similar to: tinc --chroot and generating keys.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "tinc --chroot and generating keys."

2018 Mar 29
Tinc and android 6
Hi, I compiled tinc 1.1pre14 for android 6, then i created the config for tinc. When i try to start tinc, it can not connect to /dev/tun I have looked for information on android/tinc and /dev/tun. The information i found is about system permissions, how can i start tinc on android whitout rooting my android tablet ? And set extra routing to the tinc interface. Greeting from Amsterdam,
2010 Dec 16
tinc node behind nat router.
I have some tinc nodes behind a nat router. Which ipaddress should i use in de host file for the tinc nodes behind a nat router. The internet ipaddress or the private ipaddress ? Perry
2011 Mar 27
tinc will connect to a vde_switch instance ?
Hi, Can any one explain what the following can be used for ? I want to know , so that i can use it in the future :-) > Add support for VDE through libvdeplug. > > When compiled with vde/device.c, tinc will connect to a vde_switch instance > instead of using a tun/tap device. Perry
2013 Sep 21
tinc and mac osx
Hi, I am trying to install tinc on a mac. When starting tinc a /dev/tun0 is created, on linux a device is created with a custom name, something like 'ci00001'. How can i achieve the same result on a mac ? Perry -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2017 Feb 02
Compiling tinc for android.
I am trying to compile tinc on a android tablet. When i do ./configure it does not run because the shell in not /bin/sh but /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/sh. $ which sh /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/sh What do i have to change to make this part of the compile work ? Greetings from Amsterdam, Perry
2010 Aug 04
tinc and voip
Hi, I want to use tinc for voip phones. How can i measure the overhead ? Compared to a direct connection ? How can i reduce overhead when tunneling voip over tinc ? Greeting from Amsterdam, Perry Couprie
2010 Sep 23
Multiple tinc vpns between hosts.
Hi, I configured 2 vpn's between 2 servers. When starting the tinc on each server. De 2 vpns's look like 1 vpn. Can tinc be configure for multiple vpn's between 2 hosts or more. Lets say there are 3 servers A, B and C. I want a tinc vpn between host A en host B. And a second vpn between host B en C without is becoming one vpn. And for example a third vpn between host A en host
2010 Nov 30
3 tinc nodes (2 behind nat and 1 with a public ip).
Hi, I have 3 tinc nodes. 2 nodes, A and B are behind a nat router. And node C with a public ipaddress. I don't now the private ipadress for node A en B. So i don't use a ipaddress adres in the host file for node A en B. For node C is use the public ipaddress. node A en B connect to node C. But node A en B don't connect to each other. What do i have to change to connect node A
2015 Mar 15
tinc and polarssl (openwrt)
Hi, Is it possible to compile tinc against polarssl ? Perry
2015 Nov 04
Removeing tinc node from vpn without restarting vpn.
Hi, I want a way to remove/deny a node from the vpn without restarting all nodes. What i did is to remove the hostfile and the ConnectTo but the node i removed is still connected. I did do a kill -HUP. How do i purge the node that i removed, without effecting the other nodes ? Greeting from Amsterdam. Perry
2011 Mar 23
Tinc graph and label info.
Hi, I use tinc with the option GraphDumpFile=/etc/tinc/ci00036/ In the graph there is the label section: ci00036 [label = "ci00036"]; ci00037 [label = "ci00037"]; ci00038 [label = "ci00038"]; Is there an option to set the label in the tinc config file or host file to a custom text ? Something that is easy to read and has some meaning
2010 Sep 05
Maximum device name ?
Hi, How long can the the tinc netname be ? -n, --net=NETNAME Connect to net NETNAME. Perry
2010 Oct 01
Multiple interfaces
Hi, When is start one vpn i get the following result: tinc10703003005 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr C2:F7:7B:75:47:1A inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::c0f7:7bff:fe75:471a/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX
2018 Apr 18
Tinc configuration for PowerPC
I installed a cross-compiler for PowerPC 603e (OSELAS-Toolchain from Pengutronix) on an i686 machine with Fedora 24. All steps for compiling tinc ( worked successfully. After compiling I verified the file type (file tincd) obtaining: tincd: ELF 32-bit MSB shared object, PowerPC or cisco 4500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked,
2010 Mar 01
tinc on Gentoo
net-misc/tinc-1.0.12 works for me on amd64 1. there is an official ebuild for 1.0.11, but not for 1.0.12 yet 2. my -r1 contains changed initscript 'tincd.lo' to be used like net.lo by ln -s tincd.lo tincd.vpn_name and then calling tincd.vpn_name to start/stop 3. it is in my overlay together with latest versions of some other software:
2011 Nov 12
tinc behind sslh
Hello Guus. I've reading mailing list archives threads about it at and and now trying to hide tinc server behind sslh multiplexer but without luck. First of all directly it works fine. Initiator (instance of tincd with ConnectTo statement) successfully establishes
2011 Jun 05
Updating to Tinc 1.0.14 on Gentoo Linux
Hello, I'm upgrading to 1.0.14 I did some manual tricks in my Gentoo Portage because seems that upstream Gentoo did not update the portage yet, does anybody know how to Contact Gentoo Linux to have the package updated ? Question 1: I notice in my log file I had many entries like this with 1.0.13: 1307284053 tinc.ninux[15152]: Lost 251 packets from GREG1 ( port 655)
2014 Mar 19
Centos6 x86_64
Hi, I just tried to generate keys for tinc. /usr/sbin/tinc generate-keys When generating the key, the rsa key are generated. But ik get de following error, what does it means. Generating ECDSA keypair: Generating EC key failed: error:100AE081:elliptic curve routines:EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name:unknown groupError during key generation! Perry
2017 Feb 17
Tinc hangs if started with network disconnected
On my system, tinc is started on bootup. If the Network cable is not connected, tincd hangs forever after these messages: 2017-02-13 11:34:01 tinc.XXX[403]: tincd 1.0.31 starting, debug level 5 2017-02-13 11:34:01 tinc.XXX[403]: /dev/net/tun is a Linux tun/tap device (tun mode) 2017-02-13 11:34:01 tinc.XXX[403]: Executing script tinc-up 2017-02-13 11:34:02 tinc.XXX[403]: Listening on port
2016 Jan 22
Error starting tinc
I get this error starting tincd: tincd -n vpndr -d5 -D tincd 1.0.26 (Jan 22 2016 19:28:17) starting, debug level 5 /dev/net/tun is a Linux tun/tap device (tun mode) Executing script tinc-up System call `getaddrinfo' failed: Name or service not known Terminating Also keepalived return an error when tincd start. Starting as a daemon. Joutnalctl show this: Jan 22 23:14:49 systemd[1]: