similar to: R-alpha: system() ok

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "R-alpha: system() ok"

1997 Oct 20
R-alpha: system() ok -- is.R() function
Martin Your revisions to my S--R compatability code suggest that tempfile() is in R after 0.49. I don't find that to be the case. It requires code from Friedrich Leisch which still has to be added as of 0.50 alpha3. Paul _______ R : Copyright 1997, Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka Version 0.50 Alpha-3 (August 8, 1997) > exists("tempfile", mode = 'function') [1] FALSE >
1997 Sep 18
R-alpha: Re: R-Mailing lists ok again. ..sorry..
Martin Maechler <> writes: > This caused 3 postings (1 to R-help, 2 to R-devel) to be aborted. > For some reason, it also seems majordomo did not save the postings in > a 'dead.letter' or something. > So could you please re-submit them? > These are the sendmail entries: > Sep 17 21:14:21 .. sendmail[9364]: VAA09363:
1997 Nov 10
R-alpha: loop speed
I noticed Doug only circulated the following on S-news, but it may be of interest to R users who don't follow S-news. His findings are certainly consistent with my own, where my problems often force me into the element by element type of situation. Paul Gilbert _______ At the risk of beating this example to death, I went back and compared the execution time for the element-by-element method
2000 Oct 04
R 1.2 build
I've been trying to build a bundle with the R-devel snapshot from yesterday. (Yes I know it is unstable and just tell me if I shouldn't be trying to do this yet.) It is failing with the message tar : /dev/rmt/0 : Permission denied It happens after "removing junk files" and just after the message "building dse_2000.9-1.tar.gz" It looks to be coming from the line in
1998 Apr 02
I have a problem with my dynamically loaded code in R not finding pow_ii, which for some time I thought was because library f2c is not on my Sparcstation. However, I have now been experiencing the same problem in Linux, with all the proper libraries in place. My incomplete understanding of elf and shared libraries does not help, but when compiling a complete program I usually muddle through.
1997 Dec 10
R-alpha: "[.ts" in 0.60.1
I have a class "tframe" with more specific classes indicating how time is being represented, such as > class(tframe(data)) [1] "ts" "tframe" but now "[.ts" produces warning messages > tframe(data)[2] Warning: Not returning a time series object [1] 2006.25 Even my simplest tests produce hundreds of lines of warnings, so I've commented out
1999 Dec 21
DSE revised for R 0.90.1
A slightly revised version of my DSE package for multi-variate time series analysis is now available at <>. This version works with R 0.90.1 (and not with R 90.0 or earlier versions). It can also be installed with install.packages(c("syskern", "tframe", "dse"),
1999 Dec 21
DSE revised for R 0.90.1
A slightly revised version of my DSE package for multi-variate time series analysis is now available at <>. This version works with R 0.90.1 (and not with R 90.0 or earlier versions). It can also be installed with install.packages(c("syskern", "tframe", "dse"),
1998 Nov 18
more on "[<-"
"[<-" in R 0.63 does not appear to strip attributes, whereas Splus and previous versions of R did. Paul _____ R 0.63: > data <- matrix(rnorm(300),100,3) > attr(data, "tframe") <- c(1981.50, 2006.25 , 4.00) > attributes(data) $dim [1] 100 3 $tframe [1] 1981.50 2006.25 4.00 > z <- data[10:90,] > attributes(z) $dim [1] 81 3 $tframe [1]
1999 Dec 01
I just tried to load r-devel (using rsync -r and I get "operation not permitted" when I try ./configure. It appears the permissions and sticky bits are messed up again. Paul Gilbert -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-devel mailing list -- Read Send
2007 May 30
S4 assignment \alias and \usage
What is the Rd file alias and usage syntax for an S4 assignment method? I have been trying variations on \alias{TSdoc<-,default-method} \usage{ \S4method{TSdoc}{default}(x) <- value but so far I have not got it right according to various codoc, etc, checks. Paul Gilbert ==================================================================================== La version fran?aise
1998 Apr 02
I've noticed that the arguments and result list of prcomp in the mva package (with 61.1) are not quite the same as in the Blue Book and in Splus. Is this intentional or can I change it? If I change it who should I send the code to? Paul Gilbert -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-devel mailing list -- Read
2000 Apr 28
Rd files with multiple functions?
There was at one time some discussion about supporting documentation of multiple functions in one Rd file. Is that supported or still in the plans? Paul Gilbert -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-devel mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the
1998 Jan 06
private libraries
My code mostly seems to be working fairly well under R 0.61 but I am still trying to clean up the install procedures. Is the private library mechanism working now (i.e. am I doing something wrong because it doesn't work for me) or should I just install under $RHOME/library? Paul Gilbert -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-devel mailing list --
2003 Jan 10
R-1.6.2 is released
I've rolled up R-1.6.2.tgz a short while ago. This is a minor upgrade, fixing an assortment of bugs. You can get it from the developer site at or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site near you. Binaries for various platforms will appear in due course. There is also a version split for floppies, but due to the inclusion of
2003 Jan 10
R-1.6.2 is released
I've rolled up R-1.6.2.tgz a short while ago. This is a minor upgrade, fixing an assortment of bugs. You can get it from the developer site at or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site near you. Binaries for various platforms will appear in due course. There is also a version split for floppies, but due to the inclusion of
2000 Apr 10
00Index of data
The "data index" is mentioned in the R Extensions Writer guide as >> The subdirectory should contain a `00Index' file >> that describes the datasets available. I'm not sure what the official format is suppose to be, but given that it displays like an index, this has to be a very short description which I find somewhat inadequate. Some of my data sets are multivariate
2000 Jun 27
R as a server in client server computing
I like to have a continuously running R process, which can receive a dataframe from a client (over TCP/IP), does some processing, and sends some data back. What is the prefered way to do this? Using the socket interface? Using omega's CORBA stuff? Does anyone has example code for doing so? Thanks for any help Regards -- Dr. Jens Oehlschl?gel-Akiyoshi Analyse MD FACTORY GmbH Gr?nstr. 15
2000 Jan 17
RNG initialization
It would be nice to be able to initialize the random-number generator with a single long argument; I can see that in principle this could be done by writing an access method, do_RNGinit (or whatever) for RNG_Init. I had trouble with the technical details, possibly because of long/int incompatibilities. Any chance of this happening? -- Ben Bolker
1998 Jun 16
62.1 make problems
I'm just trying to install 62.1 under Solaris. Making the program reports no errors, but when I try to run R I get /home/res8/gilp/R-versions/R-0.62.1/bin/R.binary: fatal: can't open file: errno=2 Is there any standard place where I should be looking to find libF77? When make moves on to building the documents I get the errors below. (Is this because configure did