similar to: Ruby-style attribute accessors

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Ruby-style attribute accessors"

2006 May 10
ruby bindings odds and ends
In the Ruby bindings, set_X and get_X are renamed to remove the get/set, so MSet::get_matches_estimated() becomes a read-only property (if I have my terminology right) of the Ruby MSet class called matches_estimated. This matches how a Ruby programmer would expect a class to be designed. I was looking through the getters and setters list. I wonder if a few entries shouldn't be there, (the
2007 Mar 22
[911] trunk/wxsugar/lib/wx_sugar/wx_classes: Added default? method for size and position
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2006 May 19
Problems at running Rails at the first time
Well, i got familiar with writing Ruby scripts the last days and thougt to write a web application with a framework. First steps was Rails. I successfully installed Gems, Action Web Service and Rails, at least the installer said so... :D So I took a tutorial to write a small app, but I fail in the step startig Rails with the command "rails myappdir". There are some warnings and error
2006 Jan 03
Newbie Install Question
Hi, I''ve been trying to get rails going on one of our dedicated servers, with no luck. I have ruby installed, gems, etc... When i goto to create my first rails app i get this: rails test /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.13.2/lib/active_record/ associations/association_proxy.rb:6: warning: instance_methods: parameter will default to ''true'' as of 1.8.1
2004 Jun 19
FlexGridSizer question
=begin I am trying to understand how FlexGridSizer works and I have written a small test application using the latest wxRuby 0.4.0 on Win XP (Home). I cannot get static text ''Week'', ''Day'' and ''Date'' line up above the OK button. I have tried all combinations of ALIGN flags, but I either got the text sticking far too close to the left edge of
2007 Mar 22
[916] branches/wxruby2/wxwidgets_282: More Wx::AUI classes, event hooks and sample
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2007 Jun 26
[1082] trunk/wxruby2/doc/textile/hyperlinkctrl.txtl: Added HyperlinkCtrl and HyperlinkEvent documentation
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2007 Apr 02
[938] trunk/wxsugar/lib/wx_sugar/wx_classes: Enable enumerable_controls for ListCtrl and ControlWithItems family
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2006 Sep 04
"include" versus "extend" - what's the difference
Hi, Just wondering when one would use "include" over "extend"? Both seem to bring in methods to the class no? The context is I''m just trying to understand why both are used with the acts_as_audited plugin: Full extract from plugin (used within here): ================================================== # Copyright (c) 2006 Brandon Keepers # # Permission is hereby
2006 Nov 15
[740] trunk/wxruby2: API - Make ListCtrl#get_item return a ListCtrl item corresponding to a row and
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2006 Jun 28
[PATCH] Bug fixes and additions to scoped_access
I found that scoped_access does not re-evaluate the filters on every run. If you are filtering access based on parameters, this can be bad. The scope is set on the first request and then further requests use the last generated scoping. The initial part of ScopedAccess::Filter#before looks like this: @scoping = controller.instance_eval(@scoping.to_s) if @scoping.is_a?(Symbol) This makes
2007 Jan 08
[842] trunk/wxsugar/lib/wx_sugar/wx_classes/treectrl.rb: Fix for TreeItemIds as Integers
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2006 Dec 21
[793] trunk/wxsugar/lib/wx_sugar/wx_classes/treectrl.rb: Moved traverse method in wxSugar
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2006 Oct 23
[709] trunk/wxruby2/samples/dialogs/dialogs.rb: Use paint method again, remove unnecessary global (Alex Fenton)
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2006 Dec 30
[812] trunk/wxsugar/lib/wx_sugar/wx_classes/window.rb: Added find_window and descendants methods
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2007 Apr 03
[944] trunk/wxsugar/lib/wx_sugar/wx_classes/listctrl.rb: Fix bug with endless recursion on not-found items in find_string
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2007 Apr 03
[942] trunk/wxsugar/lib/wx_sugar/wx_classes/listctrl.rb: Implement find_string method cognate with ControlWithItems
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2007 Apr 02
[939] trunk/wxsugar/lib/wx_sugar/wx_classes/window.rb: Add has_style? method, allow find_window to work even if C++ method
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2007 Apr 02
[940] trunk/wxsugar/lib/wx_sugar/wx_classes/treectrl.rb: Align #traverse usage with #each in enumerable_controls.rb
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2012 Sep 28
Overriding class_attribute writers and order of super/extend C.M./included block eval in ActiveSupport::Concern
I have: module MySpike extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do class_attribute :foobar, instance_writer: true end end But, I want to be able to override the class attribute writer and/or instance writer method to do something when the attribute is set via self.foobar = true before or after calling super to set the attribute. Unfortunately, I can''t find a clean way