similar to: $LOAD_PATH patch

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "$LOAD_PATH patch"

2007 Sep 21
win32-file-stat bug
Heya all, Anyone have any ideas on this one? It''s easy enough to rescue, I''d just like to know what MRI does in this case, so we can duplicate it. Regards, Dan
2011 Nov 18
Git branch with compiling fixes for win32
Well, I have been away a couple of days, so I don't know if I'm in time, but I reported a memory leak and submitted a patch a couple of months ago. It would be nice if it can make it in. I first reported the leak here: And the patch is here:
2004 Dec 10
win32-process 0.3.1 is out
Hi all, Just wanted to let you know that I released 0.3.1 last night. This addresses Bug #712 and incorporates Patches #1087 and #1137 (thanks Aslak). I''ll try to get an open4 implementation out this weekend, though I noticed that Aslak''s patch is different than what Park originally had, so I''ll have to decide which I prefer, or if they can be blended somehow.
2004 Nov 23
streams in fork
hi all, is there a way to use fork with redirected streams? i mean in a similar way that ruby''s standard open3 does it. i''d like to be able to read the stdout/stdin/stderr streams from the forked ruby process in the parent process. cheers, aslak
2006 Nov 03
[PLUGIN] rspec_resource_generator - RESTful scaffold generator with RSpec specifications
rspec_resource_generator ======================== By Pat Maddox Use this generator to generate RESTful scaffolding with RSpec specifications. Syntax is exactly the same as the scaffold_resource generator: ./script/generate rspec_resource ModelName [field:type field:type] When you run this generator, it will create a migration, model, and model spec file. In addition, it gives you a RESTful
2009 Sep 26
html clipboard format
Hi, 2009/9/26 Paul Rogers < at>: > Hi, > > Ive been using the clipboard library with some good success, but really need > to have the html formatted text. Is this possible? Do I just need to create > the type plugin? > Give me a pointer and I can probably write the code next week > The CVS version of win32-clipboard supports the HTML formatted text.
2008 May 20
Multiple tones with win32-sound?
Hi all, Anyone know if this is possible? &atid=414 Thanks, Dan This communication is the property of Qwest and may contain confidential or privileged information. Unauthorized use of this communication is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this communication in error, please
2006 Nov 19
artificial sugar causes cancer
All, If you look at you''ll see that Chad (the submitter) found the source of the bug. Unfortunately, the source of *this* bug is the *solution* to a *previous bug* in which Rails was replacing RSpec''s method missing with its own. When we settled on underscores, my one reservation was
2007 Nov 17
Down with Lambda!!
Rspec is all about using natural language to define behavior. In this context, I feel that lambda is sorely out of place. I was chatting on #irc and a pal of mine (wycats) proposed an interesting alternative: alias_method :doing, :lambda so instead of something like lambda {post :create, {:title => nil}}.should raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) we get doing {post :create, {:title
2006 Oct 31
How to run edge RSpec (on Rails)?
I''m interested in tracking edge development of the RSpec on Rails plugin and I''m a bit confused. The installation guide ( says, "You''ll have to install the RSpec core gem first." It also says, "Take note of what rspec version you''re installing ? it''s very important that you
2004 Dec 01
In my previous mail the last line was supposed to be: "It turns out I probably won''t use fork unless support FOR STREAMS is added to it." aslak
2006 Aug 01
Mongrel Week!
Hey Folks, I''ve been rather absent lately, but I now have this week slated for full-time Mongrel development. The goal is to get a few big fixes into and release that, and then get a pre-release of 0.4 out for folks to test against. Please make sure you put any outstanding bugs into: And any feature
2006 Jul 21
ActiveRecorod observers don''t work in mongrel?
Am i wrong or do ActiveRecord observers not work in mongrel? Is there a work around for this? I am 100% sure of this because in my observer i put raise "whatever". Whenever I try update the model using the mongrel server I get a successful save. If I do it in webrick I get an exception raised. Any ideas what I should do? Because webrick is pretty annoying to work with. Thank
2007 Mar 27
Stubbing out method for all instances
I am using the acts_as_state_machine plugin to control state of an object in my app, however when testing this I need to be able to stub out the guard conditions so that state will change when I fire off an event without depending on other models. Guard conditions simply return true or false so I have an instance method: def encoded? <check state of other objects> return true
2007 Jul 31
Any liberally-licensed open source projects out there that make good use of RSpec?
I''m trolling for example RSpec code. Any pointers appreciated. Cheers, Obie
2006 Jan 17
Does anyone use RedCloth to allow end user input?
I was hoping to use RedCloth for textilize support to allow end users to enter textilized text (In blog comments, for example), but these bugs seem to make RedCloth unsuitable for that purpose:
2008 Jan 01
Compiling wxruby-1.9.2
Hi, I''m trying to compile wxruby-1.9.2. This is my first time using rake. All I get is the following: (in /bld/lib/wxruby-1.9.2) rake aborted! can''t convert nil into String /bld/lib/wxruby-1.9.2/rakefile:48 (See full trace by running task with --trace) And with --trace: (in /bld/lib/wxruby-1.9.2) rake aborted! can''t convert nil into
2006 May 11
Mongrel 0.3.13 Pre-Release -- Out of Hibernation
Hello Mongrel Fans, After about a Month of busy work, bad computers, moving half my house across the country, and other dramas, I''m finally pushing out the next release of Mongrel. This pre-release has lots of little goodies and the start of some documentation that should get everyone primed for the big "Mongrel 0.4 Enterprisey Edition 1.2" coming real soon now. INSTALLING
2007 May 04
Custom Matcher and NAME NOT GENERATED annoyance
Hello RSpec users, Have been using RSpec since 0.8.2 (not too long ago, I must say). and been creating my custom matchers since was defined as "good practice". Also, auto-generated names for the examples is very helpful, I''m trying to take advantage of it. Since I often prior code/define all the "examples", I have created a few matchers to fulfill associations and
2007 Oct 26
Hi all, 1.0.2 final will drop as soon as I get the win32 builds from Luis. Watch for it. In the future we won''t do RCs but will just make point releases, because no one really installed them except for ourselves. This is what Zed used to do and what we should have done all along. Note that the bug tracker is empty: