similar to: tinc configuration question

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1300 matches similar to: "tinc configuration question"

2008 Sep 10
tinc on fedora core 8
Hello, I would like to install the latest tinc software on a fedora 8 Linux box. I tried the rpm for FC3 from, and I got dependency errors complaining that is needed. I've got openssl rpm package installed which uses a different versino of libcrypto, and creating symbolic links won't solve the issue. Then I found this article
2019 Nov 29
Wine release 4.21
The Wine development release 4.21 is now available. What's new in this release (see below for details): - HTTP proxy configuration through DHCP. - Parameter block support in D3DX9. - A few more dlls converted to PE. - Various bug fixes. The source is available from the following locations:
2018 May 10
Tinc 1.1pre15 double-crash
Hello, this morning I apparently had tinc crash on me. In 2 independent tinc clusters of 3 nodes each (but located in the same datacenter), one tinc process crashed in each of the clusters. One process apparently with `status=6/ABRT`, the other with `status=11/SEGV`. Interestingly, they crashed with only 5 minutes difference. The only thing I can come up with that might explain this correlation
2014 Jan 07
Security: Best practices, apparmor, -L, -R, -U
Hey List, Hey Guus, I would now like to secure my tinc installation. From the man page I see the following. -L I put EXTRA="-L" in /etc/default/tinc and tinc still works. -R Do I have to put libraries and device files under /etc/tinc/NETNAME to build a functional chroot jail ? Currently lsof reports these open resources for tincd: lsof -p $( pgrep tincd ) -n COMMAND PID USER FD
2015 Dec 30
Hi, I have successfully connected a network of about 60 nodes (many of which are virtual machines) with tinc 1.0 but encounter a severe bug when physical connectivity between two major locations is lost and then reconnected. From what I gathered, many nodes attempt to connect to many other nodes, causing 100% CPU load on all nodes, taking down the whole network with no node succeeding connecting
2017 May 26
What/why this event happens: Can't write to Linux tun/tap device (tun mode) /dev/net/tun: Input/output error
Hi, All Due to some routing rotation purpose, I use crontab to add below info: 0 * * * * echo Subnet = >> /etc/tinc/myvpn/hosts/aws_sgp 0 * * * * echo Subnet = >> /etc/tinc/myvpn/hosts/aws_sgp 1 * * * * /usr/sbin/tincd -n myvpn -k 1 * * * * /usr/sbin/tincd -n myvpn --debug=3 30 * * * * sed -i '/\/17/d' /etc/tinc/myvpn/hosts/aws_sgp
2016 Oct 05
Dev: new option to mark all tincd socket of a tincd process
I know i'm new to the list but i'd like to propose something for tincd daemon. I'd like to mark all sockets established by a tincd process with a mark passed as an argument in the command line. What could be the purpose of this new option? The goal of this option is to be able to have several tincd process running at the same time using the same port but using different ip. In
2015 Jan 26
Windows service tincd behaves different from command line tincd
Hello, I have 4 VM's running in Microsoft Azure. They all should have similar configurations except from their tinc ip addresses of course. They run tinc 1.0.24. I have a 5th machine, my development machine. I am able to ping all 4 VM's from my computer when I start tinc from the commandline (tincd -n innomeer -D -d 2). 3 of the computers also work ok when running tinc as a service
2000 Oct 17
setup problems
Hi, Although Im dutch too, Ill write this in english. I got a similar problem then the one on the helpforum. Ill paste my setup first server tincd.conf ---- ListenPort = 8089 MyOwnVPNIP = #VpnMask = TapDevice = /dev/tap0 Passphrases=/usr/local/etc/tinc/passphrases server tapdev ---- tap0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr FE:FD:C0:A8:6F:01 inet
2019 Oct 17
error while decrypting metadata
One of my hosts just rebooted for the first time in ages, and now it won't connect to any other nodes. The log just contains continual "error while decrypting metadata" errors. tincd[8324]: Error while decrypting: error:060A7094:digital envelope routines:EVP_EncryptUpdate:invalid operation tincd[8324]: Error while decrypting metadata from fairfield_gw (yy.yy.yy.yy port 655)
2012 Dec 28
tincctl localhost timeout
First off, thanks to all who have made tinc possible and continue to work developing it. I hope perhaps in time I can become a useful part of this community. :) I'm having an interesting issue with tincctl and was hoping someone could shed some light on it. Everything seems to work correctly when I build for OSX; however on linux and windows builds, I always receive connection
2015 Feb 01
Tincd fails to resolve domain names before it is started name resolution becomes available.
If tincd is started before name resolution comes up, it keeps failing for ever to resolve domain names in Address= host configuration variable after name resolution becomes possible. I think tincd should succeed in resolving domain names after name resolution becomes available.
2015 Feb 10
Don't wait too much time (for tincd)
Hi! I'm in China now and my Internet connexion is very bad. I ever use the best ADSL provider that I can have. In some case (often), the connexion is lost. At the first time, tincd will wait few time and retry. But, this delay is increased if the connexion can't be made... so, it's quicker to kill tincd and restart it. How it possible to make tincd restart if the connexion
2017 May 05
Subnet authority and trust
Hello, How does tincd determine the subnet(s) of other remote nodes? Does tincd read its copies of the hosts file and parse and follow the subnet information contained in the local files? Or does tincd solely trust the subnet information dynamically advertised by each remote node? In my experimentation, it seems that: a) tincd reads its own subnet(s) from its copy of its own host file, but
2016 Jan 22
Error starting tinc
I get this error starting tincd: tincd -n vpndr -d5 -D tincd 1.0.26 (Jan 22 2016 19:28:17) starting, debug level 5 /dev/net/tun is a Linux tun/tap device (tun mode) Executing script tinc-up System call `getaddrinfo' failed: Name or service not known Terminating Also keepalived return an error when tincd start. Starting as a daemon. Joutnalctl show this: Jan 22 23:14:49 systemd[1]:
2007 Jan 02
how to build complete standalone "tincd"
I'm new to tinc. I have built tincd for Linux FC5. I also have an embedded Linux platform to deal with. I'm unable to build tincd directly on embedded linux, due to compiler missing/incompatible etc. issues. So I wish to build a standalone tincd on Linux FC5, and just ftp this single executable over to embedded linux and use it. How to do that? Right now when I ftp tincd to embedded and
2015 Jan 26
Windows service tincd behaves different from command line tincd
Providing logs will greatly increase your chances of people helping you. Do 'tincd -n VPNname -D -d2' or -d3 or -d4 until you see error messages, do this on both sides. My common mistake is forgetting to copy the public cert to the other side. -Cobin On Jan 26, 2015 5:53 AM, "Henk van der Meer" <hvdmeer at> wrote: > Hello, > > > > I have 4
2014 May 13
Bug: more than one Port line in host file crashes tincd
I found a tincd crash caused by having two "Port" statements in a host's file. I realize this is a bug in an old version of tinc that may be fixed but I spent the past few hours tracking it down so I'm sharing it in hopes others can make use of this info. I was "cleaning" up my Tinc VPN of a collection of OpenWrt routers and tincd started crashing with "Got fatal
2016 Apr 08
Commit 68f4ca7 issues
There are few reasons why I stick to older OSes. In case of FreeBSD its my customized Imunes platform for network simulations... Anyway, back to root problem: gcc -std=gnu99 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DCONFDIR=\"/etc\" -DLOCALSTATEDIR=\"/var\" -DFORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -g -O2 -MT tincd.o -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o tincd.o tincd.c &&\ mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Po
2016 Jul 13
Host not reachable over UDP
Have anything to do with firewall locations, meaning home vs work vs public vs lockdown. Probably not it at all. On Jul 13, 2016 3:22 PM, "Etienne Dechamps" <etienne at> wrote: > That's strange. Can you post a detailed log from the affected node (run > tincd -d5 -D), especially the initialization phase? > > On 13 July 2016 at 16:17, Petr Man <petr