similar to: Inf in expression (PR#326)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Inf in expression (PR#326)"

2000 Feb 08
installing online help (PR#423)
When I attempt to install the online help for R.99 on Intel RH5.2, I get the following message Substitution loop at /usr/local/src/R/etc/ line 1589, <rdfile> chunk 171 and it stops after a few files. Each time I rerun it, it gets a bit further and gives a different number at the end. I commented out the line 1589 and it works.
2000 Feb 08
installing online help (PR#423)
When I attempt to install the online help for R.99 on Intel RH5.2, I get the following message Substitution loop at /usr/local/src/R/etc/ line 1589, <rdfile> chunk 171 and it stops after a few files. Each time I rerun it, it gets a bit further and gives a different number at the end. I commented out the line 1589 and it works.
1999 Nov 24
scan error (PR#342)
It seems to me the following should work (in fact, it comes from someone's SPlus file). Instead, it reads the first 8 lines and then spits out syntax errors. Using nlines=36 works. Using nmax does not. Intel RH5.2 with R90.0. Debugging shows it must be internal. Jim junk <- scan(file="",list(i=0,r1=0,r2=0,lull="",day=""),n=5*36) 1 3 5 no 1 2 1
1999 Apr 02
NAME Douglas Bates EMAIL VERSION 0.63.3 PLATFORM i386-unknown-linux SYSTEM Debian 2.1 CC/FC/MAKE egcs/g77/make NAME Martyn Plummer EMAIL VERSION 0.63.3 PLATFORM i386-unknown-linux SYSTEM Redhat 5.1 CC/FC/MAKE gcc/egcs-g77/make NAME Göran Broström EMAIL VERSION 0.63.3 PLATFORM
1999 Nov 18
html help for packages with MS Windows
In the past few days, I have been helping people from Ethiopia and from Kenya to get started with R. We have discovered that properly installed libraries (survival5 or mine) work and the online (with ?) help is available but they do not appear in the html help (under packages) with MS Windows. Only the libraries supplied with R appear there. This is not true with netscape under (Linux) X-Windows
2010 Apr 14
Gaussian Quadrature Numerical Integration In R
Hi All, I am trying to use A Gaussian quadrature over the interval (-infty,infty) with weighting function W(x)=exp(-(x-mu)^2/sigma) to estimate an integral. Is there a way to do it in R? Is there a function already implemented which uses such weighting function. I have been searching in the statmode package and I found the function "gauss.quad(100, kind="hermite")" which uses
2011 Nov 06
how to use quadrature to integrate some complicated functions
Hello to all, I am having trouble with intregrating a complicated uni-dimensional function of the following form Phi(x-a_1)*Phi(x-a_2)*...*Phi(x-a_{n-1})*phi(x-a_n). Here n is about 5000, Phi is the cumulative distribution function of standard normal, phi is the density function of standard normal, and x ranges over (-infty,infty). My idea is to to use quadrature to handle this integral. But
1999 May 11
model.matrix crashes (PR#189)
With 0.64.1 on Intel RH5.2, abc <- list() abc$abc$abc <- matrix(1:20) mt <- terms(~(abc$abc$abc[,1]==64)|(abc$abc$abc[,1]==65)|(abc$abc$abc[,1]==75) |(abc$abc$abc[,1]==84)|(abc$abc$abc[,1]==85)) model.matrix(mt,model.frame(mt)) crashes. With ab$ab$ab, it does not. Apparently, the bug I reported for 0.64.0 has just been pushed back one step. Jim
1999 Nov 29
rbind crash (PR#351)
Well here is my (first) segmentation fault for this version (R0.90.0) on Intel RH5.2: x <- matrix(0,nrow=1,ncol=3) y <- c(0.1,10,0.01) rbind(x,y) Jim -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-devel mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the
1999 Dec 17
lists of functions (PR#377)
The following works: list(function() 1, function() 2) but this does not: z <- list() zz[[1]] <- function() 1 giving an "incompatible types" error. The second procedure works with other types of objects. Intel RH5.2 with R90.1. Jim -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-devel mailing list -- Read
2012 Feb 29
Converting a function from Splus to R
I have a function written for Splus, when I run it in R I obtain get an error because the function has the elements "0.d0" and "2.d0". How can I change it to run in R? The function can be found in page 230 from Function is as follows: gauher <- function(n) {# Gauss-Hermite: returns x,w so that
2000 Jan 25
core dump involving function closure (PR#402)
A user has crashed R90.1 on MS Windows by succesive calls to two of my formula/function interpretors in an order that I had not foreseen. I have checked and this also occurs with Intel RH5.2. I have distilled the problem down to its bare bones as the following set of instructions: func <- function(.mu){ .ch1 <- deparse(.mu,width=500)[-1] .fn <-
2006 Oct 02
Trig.Rd typo (PR#9269)
Full_Name: Robin Hankin Version: 2.4.0 RC OS: MacOSX 10.4.7 Submission from: (NULL) ( The first cut line described in Trig.Rd for asin() is incorrect in the ascii version of the manpage. The Rd file reads: For \code{asin()} and \code{acos()}, there are two cuts, both along the real axis: \eqn{\left(-\infty, -1\right]}{\(-Inf, 1\]} and Note the inconsistency between the
1999 Jan 12
RH5.2 bundle
Hello and Happy New R Two points: 1 Noting the existence of 0.63.2 as a tgz file on CRAN, but being careful or lazy depending on how you want to see it, I also note that the binaries for Redhat stop at 0.63.1 on RH 5.1. I recently got the RH 5.2 Power Tools where I was pleased to see R 0.62.4 included, lots of libraries including V&R. This had been compiled into an rpm - does anyone know
1999 Jan 12
RH5.2 bundle
Hello and Happy New R Two points: 1 Noting the existence of 0.63.2 as a tgz file on CRAN, but being careful or lazy depending on how you want to see it, I also note that the binaries for Redhat stop at 0.63.1 on RH 5.1. I recently got the RH 5.2 Power Tools where I was pleased to see R 0.62.4 included, lots of libraries including V&R. This had been compiled into an rpm - does anyone know
1998 Dec 16
NT domains and 1.9.18pSomething
Hi, I'm trying to replace an NT SBS box with a RH5.2 box, and things are proceeding quite well, save a few samba troubles. I've found that the NT4WS (SP4) clients can log in if told to use a samba machine as a "workgroup", but that they can not find a domain controller if told to use "domain" logons. (They have the registry password encryption hack installed.)
2012 May 23
numerical integration
Greetings, Sorry, the last message was sent by mistake! Here it is again: I encounter a strange problem computing some numerical integrals on [0,oo). Define $$ M_j(x)=exp(-jax) $$ where $a=0.08$. We want to compute the $L^2([0,\infty))$-inner products $$ A_{ij}:=(M_i,M_j)=\int_0^\infty M_i(x)M_j(x)dx $$ Analytically we have $$ A_{ij}=1/(a(i+j)). $$ In the code below we compute the matrix
2006 Nov 18
Questions regarding "integrate" function
Hi there. Thanks for your time in advance. I am using R 2.2.0 and OS: Windows XP. My final goal is to calculate 1/2*integral of (f1(x)^1/2-f2(x)^(1/2))^2dx (Latex codes: $\frac{1}{2}\int^{{\infty}}_{\infty} (\sqrt{f_1(x)}-\sqrt{f_2(x)})^2dx $.) where f1(x) and f2(x) are two marginal densities. My problem: I have the following R codes using "adapt" package. Although "adapt"
2010 Sep 21
bivariate vector numerical integration with infinite range
Dear list, I'm seeking some advice regarding a particular numerical integration I wish to perform. The integrand f takes two real arguments x and y and returns a vector of constant length N. The range of integration is [0, infty) for x and [a,b] (finite) for y. Since the integrand has values in R^N I did not find a built-in function to perform numerical quadrature, so I wrote my own after
2017 Mar 14
Rsyncing without RSH or SSH ?
People, This doesn't seem possible - would it be possible to hack a version of rsync to do it? As an exercise, I want to create a VM image (or at least backup of all the files with rsync) from a SCSI drive in an old Red Hat (NOT Enterprise) v5.2 Linux 486 machine (circa 1999 that does have rsync on it but it has protocol problems talking my server). The 486 has: - an ISA Adaptec 1542