similar to: Job announcement

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Job announcement"

2001 May 30
new book
Just thought I would mention that there is a new O'Reilly book out, "Developing Bioinformatics Computer Skills", which is ok, pretty superficial about some things but at least it lets you know what is happening and where. R gets a few pages in there, 394-396, mostly nice press and accurate except that Bill Venables (hi Bill) may be surprised to find out that he is a member of the
2001 Jul 16
[R] RE: too many arguments in foreign function call
> From: Robert Gentleman [] > > Greg, > you might be better off writing a wrapper, > > R->foo where foo has less than 65 args and does nothing more than > unpack them and calls bar (the original) with as many args as you > want, not much code change and not much cost... Hi Rob, [BTW, sorry about the crosspost
2001 Oct 02
An example (was RE: file connection, while, readLines and bro wser)
Prof. Gentleman (and R-help), Here's an example of what didn't work. I still don't understand why. Function: trycon <- function(file, n) { f.con <- file(file, open="rt") on.exit(close(f.con)) i <- 0 while( length(readln <- readLines(f.con, 1)) > 0 ) { x <- unlist(strsplit(readln, " ")) if(length(x) <= 6 && x[3] ==
2001 Oct 17
Assignment of structures on a given environment]
Robert Gentleman wrote: > On Tue, Oct 16, 2001 at 04:40:34PM +0100, Rita Ribeiro wrote: > > Hi, > > > > In order to avoid deep copies by passing large arguments to functions or > > > > returning values, I'm trying to do the assignment of variables in a > > given environment. The problem is when I try to assign a structure: a > > list for example.
2001 Oct 02
problem with while loop with next (was RE: file connection, w hile, readLines and browser)
Dear R-help, I think I have kinda isolated the problem I had to the following: i <- 0 while( {i <- i + 1} < 5) { if(i < 3) next print(i) } This seems to go into an infinite loop. After I break the execution, i has the value 1. At the R prompt, if I start from i <- 0 and keep typing {i <- i + 1} < 5, it eventually evaluate to TRUE. So why does the while loop not work?
2001 Apr 11
a couple of ideas/proposals
Byron Ellis has been making some progress on a hdf5 library for microarray data (and any other thing you want to put in there). In doing so some issues have arisen that are of more general interest. 1) hdf5 supports annotation (through comments) so it would be nice if the comment function in R became generic. I think this is backward compatible and basically not really an issue of any
2001 Oct 02
RE: problem with while loop with next
Prof. Tierney, Thanks very much for the info. Why does the loop work if I move the assignment out of the condition? E.g., the following works: i <- 0 while(i < 5) { i <- i + 1 if(i < 3) next print(i) } Regards, Andy > -----Original Message----- > From: Luke Tierney [mailto:luke at] > Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 3:36 PM > To: Liaw, Andy
2001 Jan 10
nearest neighbors
Is there an implementation of a reasonable k-nearest neighbor finder already in one of the packages? -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Robert Gentleman phone : (617) 632-5250 | | Associate Professor fax: (617) 632-2444 | | Department of Biostatistics office: not yet
2003 Mar 04
R version conflict.
My mistake :( Seems that there's another R installed by root. So when I use .libPaths() there're two of them: > .libPaths() [1] "/disk/hopper/projects/class/cse514/R/library" [2] "/usr/lib/R/library" How could the second path be enabled then? The R_LIBS have already been set to as the [1] only. Thanks, yan On Mon, 3 Mar 2003, Robert Gentleman wrote: > You
2003 Mar 04
Finally get SJava work
Yeah!! I finally get SJava examples run on linux. The problems is that there's an old version installed on the machine, with static library. Unfortunately, the path of the old version is set before the new version, thus every time when R command is conducted, the old version is invoked (but I didn't know), and since the is not exist in that version, I always got linkage errors :(
2000 Dec 18
Some potential changes (enhancements) to formulas and models
Here is part 1 of my long saga towards a more flexible modeling paradigm. Comments and hints are especially welcome. The simple version: Starting with a formula and data R goes through 3 main steps to get the data into a form suitable for fitting. 1) application of terms 2) application of model.frame (subset and na.action occur in 2). 3) application of model.matrix To be concrete
2002 Mar 18
function design
I have a, no doubt, simple question. I wish to write a function such that a <- 9 b <- 10 changer _ function(x,y) { if (y>x){ x <<- Y+1}} Of course there are easier ways to accomplish the task above, but I am more interested in how to have the "x <<- Y+1" part of the function to change x in place for purposes of a much larger function. I have been wrestling with
2001 Nov 22
p-value using survdiff
Dear all, Does anyone knows how I could extract the p-value in: > survdiff(Surv(tempo,status) ~ grupo,data=dados1,rho=1) Call: survdiff(formula = Surv(tempo, status) ~ grupo, data = dados1, rho = 1) N Observed Expected (O-E)^2/E (O-E)^2/V grupo=1 21 5.12 12.00 3.94 14.5 grupo=2 21 14.55 7.68 6.16 14.5 Chisq= 14.5 on 1 degrees of freedom,
2017 Oct 28
Job opportunity: postdoc or PhD at Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA)
Dear all, The Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) seeks a post doc or Ph.D. candidate in mapping and valuation of ecosystem services from green infrastructure in Oslo. The candidate has preferably skills in Open Source GIS (OSGeo) and a M.Sc./Ph.D. in geomatics with an interest in urban ecosystem services, or a M.Sc./Ph.D. in nature management, landscape architecture, geography,
2001 Oct 11
unary "-" on logicals
"An Introduction to R" says that arithmetic operators coerce logical vectors to numeric vectors. This doesn't seem to be true for unary "-" however: > x <- 1:10 > p1 <- (x > 5) > p2 <- (-p1) > is.logical(p2) [1] TRUE > is.numeric(p2) [1] FALSE Since "==" always does binary comparison, this can lead to some bizarre behavior: > p1
2001 Nov 25
Boxplots using percentiles?
The standard R boxplot appears to use quartiles to determine the height of the rectangles and a range parameter - RNG - (default=1.5 I think) that determines the length of the whiskers as <= RNG x Interquartile Range. Is it possible to instead define the range as extending to the 95th percentile? If so, how would this be done? nb, I'm plotting multiple boxplots on a single chart so a
1999 Oct 20
[ R installation problem]
----- Forwarded message from Stelios Zimeras <szimeras at> ----- Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 11:35:52 +0200 From: Stelios Zimeras <szimeras at> Organization: IRISA, Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes Cedex, FRANCE X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.7 [en] (X11; I; SunOS 5.5 sun4m) X-Accept-Language: en To: rgentlem at Subject: R installation problem Dear Sir, I try
1999 Nov 01
bug in sample (PR#305)
The following appears to be a bug in 0.90 > x<-sample(10,1:4,rep=T) > x [1] 8 > ?sample > x<-sample(10,1:4,rep=T) > x [1] 5 Of course, I forgot the syntax but I still don't like the result. -- +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Robert Gentleman voice: (617) 632-5045 | | Senior Lecturer
2001 Oct 09
list of functions flagged with debug() or trace()
Hello all, Since I got no answer to my first mail, I suspect I did not formulate my question adequately, so I try again. In R, one can debug or trace a function 'foo' with debug(foo) or trace(foo), respectively. This leads to a special treatment of the function 'foo' until one enter undebug(foo) or untrace(foo). I would like to know if there is a convenient way to know at any
2002 Mar 08
Sys.putenv environment variables disappear (PR#1371)
Environment variables set with Sys.putenv() disappear (i.e. become "") after a while, especially after heavy-duty I/O. Example: R> x <- matrix(1., 3000, 3000) R> save(x, file="myx.RData") R> Sys.putenv(HOME="/tmp") R> while (Sys.getenv("HOME") != "") {cat("ok\n"); load("myx.RData")} The loop prints