimization
Greetings, R-Wizards:
I'm trying to find an extremum subject to a nonlinear constraint. (Yes, I
have perused the archives but have found nothing positive.) The details of
the problem are these:
In a paper published some years ago in Technometrics, ("Confidence bands for
cumulative distribution functions of continuous random variables"
Technometrics, 25, 77-86. 1983), Cheng and
2002 Dec 17
Changing "..." inside a function: impossible? desirable?
This is was something like a request for your comments, thoughts
on the topic...
Many of you will know that the "..." (aka \dots) argument is
very useful for passing ``further graphical parameters'',
but can be a pain when itself is passed to too many plotting
functions inside your own function.
An artificial example being
myplot <- function(x,y, ...) {
plot(0:1, 0:1,
2002 Jun 19
drawing ellipses
Hello again,
First I want to thank all the people who answered my question about line
width in graphs. I promise I will learn the 'par' help page by heart for
the end of the month !
I now want to trace some ellipses to emphasize groups of data. I found how
to trace circles with 'symbols()', but no ellipse. I'm planning on writing
my own function based on
2003 Sep 11
rank(*) with NAs -- new option "keep" desired
In some contexts, I find the current behavior of rank() very
We have the argument na.last = {TRUE | FALSE | NA }
where the first two cases treating NAs (almost) as if they were
== +Inf or == -Inf whereas the 3rd case just drops NAs.
For the typical ``Rank Transformation'' that is recommended in
EDA in several contexts, I would however want something else,
namely keep
2003 Aug 15
plot.lm mislabels points with na.exclude (PR#3750)
R 1.7.1 on Windows XP
The "normal Q-Q plot" produced by plot.lm() mislabels points
when the model is fitted using na.action=na.exclude. Example:
x <- 1:50
y <- x + rnorm(50)
y[c(5,10,15)] <- NA # insert some NA's
y[40] <- 50 # add an outlier
plot(lm(y ~ x, na.action=na.omit)) # outlier correctly labeled in all
# four plots