similar to: R-alpha: is.vector of one-dimensional array

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "R-alpha: is.vector of one-dimensional array"

1997 Apr 25
R-alpha: unresolved symbols
I tried to convert hastie & tibshiranis mda package to R but ended with a bunch of unresolved symbols: R.binary: can't resolve symbol 'dbksl_' R.binary: can't resolve symbol 'dblepr_' R.binary: can't resolve symbol 'dqrdca_' R.binary: can't resolve symbol 'intpr_' R.binary: can't resolve symbol 'pack_' R.binary: can't resolve
1997 Apr 16
R-alpha: data in contributed packages
I know, we've discussed this several times in the good old days days of the R-testers list :-), but the problem is still unsolved. I want to include Tibshirani's data in my port of the bootstrap package, but we still have no way of including data in a clean way. IMHO we should have a subdirectory of $RHOME/data for each library, e.g. $RHOME/data/base $RHOME/data/bootstrap Actually
1997 Jun 27
R-alpha: NA in data frame not detected
NA's in a data frame are not handled properly, if the data frame was read in using read.table (but I'm not sure if that is the reason of the problems): (I'm using Debian Linux 1.3) If I read the file *************** 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 ? 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 *************** into R using read.table I run into troubles: R : Copyright 1997, Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka Version 0.49 Beta
1998 Apr 17
development mda package
NEW: CRAN/src/contrib/devel/mda_0.1-1.tar.gz I have made a first shot at porting the Hastie & Tibshirani mda package t= o R ... this is almost not tested at all ... but it works for the iris data and what else could a statistician be possibly interested in anyway = :-) All BRUTO stuff is missing because there are some unresolved symbols: R.binary: can't resolve symbol
1997 Dec 22
I have created the above directory for contributed R packages that are considered as ``in development''. It is intended as a central marketplace for code that is for various reasons ``unstable'' or ``incomplete'' but might be useful for others. If you want to contribute some code, please include a README file in the tar ball describing the problems etc. I have started
1998 Jan 07
tabular environment for Rd files
I have added a preliminary version of a tabular environment to Rdconv and committed it to the current development sources. Syntax: \tabular{format}{ aaa \tab bbb \tab ccc \cr xxx \tab yyy \tab zzz } i.e., the column seperator is \tab and the line seperator is \cr format is a usual LaTeX tabular format string, e.g in the above example it could be `lll' giving three left justified
1998 Jan 26
New design for R html help pages
Hi, I've completed a re-design of the R html help pages over the weekend (without the Kitzb=FChel ski races on TV I would have had some more time ...). The design is actually not from me but from Tanja Afra, a student of our department. Anyway, I've put a snapshot on please have a look and feel free to make any suggestions when
1998 May 04
Updated mass package on CRAN
Hi, I've converted all functions etc. from V&R's MASS library to R ... everything's in mass_5.2pl005-2.tar.gz in the devel section of CRAN. Below is the README: ********************************************************** This is a first shot at porting the whole main section of V&R's MASS library to R --- and only for cool people with a brave heart :-) Porting was done
1998 May 18
R make process
Hi, I've just committed a few changes to the R make process, such that we support the standard ./configure make make install triple from now on. It should be included in tomorrows snapshot sources. The default installation directory hierarchy should be /usr/local on most systems, but this may vary. The installation prefix can be set using ./configure --prefix=3D... and you can see
1998 Jan 16
Packages for RedHat 4.2, Debian 1.3
Doug Bates has succeeded in building rpm's for RedHat 4.2: >>>>> On Thu, 15 Jan 1998 14:57:22 -0600 (CST), >>>>> Douglas Bates (DB) wrote: DB> I finally got r-base to build on a Debian 1.3 machine. The DB> r-base_0.61.1-1_i386.deb file now in the incoming area is for 1.3. These are on CRAN now. DB> I also got an .rpm for RedHat 4.2 to build. It
1997 Jun 09
R-beta: compiling R under HP-UX
Hi, I've trouble compiling R-0.49 (with both patches applied) on a HP-UX sim B.10.20 A 9000/819 machine: ranlib ../lib/libappl.a cd regex; make c89 -Ae -g -I../include -DPOSIX_MISTAKE -c regcomp.c cc: warning 422: Unknown option "-Ae" ignored. cc: "../include/regex.h", line 50: error 1000: Unexpected symbol: "regoff_t". cc:
1997 Jun 09
R-beta: mlbench-0.1 --- machine learning benchmark problems
I've made a package from some benchmark datasets for use with R and uploaded it to CRAN. Here's the Index entry: mlbench-0.1.tar.gz: A collection of artificial and real-world machine learning benchmark problems, including, e.g., the boston housing data from the UCI repository. Written/packaged by Fritz Leisch <Friedrich.Leisch at> Original data sets from
1997 Jun 09
R-beta: mlbench-0.1 --- machine learning benchmark problems
I've made a package from some benchmark datasets for use with R and uploaded it to CRAN. Here's the Index entry: mlbench-0.1.tar.gz: A collection of artificial and real-world machine learning benchmark problems, including, e.g., the boston housing data from the UCI repository. Written/packaged by Fritz Leisch <Friedrich.Leisch at> Original data sets from
1997 Jun 09
R-beta: mlbench-0.1 --- machine learning benchmark problems
I've made a package from some benchmark datasets for use with R and uploaded it to CRAN. Here's the Index entry: mlbench-0.1.tar.gz: A collection of artificial and real-world machine learning benchmark problems, including, e.g., the boston housing data from the UCI repository. Written/packaged by Fritz Leisch <Friedrich.Leisch at> Original data sets from
1998 Mar 17
R-beta: exchanging data between R/Splus and SPSS
Hi, is there any way to exchange (A LOT OF) data between SPPS and R/Splus, i.e., I want to get data from SPSS into R. It is a huge data frame with many columns being factors, so manual conversion is out of question (and there are more data to come). Exporting ASCII from SPSS seems to loose all level names, and the portable SPSS format doesn't look too nice. I've searched S-news and
1997 Apr 24
R-beta: Replot?
Is there some sort of replot function, i.e., reproducing the current plot like gnuplot's command replot? Of course it's easy to issue a plot command twice, but after several lines statements it gets a little bit annoying ... and the plot disappears each time one resizes the window, changes from single plot to multiple plots etc. Just dreaming ... Fritz --
1997 Aug 27
R-beta: CRAN goes HTML
Hi all, thanks help by Thomas Lumley (who provided us also with a beautiful logo!) I've finally made a start for an html frontend for CRAN. It should be available on all mirror sites tomorrow. The master site is at and the usual mirror sites are (IASC archive, Italy)
1997 Jul 10
R-beta: New Packages in CRAN
The following packages have been contributed to CRAN by Thomas Lumley: integrate-1.0.tar.gz: S function and supporting C and Fortran code for adaptive quadrature. The underlyling fortran code is purported to work in from 2 to 20 dimensions. S original by Michael Meyer (mikem at R port by Thomas Lumley <thomas at>. [1997/07/10]
1997 Jul 10
R-beta: New Packages in CRAN
The following packages have been contributed to CRAN by Thomas Lumley: integrate-1.0.tar.gz: S function and supporting C and Fortran code for adaptive quadrature. The underlyling fortran code is purported to work in from 2 to 20 dimensions. S original by Michael Meyer (mikem at R port by Thomas Lumley <thomas at>. [1997/07/10]
1998 Jan 30
R-beta: Submissions to CRAN
As mentioned earlier I want to decentralize the package descriptions of all contributed packages: Please make sure to include a file called DESCRIPTION in every package which looks like: ********************************************************** Package: e1071 Version: 0.7-3 Author: Compiled by Fritz Leisch <Friedrich.Leisch at>. Description: Miscellaneous functions used