similar to: Bug in loglin with variable called "c" (PR#198)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Bug in loglin with variable called "c" (PR#198)"

2013 Jul 06
fitting the null loglinear model with MASS::loglm??
The null loglinear model is an intercept-only model for log frequency, log(f) = \mu For a one-way table the test of the null model is the same as the chisq.test. This can be fit using loglin(), but I don't think there is any way to specify this using MASS::loglm > t1<- margin.table(Titanic,1) > t1 Class 1st 2nd 3rd Crew 325 285 706 885 > loglin(t1, NULL) 0
1999 Apr 14
No LOGLM coefficients
Dear R-helpers, Im trying to fit a Log-linear model on a dataset with bird counts from 60 sites over 14 years for 12 months each (factors for the models). One of the aims is to predict the missing values in this dataset with model predictions. Ive first tried to work with GLM's, that worked fine except for models with one or more interaction-terms. The GLMs run, run .. for hours. So I
2013 Jul 09
probable bugs in stats::loglin calculation of pearson chisq
In running the following example of a loglinear model for the Titanic data, I was surprised to see NaN reported for the Pearson chisq > loglin(Titanic, margin=list(1:3, 4)) 2 iterations: deviation 2.273737e-13 $lrt [1] 671.9622 $pearson [1] NaN $df [1] 15 $margin $margin[[1]] [1] "Class" "Sex" "Age" $margin[[2]] [1] "Survived" Tracing it back,
2015 Oct 22
C_LogLin (stats/loglin)
Kai, Apologies for the double message, it didn't go to the list last time. On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 9:59 AM, Kai Nitschke < kai.nitschke at> wrote: > > ?.Call? calls the C/C++ function ?C_LogLin?. But when I am running it line > by line I get > the following error on line 23/24: > Error: object 'C_LogLin' not found > > Hence, my
2004 Jul 21
loglin( tab, margin, start = bad.start ) kills R (PR#7123)
> tab <- array( sample(3^5), rep(3,5) ) > loglin( tab, list(1,2,3,4,5) )[[1]] # AOK 2 iterations: deviation 5.456968e-12 [1] 10909.89 > loglin( tab, list(1,2,3,4,5), c(1,2,3) )[[1]] # OUCH! Process R bus error at Wed Jul 21 17:03:55 2004 this is inconsistent - sometimes issuing this msg several times before barfing: Error in switch(z$ifault, stop("This should not
2002 Jan 30
mosaicplot(formula, data)--- bugged?
I have been tinkering with mosaicplot() and friends as a way of learning R. As part of this, I've written a pair.table() method for mosaic matrices, and would like to extend mosaicplot to work with loglin and logln (MASS) objects. I'm using R 1.4.0 on Win 98. I've been trying to figure out the formula interface, and think there's a bug, but not sure how to find it, yet alone fix
2002 Jul 08
R Libraries for ORDINAL categorical data
Hello All: I know the function loglin() and loglm() from librarary(MASS) performs analysis on nominal categorical data. Are there any libraries, functions or examples available for analysis of ordinal categorical data? I have in mind procedures that can replicate results in Alan Agresti (1984) "Analysis of Ordinal Categorical Data." Thanks, ANDREW
2015 Oct 22
C_LogLin (stats/loglin)
Hi everyone, I have a question regarding a C function of the "stats" package in R. I tried to understand the ?loglin? basic function of the ?stats? package implemented in R. The implemented function itself runs without any problem (perhaps see sample). When I ran it line by line it stopped at the lines 23-24 of the loglin-function; (the following line): z <- .Call(C_LogLin,
2011 Sep 15
question about glm vs. loglin()
Dear R gurus, I am looking for a way to fit a predictive model for a contingency table which has counts. I found that glm( family=poisson) is very good for figuring out which of several alternative models I should select. But once I select a model it is hard to present and interpret it, especially when it has interactions, because everything is done "relative to reference cell". This
2000 Aug 01
anova() on three or more objects behaves inconsistently (PR#621)
anova() on three or more objects behaves inconsistently in R. In R anovalist.lm does a sequential ANOVA using pairwise F tests, ignoring all the other objects, so the larger of the two models provides the denominator. In S anova.lmlist uses the denominator from the largest model (smallest residual df) in the set, as does anova.glmlist in both. I suggest that R's anovalist.lm is wrong (that
2009 Feb 18
indicator or deviation contrasts in log-linear modelling
I am fairly new to log-linear modelling, so as opposed to trying to fit modells, I am still trying to figure out how it actually works - hence I am looking at the interpretation of parameters. Now it seems most people skip this part and go directly to measuring model fit, so I am finding very few references to actual parameters, and am of course clear on the fact that their choice is irelevant for
2000 Aug 07
predict.lm is broken in 1.1.0-patched (2000-August-7) (PR#626)
predict.lm has been broken by recent changes to the patched branch. It fails for all singular fits. An example: library(MASS) data(quine) quine.hi <- aov(log(Days + 2.5) ~ .^4, quine) quine.nxt <- update(quine.hi, . ~ . - Eth:Sex:Age:Lrn) predict(quine.nxt) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
2000 Apr 07
lme questions (was difference between splus and R)
> Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2000 09:55:08 -0400 (EDT) > From: Faheem Mitha <faheem at> [I have given a more meaningful subject line.] > On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, Prof Brian D Ripley wrote: > > > On Thu, 6 Apr 2000, Faheem Mitha wrote: > > > > > I'm running splus 5 on a solaris platform remotely, and running R on linux > > > on my home machine.
2007 Feb 23
Bootstrapping stepAIC() with glm.nb()
Dear all, I would like to Boostrap the stepAIC() procedure from package MASS for variety of model objects, i.e., fn <- function(object, data, B = 2){ n <- nrow(data) res <- vector(mode = "list", length = B) index <- sample(n, n * B, replace = TRUE) dim(index) <- c(n, B) for (i in 1:B) { up.obj <- update(object, data = data[index[, i], ])
2006 Jan 18
Loading of namespace on load of .Rdata (was strange behaviour of load)
Last week Giovanni Parrinello posted a message asking why various packages were loaded when he loaded an .Rdata file. Brian Ripley replied saying he thought it was because the saved workspace contained a reference to the namespace of ipred. (Correspondence copied below). This begs the question: how did the reference to the namespace of ipred come to be in the .Rdata file? Brian did say it is
2003 Oct 30
loglm() uses only a reference to data, and not data itsel f - is that on purpose??
loglm() is a port of an original written for S-PLUS. The fact that it carries only a reference to the data frame is neither intentional nor unintentional, but an unnoticed side-effect. I can see advantages both ways. (I'm not so sure, either, that what you say is standard behaviour for model fitting functions really is so universal.) It would not be too hard to come up with a version that
2010 Nov 08
unknown dimensions for loglm
Dear R-help community, I am working with multidimensional contingency tables and I am having trouble getting loglm to run on all dimensions without typing out each dimension. I have generated random data and provided output for the results I want below: d1.c1 <- rnorm(20, .10, .02) d1.c2 <- rnorm(20, .10, .02) d2.c1 <- rnorm(20, .09, .02) d2.c2 <- rnorm(20, .09, .02) d3.c1 <-
2000 Jul 25
glm and capture-recapture
Hello, I am almost new in R, so perhaps my question will be silly. I try to use R for analyzing capture-recapture data in epidemiology. A cancer registry has different sources of patients. We know in each list, patients already known in all other list. The aim is to use capture-recapture models for estimating the number of patients unknow of all the sources. Because no order in sources, one
2007 Aug 15
Negative Binomial: glm.nb
Hi Folks, I'm playing with glm.nb() in MASS. Reference: the negative binomial distribution P(y) = (Gamma(theta+y)/(Gamma(theta)*y!))*(p^theta)*(1-p)^y y = 0,1,2,... in the notation of the MASS book (section 7.4), where p = theta/(mu + theta) so (1-p) = mu/(mu + theta) where mu is the expected value of Y. It seems from ?glm.nb that an initial value of theta is either supplied, or
2010 Apr 14
Sig differences in Loglinear Models for Three-Way Tables
Hi all, I've been running loglinear models for three-way tables: one of the variables having three levels, and the other two having two levels each. An example looks like below: > <- c("Yes","No") > switch <- c("On","Off") > att <- c("BB","AA","CC") > L <- gl(2,1,12, > T <-