Paul Gilbert <> writes:
> My code mostly seems to be working fairly well under R 0.61 but I am still
> trying to clean up the install procedures. Is the private library mechanism
> working now (i.e. am I doing something wrong because it doesn't work
for me) or
> should I just install under $RHOME/library?
Private libraries work just fine for me. Are you remembering to set
the environment variable RLIBS to the path for your private library
directory. You can also accomplish the same thing by redefining
.lib.loc as soon as you start up like
> .lib.loc <- c("/home/bates/library/R", .lib.loc)
> library( lme )
but using the RLIBS environment variable is more elegant.
As far as R INSTALL goes I haven't had any trouble with it in versions
0.60 and 0.61
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