similar to: Sticky levels (PR#846)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Sticky levels (PR#846)"

2005 Feb 22
Re: R-help Digest, Vol 24, Issue 22
You need to give the model formula that gave your output. There are two sources of variation (at least), within and between locations; though it looks as though your analysis may have tried to account for this (but if so, the terms are not laid out in a way that makes for ready interpretation. The design is such (two locations) that you do not have much of a check that effects are consistent over
2001 Feb 18
I'm running Windows NT4. Rcmd does not seen to read the command line. Rterm and other things work well. For example "Rcmd check --help" fails with the command interpreter trying to find a program or file called "check." What have I missed? -- Bob Wheeler --- (Reply to: bwheeler at ECHIP, Inc.
2001 Oct 04
Summary on random data with zero skew and some kurtosis
Thanks to all who response my problem. Here are my summary : 1. from Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd at> We could try a mixture of normals -- ie flip a coin (use a uniform with some cutoff c where 0 < c < 1 ) to choose between N(0, sigma_1) and N(0, sigma_2). 2. from Michaell Taylor <michaell.taylor at> We could use the gld library to specify the lambdas of
2001 Oct 03
Summary : Generate random data from dist. with 0 skewness and some kurtosis
Thanks to all who response my problem. Here are my summary : 1. from Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd at> We could try a mixture of normals -- ie flip a coin (use a uniform with some cutoff c where 0 < c < 1 ) to choose between N(0, sigma_1) and N(0, sigma_2). 2. from Michaell Taylor <michaell.taylor at> We could use the gld library to specify the lambdas of
2002 Nov 26
unexpected behaviour of rnorm()
Hello everyone. If I do f <- function(n){max(rnorm(n))} plot(sapply(rep(5000,4000),f)) #[this takes my PC about 30 seconds] then I get something quite unexpected: gaps in the distribution. For me, the most noticable one is at about 3.6. Do others get this? Is it an optical illusion? It can't be right, can it? Or maybe I just don't understand the good ol' Gaussian very
2002 Dec 18
Windows binary of Dopt library
Dear R-helpers, Would anybody have a compiled binary version (for Windows) of the Dopt library that is in the development site?. best regards, IOsu -------------------------------------------------------------- Jes?s Mar?a Fr?as Celayeta Dublin Institute of Technology School of Food Sci. and Env. Health. Cathal Bruha St., Dublin 1. Ireland Phone: +353 1 4024459 Fax: +353 1 4024495
2002 May 29
inverse gaussian random numbers
Dear R-people Does someone have a routine to ngenerate inverse-gaussian random numbers. I am thinking of something similar to rinvgauss, pinvgauss etc. in S-plus. best regards Helgi -- Helgi Tomasson FAX: 354-552-6806 University of Iceland PHONE:354-525-4571 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
2001 May 10
lookup function for density(...) objects
Hi folks: Is there a lookup function that returns the variate given the cumulative probability for an object returned by the density(...) function? > mydata _ as.vector(mymatrix) > mydata.density _ density(mydata) > mydata.p80 _ lookup(mydata.density, p=0.8) # is there any function to accomplish this task? Thanks. Rajiv. -------- Rajiv Prasad, Postdoctoral Research Associate,
2001 Feb 24
testing for integer
Dear People, Consider the following fragment of R code choose <- function(n,r) { if( is.integer(n) && is.integer(r) && n > 0 && r >= 0 ) { .C("choose",as.double(n),as.double(r),comb = double(1))$comb } else stop("n must be a positive integer and r a non-negative integer.") } This is a practice function (n choose r), which I
2004 Oct 09
inst directory
R CMD check now balks at my inst directory. It contains a single folder "doc," but apparently any folder causes the problem. If inst is empty, the project checks OK. This was not a problem before 1.9. I've checked the documentation, but don't see a change. What am I missing. -- Bob Wheeler --- ECHIP, Inc. --- Randomness comes in bunches.
2004 Oct 09
inst directory
R CMD check on a Windows system, halts with the following; installing inst files FIND: Parameter format not correct make[2]: *** [C:/AlgDesign/AlgDesign.Rcheck/AlgDesign/inst]Error 2 make[1] *** [all] Error 2 make: *** [pkg-AlgDesign] Error2 *** Installation of AlgDesign failed **** The inst directory contains the sub directory doc with a pdf and dvi file. Any sub directory in inst seems to
2004 Jan 09
Call and memory
I use a large real matrix, X, in C code that is passed from R and transposed in place in the C code. I would like to conserve memory and, if possible, allocate space for only one copy of X -- hence I would like to pass a pointer to the data in the X object to the C code. The Writing R Extensions manual says that neither .Call nor .External copy their arguments. They also say that these
2004 Feb 04
AlgDesign is a new package for calculating algorithmic experimental designs. It will calculate both exact and approximate designs for a variety of criteria. It will handle very large designs. It will also block designs in a variety of ways, including split plotting. You should find it at least as capable as other software for this purpose. I'd normally submit this sort of thing to beta test,
2004 Feb 04
AlgDesign is a new package for calculating algorithmic experimental designs. It will calculate both exact and approximate designs for a variety of criteria. It will handle very large designs. It will also block designs in a variety of ways, including split plotting. You should find it at least as capable as other software for this purpose. I'd normally submit this sort of thing to beta test,
2006 Feb 19
Zigurrat updated
I've updated the Ziggurat normal and exponential generator in SuppDists in accordance with Leong, (2005). A comment on the implementation of the Ziggurat Method. Jour. Stat. Sci. 12-7, 1-4. The fix takes care of problems for very large sets of random values. I tested it a bit on small samples and it seems ok. It will be on CRAN shortly. -- Bob Wheeler ---
2013 Jun 07
[LLVMdev] [cfe-dev] Meaning of LLVM optimization levels
On 7 June 2013 13:53, Dallman, John <john.dallman at> wrote: > It needs to be possible to debug code at any optimisation level. > Yes, I agree. But after O1, sequential execution is a big impediment for optimizations, and keeping the debug information valid after so many transformations might pose a big penalty on the passes (time & memory). That was the whole idea
2009 Jul 01
conditional recoding a variable
I have a variable that identifies citizen type but some of my rows are blank. I want to replace the blank entries with the correct value which is conditional on another variable. In SAS, my conditional statement would be as follow: if citizenType="" and primarylanguage="English" then citizenType ="US citizen"; else citizenType=citizenType; When I try to duplicate this
2004 Nov 16
changing character to a vector name
Dear R People: I would like to generate a vector/variable name from within a loop to be passed to a table function. This is what I have so far: >assign("p1",paste("raw3.df$",rw2$V1[3],sep="")) >p1 [1] "raw3.df$CITIZEN" > Essentially, I want to use the raw3.df$CITIZEN along with another value to generate a table. However, I'm stuck here. I
2013 Jul 14
qemu-system-i386: -gfx_passthru: invalid option
Hi, How come gfx_passthru is now an invalid option? Does it mean Xen-unstable 4.4 changeset 27214 no longer supports vga passthrough? -- Yours sincerely, Singapore Citizen Mr. Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming)
2013 Jul 14
qemu-system-i386: -gfx_passthru: invalid option
Hi, How come gfx_passthru is now an invalid option? Does it mean Xen-unstable 4.4 changeset 27214 no longer supports vga passthrough? -- Yours sincerely, Singapore Citizen Mr. Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming)