similar to: tinc init-script

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "tinc init-script"

2012 Mar 21
switch mode, how to give a public IP behing a NAT
Hi all, I use tinc since 2 years between my MPLS sites in router mode, works like a charm. Today i am trying to make an ethernet bridge beetween 2 sites for video conference needs, the raison is that 1 side is behind nat, and i dont have access on the gate, other side is on public range. Because off H323 that doesn't handle unconfigured NAT, i would like to give a public IP to the video
2011 Oct 12
How to run tinc instances
Hello, I would like to run two tinc instances to connect one machine to two separate VPNs. Starting the second instance fails with /dev/net/tun is a Linux tun/tap device (tun mode) Can't bind to port 655/tcp: Address already in use Can't bind to :: port 655/tcp: Address already in use Unable to create any listening socket! Is it possible to have several tun devices? With what
2011 Sep 15
Problem with init script of tinc in debian squeeze
Hi, I am running Tinc on debian squeeze, when I reboot, the tincd daemon is not running at all, despite having the right link in rc2.d: root at box /etc/rc2.d [9]# ls S03tinc* S03tinc When I do /etc/init.d/tinc start, it works fine. Any idea what is the problem? Best, -- Benjamin Henrion <bhenrion at> FFII Brussels - +32-484-566109 - +32-2-4148403 "In July 2005, after
2014 Dec 04
init script for tinc-1.1pre10
HI, Is there an init script to start stop tinc tinc-1.1pre10 for debian. I am running tinc -n name --pidfile /dir/name start from /etc/rc.local sometimes it's not creating the pid file but I see the process running. It would be great if we can manage it from /etc/init.d/ Thanks Anil -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2010 Sep 20
Tinc performance on a Dir-300
Hi, we are using Tinc in our Freifunk Network in Oldenburg for internode connections over the internet. So Tinc is running on OpenWrt 10.03 on Dlink Dir-300 Routers. We all have enough internet bandwith (1,6 MB/sec and more) but we only get a maximum speed of ~350KB/sec between two tinc nodes because then tinc uses 99% of the cpu. Is it possible to get more Speed with tinc on this machines?
2010 Mar 08
Contradiction in documentation
Hi, I'm reading the tinc documentation [1], chapter 4 Configuration. I notice an apparent contradiction, and I wonder which part is correct. [1] In part 4.3 "How connections work" this is stated: "If it [tinc] sees one or more ?ConnectTo? values pointing to other tinc daemons in that file, it will try to connect to those other
2011 Jun 05
Updating to Tinc 1.0.14 on Gentoo Linux
Hello, I'm upgrading to 1.0.14 I did some manual tricks in my Gentoo Portage because seems that upstream Gentoo did not update the portage yet, does anybody know how to Contact Gentoo Linux to have the package updated ? Question 1: I notice in my log file I had many entries like this with 1.0.13: 1307284053 tinc.ninux[15152]: Lost 251 packets from GREG1 ( port 655)
2010 Mar 12
Routing issue
Hi, I just set up tinc between two hosts (for now). All seems to work fine, but now I run in to a routing issue: I gave both of my vpn routers an IP in the range, and used the Subnet-directive to inform tinc of this. This works fine, I can ping both hosts from both sides of the vpn. Ofcourse both vpn routers give access to other subnets, but they don't know the IP-ranges
2015 Sep 24
tinc initialization (in both Red Hat and Debian families)
Hello all, Thank you for tinc, that is an **excellent** and useful package! Taking into account that both Red Hat and Debian (8.x) families now use systemd, there is, IMHO, one small. but important correction to be done: tinc's initialization. IMHO, we need: 1. A proper tinc.service file, included by default (prepackaged) in the stock .deb and .rpm packages in Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu,
2016 Oct 09
Win32: problem with tinc-up script
Hello. Yet again I fight with tinc-up script on windows. Long time ago I added hastly commit to fix it: f61fd437ca36ff03cd669726894a09ae4e128427 Unfortunately, its not enough.. So I decided to change aproach. Here it is: git:// branch: tap_wait Im using iphlpapi to wait for windows IP stack to settle with newly initialized device. After that, when tinc-up is called, you
2016 Oct 11
Win32: problem with tinc-up script
Okey, this is new and better version. Now we handle wait up to hardcoded (for now) value. After wait (IP stack reconf or timeout) we launch 'tinc-up' script. To handle initial TAP device traffic, script is now launched in separate thread. This version works 100% for me under Win2003. ---------- Original message ---------- From: borg at To: tinc-devel at Subject: Re:
2016 Oct 24
Win32: problem with tinc-up script
Okey, after more extensive R&D and testing I came up with 2 final solutions: 1) external tool: wipchg 2) internal tincd: wait_device(int secs) Both solution works 100% time (tested on Win2003). I publish them here, so interested parties can do they own testing. 1) You need Mingw compiler to build this. 2)
2015 Jan 12
[SOLVED] Re: TINC config files layout not human or script friendly
Hello Tinc users & Guss: I was sleeping last night and I figured out how to accomplish everything I ranted about below with no source code changes to TINC. The first thing to do is create TEMPLATES for tinc.conf, tinc-up, and the NODE files. Then during the startup script, use the linux cp command and sed to copy the template to the correct name and sed to text replace
2015 Jan 12
TINC config files layout not human or script friendly
I would say the weakest part of the TINC design is the configuration file layout. There is no way to split out the essentially static configuration for all nodes in the cluster and isolate the node specific settings to one configuration file. So that means I have to keep an inventory of configuration files per node so I can edit and deliver them and keep everything straight. The private
2000 Aug 21
Rewritten script /etc/init.d/tinc
THis is the modified script that came with tinc 1.0pre2, and it now uses ifconfig in stead of ip-route. I changed the syntax to be correct (may already have been fixedin a newer version), it now checks whether or not there is a '/dev/tapX' or a '/dev/netlink/tapX' and it checks if there is a module or not. I also added the force_connect and the reload options. Force_connect send
2007 Sep 02
other crypto apis
Hi I'd like to make tincd work with other crypto apis than openssl/ libcrypt. I've learned from the subversion repository that an effort was started to port it to gnu-tls. I for myself would like to get tincd linking against xyssl (1) because it is very lightweight and thus an adequate option on devices with little memory and disk/flash space, i.e. embedded systems. Now i'm
2001 May 17
tinc fails because of firewall script
Hi Tinc Mailing-Group, I am a bit stuck with firewalling rules at the moment. Maybe someone could please advise me a good rc.firewall script to use on my setup. If anyone runs an ipchains firewall script on their linux box which is ALSO running tinc, could they please mail it to me, for my perusal. I have tinc pre3 set up and working on my systems, however I can only get it to work if I set the
2010 Mar 01
tinc on Gentoo
net-misc/tinc-1.0.12 works for me on amd64 1. there is an official ebuild for 1.0.11, but not for 1.0.12 yet 2. my -r1 contains changed initscript 'tincd.lo' to be used like net.lo by ln -s tincd.lo tincd.vpn_name and then calling tincd.vpn_name to start/stop 3. it is in my overlay together with latest versions of some other software:
2010 Nov 09
question from openvpn user, how to "redirect-gateway" in tincd
Hello, today I was trying to do something easy I did with openvpn before. I have a server, and a few clients will connect to the server and route their internet traffic into the tunnel. The server then makes NAT. To configure clients in OpenVPN there was this directive called: --redirect-gateway that basically (copy and paste from OpenVPN man): 1) Create a static route for the --remote address
2018 Aug 01
avoiding duplicate IPs in tinc scripts
Currently I have the local tinc node's VPN IP in both the tinc-up script as well as in its hosts/$NODE file Subnet setting. Can this be avoided, to simplify deployment? Actually I am currently using a DNS lookup in the tinc-up script to get the local VPN IP ($NODE.myvpndomain), but this fails if DNS isn't ready when tinc-up is run. (DeviceStandby=yes fixes this, but then the