similar to: missing() (PR#1096)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "missing() (PR#1096)"

2004 Apr 16
type.convert (PR#6781)
Full_Name: J. R. M. Hosking Version: 1.9.0 OS: Windows 2000 Submission from: (NULL) ( Two problems, perhaps related: (1) na.strings is not honored when x is non-numeric and > type.convert( c("abc","-"),, na.strings="-" ) [1] "abc" "-" ... unless x consists only of NAs > type.convert(
2003 Oct 14
NA %*% 0 == 0 (PR#4582)
Full_Name: J . R. M. Hosking Version: 1.8.0 OS: Windows 2000 Submission from: (NULL) ( On R 1.8.0 (and on R 1.5.1), Windows binary: > NA %*% 0 [,1] [1,] 0 This is surprising. Is it a bug? Note that > 0 %*% NA [,1] [1,] NA > NA %*% 1 [,1] [1,] NA > NA * 0 [1] NA as expected.
2004 Apr 16
1 (PR#6782)
Full_Name: J. R. M. Hosking Version: 1.9.0 OS: Windows 2000 Submission from: (NULL) ( Browsing the code of, I see cn[m] <- paste("..adfl.", cn[m], sep = "") and 5 lines later names(x) <- sub("^..adfl.", "", names(x)) It looks as though the latter should be names(x) <- sub("^\\.\\.adfl\\.",
2004 Feb 25
PWM Help
I saw a Help e-mail related to MLE. Does R have a probability weighted method (PWM) estimator function? I can't seem to find anything on PWM, unless my eyes are playing trick on me. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2001 Nov 09
Installing packages
Hello, I have upgraded from Mandrake Linux 8.0 to Mandrake 8.1 and try to reinstall my favourite R... Everything is OK for the base software but I have trouble to get some packages installed. Specifically, for some packages, a "collect2" binary seems to be necessary during the compilation/linking process of the library, and LD complains about not finding it : Installing source
2006 Jul 11
Dropping unused levels of a factor that has "NA" as a level
Is this a bug? > f1 <- factor(c("a", NA), levels = c("a", "NA") ) > f2 <- f1[, drop = TRUE] > f2 [1] a <NA> Levels: a <NA> I would have expected f2 to have only one level, "a". It seems to me that the code in [.factor does not follow the advice in help("factor") on how to set factor codes to be
2012 Nov 17
[LLVMdev] Purdue LLVM Social: GreyHouse 12/6 @ 8:30pm
Dr Hosking, interested in coming to this? Michael Goldfarb, interested in coming to this? -- Sean Silva On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 12:53 AM, Joe Abbey <jabbey at> wrote: > First LLVM Social in West Lafayette, IN. > > When: > Thursday, Dec 6th @ 8:30pm > > Where: > GreyHouse Coffee > 100 Northwestern Avenue > West Lafayette, IN 47906 >
2008 Jul 19
axis() ignores supplied value of argument mgp[3]?
It seems that when an argument 'mgp' is supplied to axis(), the mgp[2] value (position of tick mark labels) is honoured but the mgp[3] value (position of axis line) is ignored. Example: plot(1:5, xaxt='n', ann=FALSE) par(mgp=c(0,2,1)) axis(1, at=2:4, mgp=c(0,-2,-3)) Axis line is plotted at margin line 1, tick mark labels at line -3. Is this a bug? J. R. M. Hosking
2007 Feb 25
Dear Sir in the following example,is the vector lmom a l-moment ratios vector? What is meant by size = northCascades[,1]? And what are the values in c(0.0104,0.0399,0.0405)? Please help me I am unable to understand these from help manual. Best Regards AMINA data(northCascades) lmom <- c(1, 0.1103, 0.0279, 0.1366) kappaParam <- kappalmom(lmom) heterogeneity(500, 19, size =
2002 Sep 18
contrasts in lm~-1+(numeric.variable)/(factor) (PR#2037)
Full_Name: J. R. M. Hosking Version: 1.5 OS: Windows 2000 Submission from: (NULL) ( Here is a test case: # Some arbitrary data # v1<-1:12 v2<-cumsum(v1) v3<-cumsum(v2) f<-factor(rep(c("a","b","c"),4)) y<-c(1,4,2,7,5,8,7,9,6,10,12,10) print(cbind(y,f,v1,v2,v3)) # # Fit a regression model with no intercept, and different slopes # for each
2001 Aug 03
String Length Limit (PR#1040)
Full_Name: Antonio Possolo Version: 1.3.0 OS: Linux Submission from: (NULL) ( If one attempts to read a character string from a file using scan, and the string comprises more than 8190 characters, then the string is truncated to this length, and no warning is issued. I've observed this both in the Linux and Win implementations of R 1.3.0. S-PLUS (v. 6.0 rel. 1 for Sun SPARC0
2003 Jul 25
R won't use http_proxy (PR#3558)
Full_Name: Michael Watson Version: 1.7.1 OS: Suse Linux 8.1 Submission from: (NULL) ( I am using Suse Linux 8.1: IAHC-LINUX03:~ # uname -a Linux IAHC-LINUX03 2.4.20-64GB-SMP #1 SMP Mon Mar 17 17:56:03 UTC 2003 i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux and R 1.7.1: IAHC-LINUX03:~ # R --version R 1.7.1 (2003-06-16). Copyright (C) 2003 R Development Core Team R is free software and comes with
2006 Feb 14
> addmargins(UCBAdmissions, FUN = list(Total=sum)) works with no problems, but consider: > myFUN <- list(Total=sum) > addmargins(UCBAdmissions, FUN = myFUN) Error in "names<-.default"(`*tmp*`, value = "") : names() applied to a non-vector Is this a bug? > R.version _ platform i386-pc-mingw32 arch i386 os mingw32 system
2007 Sep 16
Factorial, L-moments, and overflows
Hi everyone, In the package POT, there is a function that computes the L-moments of a given sample (samlmu). However, to compute those L-moments, one needs to obtain the total number of combinations between two numbers, which, by the way, requires the use of a factorial. See, for example, Hosking (1990 , p. 113). How does the function "samlmu" in the package POT avoids overflows? I
2001 Jul 18
Rd2dvi - script (PR#1029)
Full_Name: Ole Christensen Version: 1.3.0 OS: Solaris Submission from: (NULL) ( I have discovered a problem with script Rd2dvi for R-1.3.0 on our Solaris machines. When writing R CMD Rd2dvi Name_of_Package, then things go wrong with the conversion to Latex of the DESCRIPTION file in the package. Having discussed the problem with our system administrator, he constructed a script
2001 Aug 23
cex.axis in barplot() (PR#1070)
Full_Name: Jerome Asselin Version: 1.3.0 OS: Windows 98 Submission from: (NULL) ( I have a hard time to magnify the axis annotations in barplot() Here are some examples: #This one has no effect. barplot(1:3,names.arg=1:3,cex.axis=3,xlab="x",ylab="y") #This one magnifies the x and y labels
2001 Nov 27
Table Command (PR#1182)
Full_Name: Manisha Desai Version: 1.3.0 OS: UNIX Submission from: (NULL) ( There may be a bug in the table command. The value of 0 does not appear to show up (at least in this version of R). The following is an example: > blah<-c(rep(1,100),rep(0,100)) > table(blah) Gives the following: blah 1 100 Doing a summary shows that blah does contain values of 0. >
2001 Jun 28
core dump running modreg-Ex.R (PR#1002)
Full_Name: George N. White III Version: R-1.3.0 OS: Irix 6.5 Submission from: (NULL) ( R-1.3.0 was built on Irix 6.5 using gcc and MIPSPro f90. This combination has worked for previous versions, in particular R-1.2.3. $ cd test/Examples $ ../../bin/R --vanilla < modreg-Ex.R > modreg-Ex.Rout This worked in R-1.2.3. It looks like there were a number of cosmetic changes
2006 May 01
Use of hosking.sim R function
Dear all: My experience in using hosking.sim to generate random time series is that it requires an n-length autocorrelation function (ACF; order 0 to n-1) to generate n-length random vectors. I have attempted to utilize shorter than n-length (i.e. truncated) ACF's with hosking.sim to generate n-length random vectors, but the function will not operate for n-length time series without the
2003 Feb 10
Pearson's residuals in logistic regression (PR#2539)
Full_Name: Bin Nan Version: 1.3.0 OS: Win32 Submission from: (NULL) ( The function resid(fit, "pearson") seems not giving the same Pearson's residuals for logistic regression as what Splus does. I found the problem when I fitted glm with family = binomial using Crowder's seed data.