Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "using R as SHELL in gnu make"
2016 Feb 19
should `data` respect default.stringsAsFactors()?
Hi Peter,
Sorry if I was not clear. Perhaps an example will make my point:
> data(iris)
> class(iris$Species)
[1] "factor"
> write.table(iris,'data/myiris.tab')
> data(myiris)
> class(myiris$Species)
[1] "factor"
> rm(myiris)
> options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
> data(myiris)
> class(myiris$Species)
[1] "factor"
2016 Feb 19
should `data` respect default.stringsAsFactors()?
Aha... Hadn't noticed that stringsAsFactors only works via as.is in read.table.
Yes, the doc should probably be fixed. The code probably not -- packages loading different data sets depending on user options is an even worse idea than hav?ng the option in the first place... (I don't mean having the possibility, I mean the default.stringsAsFactor thing).
In general, read.table() gets
2011 Jul 29
R DDD fortran
Is there an easy way to compile a packages's fortran so that it has the information for ddd or gdb to follow the lines of the code? I seem to remember seeing something about this, but I cannot find it in Writing R Extensions. (I see about Valgrind, debugging a segfault, and some other tricks, but what I really want is to follow the fortran logic.)
Thanks for any pointers,
2016 Feb 18
should `data` respect default.stringsAsFactors()?
Probably been debated elsewhere....
I note that R's `data` function does not respect default.stringsAsFactors
By my lights, it should, especially as it is documented to call read.table, which DOES respect.
Oh, but: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/stringsAsFactors-FALSE-tp921891p921893.html
Compelling. I have to agree.
So, I change my mind.
By my lights, `data` should then be
2010 Mar 05
CRAN nearly down?
Is CRAN having trouble or is it just me? (The web interface is very
slow and install.packages() is timing out and giving me "service not
La version française suit le texte anglais.
This email
2011 Feb 03
S3 method for S4 object
I am trying to extend an S3 method to work with an S4 object as well as the S3 objects it works with, but UseMethod does not seem to recognize the S4 class and dispatches to the default method. Is this to be expected or should I be looking for an error in my code?
If it is not an error in my code, is there an easy way to do this, or do I have to convert the generic to S4 and then make those
2013 Mar 04
enabling reproducible research & R package management & install.package.version & BiocLite
In support of reproducible research at my Institute, I seek an approach to re-creating the R environments in which an analysis has been conducted.
By which I mean, the exact version of R and the exact version of all packages used in a particular R session.
I am seeking comments/criticism of this as a goal, and of the following outline of an approach:
=== When all the steps to an workflow
2008 Mar 14
Buggy Kinderman-Ramage (PR#2846)
Unfortunately, RNGkind is buggy. It will not generate warnings
except the full name "Buggy Kinderman-Ramage" is supplied for normal.kind.
match.arg is supposed to be called before "==" comparison.
Shengqiao Li
Research Associate
The Department of Statistics
PO Box 6330
West Virginia University
Morgantown, WV 26506-6330
2010 Apr 19
I am trying to check my packages with R-rc and latex is failing to find
utf8.def. I presume my latex installation is defective or too old, or
is this file distributed with R and I just don't have a path set
* checking PDF version of manual ... WARNING
LaTeX errors when creating PDF version.
This typically indicates Rd problems.
LaTeX errors found:
2009 Oct 15
R RSS feed
I was trying to subscribe to an RSS feed from
<http://developer.r-project.org/RSSfeeds.html> but IE chokes on DTDs and
Firefox also has trouble with this feed. (I'm not sure if it has trouble
with DTDs in general.)
I went to one of our web developers to see what I should use to read the
feed, and he pointed out that the mix of RSS 2.00 and rss-0.91 looks
like a mistake:
2009 Jul 27
noweb and R
I'm working on the next release of coxme (ready to start some testing), and
have written major chunks of it using noweb -- very similar to Sweave except I'm
generating code and documentation for the code rather than vingetes.
The question: I have directory with .Rnw objects and a Makefile therein that
generates most of the .R files. I don't see any guidance in the documentation
2011 Apr 04
simulating a VARXls model using dse
Using the dse package I have estimated a VAR model using estVARXls().
I can perform forecasts using forecast() with no problems, but when I
try to use simulate() with the same model, I get the following error:
Error in diag(Cov, p) :
'nrow' or 'ncol' cannot be specified when 'x' is a matrix
Can anyone shed some light on the meaning of this error? How can I
2015 Oct 07
Error generated by .Internal(nchar) disappears when debugging
I tested the code on a clean R 3.2.0 session. Not even in RStudio, just to
rule that out.
> sessionInfo()
R version 3.2.0 (2015-04-16)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 8 x64 (build 9200)
[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United Kingdom.1252
[2] LC_CTYPE=English_United Kingdom.1252
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United Kingdom.1252
2009 Oct 13
beta build problem
I am having the following problem building
Ubuntu 9.04 - the Jaunty Jackalope
make[2]: Entering directory
begin installing recommended package boot
gzip: invalid option -- 'x'
Try `gzip --help' for more information.
tar: This does not look like a tar archive
2011 Sep 14
Building R package with precompiled shared library
Dear R users,
we are trying to build a R package that includes a precompiled shared
library, let's say mylib.so. We created the skeleton of the package
and we moved the mylib.so file into the libs folder that we created at
the same level of the folders man and R. Moreover we created the file
NAMESPACE and we added the line useDynLib(mylib, .registration=TRUE).
The building step seems to work
2011 May 06
fortan common block
Is it possible in R to call a fortran routine that sets variables in a common block and expect the values to persist when a call is made from R to a second routine that uses the common block?
If not (as I suspect), is it possible to use a common block in a group of routines that are used together, for as long the routines do not return to R?
2011 Nov 22
Varma models in the dse package
I tried to run the VARMA model in the dse package. I specified a model:
> arma
A(L) =
1+0.244L1 0+0.05L1
0-0.325L1 1-0.234L1
B(L) =
1-0.277L1 0+0.211L1
0-0.206L1 1+0.238L1
and have a TSdata object:
> dfdata
output data:
Series 1 Series 2
1 "difex2" "difem2"
but I get this warning message:
> estMaxLik(arma, dfdata)
Error in
2009 Jul 13
dse model setup help
I tried to specify a model in dse1 but something isn't right. Anybody
have any tips?
Error in locateSS(model$R, constants$R, "R", p, p, plist) :
The dimension of something in the SS model structure is bad.
> dim(f)
[1] 5 5
> dim(g)
[1] 5 1
> dim(h)
[1] 1 5
> dim(q)
[1] 5 5
> dim(z)
[1] 5 1
> dim(p)
[1] 5 5
2010 May 14
S4 default/missing args
I am trying to understand the missing vs default value for an argument
to an S4 method. (I'm not sure if this is a bug or my confusion.) In S3
I can specify a default value for an argument and then both check if the
argument was missing in the call, and use it because it takes on the
default value. I do not seem to be able to do that in S4 as shown by
this simplified example:
2011 Mar 25
a question on R optimization functions
Dear All,
I use nlminb or optim for maximizing likelihood functions. Sometimes,
the parameter values happen to be NA, then the program will hang there
and iterate forever without stopping. No error message will be
produced. So I can not use error catch method such as "try". Are there
any suggestions how I can circumvent this problem? Maybe I can time a
function, and if the time exceeds