similar to: Latest win32-file commit

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Latest win32-file commit"

2004 Nov 21
win32-file, overlapped added
Hi all, I''ve got overlapped and offset support in both nread and nwrite. The only thing left before I want to release this (as 0.4.0) is to get NO_BUFFERING to work. Unfortunately, I can''t get it to work. Park, I looked at that site you sent (and borrowed some code from it), but I don''t see anything special happening for NO_BUFFERING. I thought it required
2004 Nov 16
win32-file: nread and nwrite
Hi all, I''ve got alpha versions of nread and nwrite now added to the win32-file class in CVS. They seem to work fine, although I''ve noticed one bug in the File#read method. Let''s say we have a text file with "hello world" in it. If I call nread with no arguments, it works fine: fh = File.nopen("C:\\test.txt") p fh.nread -> "hello
2004 Nov 11
File.nopen alpha
Hi all, I''ve committed an alpha version of File.nopen (native open) to win32-file. This is a wrapper for CreateFile(). A quick synopsis: * File.nopen(file,access_mode,share_mode,creation_mode,flags) * * A ''native'' open method. This uses CreateFile() behind the scenes instead of * the _open() function. This allows much greater flexibility when it comes * to
2004 Nov 11
File.nopen alpha - another followup
Hi all, > fh = File.nopen("C:\\temp.txt",File::WRITE_ATTRIBUTES) > fh.hidden = true > fh.close > > I get "test.rb:16:in `hidden='': cannot convert nil into > String (TypeError)" It looks like this line is the culprit: rbPath = rb_funcall(self,rb_intern("path"),0,0); Hm...we could use GetFullPathName() if rbPath is nil. That, however,
2001 Nov 07
WG: Re: Wine and the serial port [LONG]
Hi, I applied your patch and recompiled, but I'm still having trouble. In what follows I've tried to describe some details. The first problem was this: The Comm-Port gets opened with overlapped I/O. However, for WaitCommEvent() we do not specify an overlapped structure. This works fine on NT4 / W2K, but is contrary to the documentation, which specifys that you need to supply an
2007 May 04
[ win32utils-Feature Requests-1435 ] Move native IO routines to the IO class
Feature Requests item #1435, was opened at 2005-02-03 12:19 You can respond by visiting: Category: win32-file Group: Code Status: Open Resolution: None Priority: 3 Submitted By: Daniel Berger (djberg96) Assigned to: Daniel Berger (djberg96) Summary: Move native IO routines to the IO class Initial Comment: The
2011 Apr 19
Error message in package:bayesSurv. Why?
Dear folks, I have been struggling to create what I fondly imagined would be a straightforward adaptation of the package's example to my own dataset, which looks at incidence of depression following the birth of initial and up to 3 subsequent children (4 children in all, with all subjects having a first child). I've regarded these as equivalent to tooth eruption and subsequent caries in
2009 Jun 05
R: Re: R: Re: PXEbooting very slow
I made other tests. It's not a matter of Win98 versus WinXP, things change passing from tftpd32 v310beta to v3.33. This version seems to work fine, but the logs show problems. Here is the complete log with pxelinux 3.82-pre4: Rcvd DHCP Discover Msg for IP, Mac 00:1E: 68:A6:9E:A9 [05/06 18:24:43.816] DHCP: proposed address [05/06 18:24:43.816] 1356 Request 2 not
2004 Nov 13
Sanity check for win32-file
Hi all, The code that I checked in yesterday that seemed to work just fine now fails. When I run this: require "win32/file" fh = File.nopen("C:\\test.txt") fh.close I now get: test.rb:12:in `initialize'': Invalid argument (Errno::EINVAL) from test.rb:12:in `nopen'' Specifically, it''s failing on this in file.c: args[0] =
2004 Nov 16
Re: Win32, file descriptors and rb_io_check_writable()
Hi, > >Thank you very much Park. There is one curious difference I noticed >with the write operations. It seems that there is a line ending issue >between a file descriptor opened with vs File.nopen. You >can see this easily enough by doing something like this: > >fh1 ="test1.txt","w+") >fh1.print "hello\nworld\n"
2007 Dec 10
windows oddity related to alternate data streams
Hi all, I was just looking into what was causing the lag when I open my samba (3.0.27a) shares from windows (XP, SP2). strace showed that directories were being opened and closed a lot, in sequence. Playing with Process Monitor suggests windows is trying to create alternate data streams on for the directory entires: it does a CreateFile with :{4c8cc155-6c1e-11d1-8e41-00c04fb9386d} appended to
2007 Dec 22
slow browsing problem
I was looking into what was causing the lag when I open my samba (3.0.27a) shares from windows (XP, SP2). I see a lot of consecutive directory opening. Process Monitor seems to suggests that windows is being stupid about alternate data streams: it tries to create directoryname:{4c8cc155-6c1e-11d1-8e41-00c04fb9386d}, fails, and tries another sixty-ish times before failing and doing the same with
2007 Sep 25
Using callbacks with ReadFileEx
Hi all, First, I just realized I''ll need to go back and fix some of the prototype declarations for windows-pr. The callback parameters will now need to be set to ''K''. ReadFileEx is one example of this. For purposes of my question, let''s assume ReadFileEx has been declared like so:''ReadFileEx'', ''LPLPK'',
2011 Mar 29
[LLVMdev] Accessing metadata & creating DIVariable
>>> I am  adding local var to existing IR with debug info. I am not using >>> the Pass infrastructure. >>> >>> void InsertDbg(AllocaInst *i, StringRef varname, Instruction, inserbefore) >>> { >>> >>> DIBuilder di(*module); >>> cu = di.createCU        / * How do I get the MDNode of  already in the >>> IR . Instead of
2011 Mar 29
[LLVMdev] Accessing metadata & creating DIVariable
On Mar 29, 2011, at 8:23 AM, Vedavyas Duggirala wrote: >>>> I am adding local var to existing IR with debug info. I am not using >>>> the Pass infrastructure. >>>> >>>> void InsertDbg(AllocaInst *i, StringRef varname, Instruction, inserbefore) >>>> { >>>> >>>> DIBuilder di(*module); >>>> cu =
2011 Jun 02
Problem to execute a function loading by my package that I created
Hello, I'm a beginner on R. I should create a package on R. The name of my package is SGeMS. In my package, I have a big program writed in C++. This program compiles in C++. I put this program in SGeMS/src. In my program, I added a header file and a source file named respectively CreateFile.h and CreateFile.cpp. CreateFile contains 5 functions : File, FileGeneral, FileData, FileVariogram and
2004 Nov 06
Calling CreateFile on an instance of File - possible?
Hi all, I''m going over win32-file this weekend. I''m creating instance methods for setting (or unsetting) the various file attributes. So, you can do something like: f ="foo.txt") f.archive = true f.hidden = true f.close This works for the basic attributes, but it requires extra work for others. Specifically, I am having trouble trying to set the
2004 Aug 06
Please 30 second to look a my code
Well, you seem to be using FRAME_SIZE but only defining frame_size. Otherwise, the code looks OK, but it's always hard to tell. I suggest you start from speexenc/speexdec or from the example I wrote in the manual at: Jean-Marc Le ven 19/12/2003 à 05:22, Fabio a écrit : > Hi > i'm developing a sort of VoIP application > for my
2010 Mar 25
CreateFile \\\\.\\x: non-root
Hello, I have a usb data aquisition device interfaced by mass storage protocol. I open it like: hEcgDrive=CreateFile("\\\\.\\g:", GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING | FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, NULL); for communication I use DeviceIoControl(hEcgDrive,
2007 Oct 27
Who wants to take a stab at IO.foreach?
Hi all, Anyone want to help with a native IO.foreach? I''m missing some of the critical logic here. This currently just does a straight BYTE_MAX data read, instead of a line by line data read, and doesn''t deal with lines split between multiple reads. I checked strtok into CVS (for windows-pr) if anyone wants to use that instead of String#split. It''s in