similar to: rbind crash (PR#351)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "rbind crash (PR#351)"

2000 Feb 08
installing online help (PR#423)
When I attempt to install the online help for R.99 on Intel RH5.2, I get the following message Substitution loop at /usr/local/src/R/etc/ line 1589, <rdfile> chunk 171 and it stops after a few files. Each time I rerun it, it gets a bit further and gives a different number at the end. I commented out the line 1589 and it works.
2000 Feb 08
installing online help (PR#423)
When I attempt to install the online help for R.99 on Intel RH5.2, I get the following message Substitution loop at /usr/local/src/R/etc/ line 1589, <rdfile> chunk 171 and it stops after a few files. Each time I rerun it, it gets a bit further and gives a different number at the end. I commented out the line 1589 and it works.
1999 Nov 24
scan error (PR#342)
It seems to me the following should work (in fact, it comes from someone's SPlus file). Instead, it reads the first 8 lines and then spits out syntax errors. Using nlines=36 works. Using nmax does not. Intel RH5.2 with R90.0. Debugging shows it must be internal. Jim junk <- scan(file="",list(i=0,r1=0,r2=0,lull="",day=""),n=5*36) 1 3 5 no 1 2 1
1999 May 11
model.matrix crashes (PR#189)
With 0.64.1 on Intel RH5.2, abc <- list() abc$abc$abc <- matrix(1:20) mt <- terms(~(abc$abc$abc[,1]==64)|(abc$abc$abc[,1]==65)|(abc$abc$abc[,1]==75) |(abc$abc$abc[,1]==84)|(abc$abc$abc[,1]==85)) model.matrix(mt,model.frame(mt)) crashes. With ab$ab$ab, it does not. Apparently, the bug I reported for 0.64.0 has just been pushed back one step. Jim
1999 Dec 17
lists of functions (PR#377)
The following works: list(function() 1, function() 2) but this does not: z <- list() zz[[1]] <- function() 1 giving an "incompatible types" error. The second procedure works with other types of objects. Intel RH5.2 with R90.1. Jim -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-devel mailing list -- Read
2000 Jan 25
core dump involving function closure (PR#402)
A user has crashed R90.1 on MS Windows by succesive calls to two of my formula/function interpretors in an order that I had not foreseen. I have checked and this also occurs with Intel RH5.2. I have distilled the problem down to its bare bones as the following set of instructions: func <- function(.mu){ .ch1 <- deparse(.mu,width=500)[-1] .fn <-
1999 Nov 16
Inf in expression (PR#326)
I was getting worried. 0.65 is the first version that I had not been able to crash. Well the following gives a seg fault on Intel RH5.2 with R0.65.1: plot(rnorm(20),xlab=expression(mu[Inf])) You can guess what I was trying to do, as I used infty first and that did not work. (I now know the correct formula.) Jim -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-
1999 Dec 07
Bug list summary (automatic post)
================================================= This is an automated summary of the status of the R-bugs repository. Note that this may be neither complete nor perfectly correct at any given instance: Not all bugs are reported, and some reported bugs may have been fixed, but the repository not yet updated. Some bug fixes are difficult to verify because they pertain to specific hardware or
1999 Dec 14
Bug in R0.90.0? (PR#374)
Dear Sirs, Try the following simple r-program a<-data.frame(1:10) b<-matrix(NA,3,1) z<-rbind(b,as.matrix(a)) While it works well i R0.64.1, it appears to be deleterious for R0.90.0. When I run it, R crashes. I'm using Windows NT on a Pentium II system. Please let me know if you need some other details. Best regards Claudio Lupi -- Dr Claudio Lupi ISAE --- Istituto di Studi e
1999 Apr 07
Bug list summary (automatic post)
================================================= This is an automated summary of the status of the R-bugs repository. Note that this may be neither complete nor perfectly correct at any given instance: Not all bugs are reported, and some reported bugs may have been fixed, but the repository not yet updated. Some bug fixes are difficult to verify because they pertain to specific hardware or
2007 Nov 25
Install repeated library
Hello - I cannot get to<>to obtain and install the repeated library for use of glmm(). Is the web page not active? Can you give me an alternative location to obtain the repeated library? Thank you, Becky Parker [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
1999 Mar 29
problems with formals and get (PR#151)
With 0.63.3, try test <- function(){ fn <- function(a) print("hello") print(is.function(fn)) print(names(formals("fn")))} test() if fn is not quoted in the last line of test, it works properly. test <- function(){ fn <- function() print("hello") formals(fn) <- alist(a=,b=) return(fn)} formals(test()) now try with line 3 of test changed to
2000 Mar 23
dna library
I have just placed version 0.2 alpha of my library, dna, on my web page at The R functions in this library cover most of the basic methods of dna and protein sequence analysis. The library includes ports of CLUSTAL W for multiple sequence alignment and flip for finding open reading frames in a dna sequence. There are an enormous number of interesting and
2000 Mar 23
dna library
I have just placed version 0.2 alpha of my library, dna, on my web page at The R functions in this library cover most of the basic methods of dna and protein sequence analysis. The library includes ports of CLUSTAL W for multiple sequence alignment and flip for finding open reading frames in a dna sequence. There are an enormous number of interesting and
1999 Apr 07
offsets again (PR#159)
1. Try the following in 63.3 y <- rnorm(20) y1 <- y[2:20] y2 <- y[1:19] summary(glm(y1~offset(y2))) summary(glm(y1-y2~1)) Both are the same model, but the first gives the wrong s.e. I don't believe this was a problem in 63.2 2. Besides the strsplit buffer, there appear to be other memory problems causing seg faults. With vsize 12M in batch, I accumulated 9 glm objects in memory,
1998 Jun 02
R-beta: bugs and problems
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1998 Jun 02
R-beta: bugs and problems
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1999 Apr 09
a strange logical bug (PR#162)
In R0.64.0, try as.numeric(,NA,1))) as.numeric(c(T,T,F)) Jim -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-devel mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject !) To:
1998 Sep 15
seq --> Dealing with bugs in R, etc.
>>>>> "Jim" == Jim Lindsey <> writes in a private mail to me Jim> That bug in seq() really has shaken my faith in R. How Jim> many other known bugs are there that we on r-help are not informed Jim> of and which can falsify our statistical analyses??? It is Jim> imperative that patches for such things be made
1999 Jul 01
version 0.5 of my libraries
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