Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "Main effects and interactions in mixed linear models"
2012 Jun 07
[R-sig-ME] interpretation of main effect when interaction term being significant (ex. lme)
HI Dave,
My comment was based? on:
>The main question with this test was if the interaction term is significant (i.e. growth rate). However, my question is could I also look at the p-values of the main effects to
?>say if body mass increase significant with body mass?"
Here, the result shown were from the summary of the linear model.?? We report the p-values of the main
2008 Jan 22
anova function to test the difference between two coefficients in nlme package
Dear Dr. Bates, and R-help,
I've tried the anova function to test the difference between two
coefficients, as shown on page 225 of your book "Mixed Effects Models
in S and S-Plus (Statistics and Computing)".
When I type: anova( fm2BW.lme, L = c(TimeDiet2 = 1, TimeDiet3 = -1) )
I got the following error message:
Error: unexpected '=' in "anova( fm2BW.lme, L =
2011 Mar 01
Entering table with multiple columns & rows
I'm having difficulty with getting a table to show with
multiple rows and columns. Below is the commands that I've typed in and
errors that I am getting. Thank you.
Table trying to enter:
Diet: Binger-yes: Binger-No: Total:
None 24 134 158
Healthy 9 52 61
Unhealthy 23 72 95
Dangerous 12 15 27
2015 Oct 27
Otras variantes con y sin paquetes adicionales...
> sapply(split(datIn$Gain, as.factor(datIn$Diet)), mean)
d1 d2 d3
280 278 312
> by(datIn$Gain, datIn$Diet, mean)
datIn$Diet: d1
[1] 280
datIn$Diet: d2
[1] 278
datIn$Diet: d3
[1] 312
> library(dplyr)
2015 Oct 28
Me gusta la respuesta uqe has dado, pero si por ejemplo, alguno de los datos tiene datos faltantes, entonces devuelve NA.
He probado con:
sapply(split(datos$uno, as.factor(datos$dos)), mean(na.rm=TRUE))
pero da fallo.
¿Cómo se podría hacer para que devolviera además la media obviando los NA y que contara el numero de NA por categoria?
> Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2015 00:13:45 +0100
> From: cof
2015 Oct 27
Cuando existia epicalc, había una manera muy fácil de determinar la media de una variable (en esta caso Gain) por grupos, en este caso (Diet). ?Como se puede hacer ahora?
Diet Gain
1 d1 270
2 d1 300
3 d1 280
4 d1 280
5 d1 270
6 d2 290
7 d2 250
8 d2 280
9 d2 290
10 d2 280
11 d3 290
12 d3 340
13 d3 330
14 d3 300
15 d3 300
2012 Sep 28
changing outlier shapes of boxplots using lattice
This is Elaine.
I am using package lattice to generate boxplots.
Using Richard's code, the display was almost perfect except the outlier
Based on the following code, the outliers are vertical lines.
However, I want the outliers to be empty circles.
Please kindly help how to modify the code to change the outlier shapes.
Thank you.
package (lattice)
dataN <-
2009 Jul 06
ReShape chicks example - line plots
In the examples from the ReShape package there is a simple example
of using melt followed by cast that produces a smallish amount of
output about the chicks database. Here's the code:
names(ChickWeight) <- tolower(names(ChickWeight))
chick_m <- melt(ChickWeight, id=2:4, na.rm=TRUE)
DietResults <- cast(chick_m, diet + chick ~ time)
My challenge
2018 May 04
Regression model fitting
Hi all ,
I have a dataframe (Hypertension) with following headers :-
> Hypertension
ID Hypertension(before drug A) Hypertension(On drug A) On drug B? Healthy diet?
1 160 90 True True
2 190
2013 Jan 12
panel failure in xyplot
I ran the code below but it said:
no object "'panel.xyplot.intermediate.hh'"
Please kindly advise how to modify the code.
thank you.
(It works with panel.bwplot.intermediate.hh)
# data input
dataN <-read.csv("H:/R_data/Mig_bird_586.csv",header=T, row.names=1)
diet.code <-
2013 Jan 12
color in xyplot
I want to draw a xyplot.
Its dots will have three colors: red for meat, green for vegetable, and
blue for both.
I used the code below but could not make the dot in the same group show the
same color.
Please kindly advise how to modify it.
Thank you.
library (lattice)
diet.code <- c("Herbivore", "Omnivore", "Carnivore")
Diet.colors <-
2008 Jul 30
bug in 'margins' behavior in reshape - cast
according to the documentation of the cast function in the reshape function,
I would expect this bit of code from the examples to calculate marginal
means over only the 'diet' variable.
#Chick weight example
names(ChickWeight) <- tolower(names(ChickWeight))
chick_m <- melt(ChickWeight, id=2:4, na.rm=TRUE)
cast(chick_m, diet + chick ~ time, mean, margins="diet")
2004 Aug 26
Error TukeyHSD
I am running the following code on the coagulation data and I am getting
an error. Please let me know
if I am missing anything from my code.
coag<- matrix( scan("//Samba3/nair/R/blood.dat", sep=","), 24, 3,
colnames(coag) <- c("time","diet","order")
coag <- as.data.frame(coag)
oneway.test(time ~ diet, data=coag,
2009 Aug 11
nested repeated measures MANOVA using adonis
I am trying to apply a permuation-based MANOVA (Anderson 2001) to a set of
morphological data from three ecomorphs of fish reared under two different
conditions and measured at two points during ontogeny. I will supply a
distance matrix based on Procrustes distances calculated outside of vegan.
I have not found an example of a design such as this for adonis. However, I
have designed my factors
2010 Aug 12
Linear regression on several groups
I have a simple dataset of a numerical dependent Y, a numerical independent X
and a categorial variable Z with three levels. I want to do linear
regression Y~X for each level of Z. How can I do this in a single command
that is without using lm() applied three isolated times?
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Linear-regression-on-several-groups-tp2322835p2322835.html
2012 Mar 03
Grouped barchart confidence intervals in lattice
Hi everyone,
I'm having trouble adding error bars to a grouped barchart in lattice. I know that this topic has been addressed quite a bit, as I've been searching the internet for a while to try to troubleshoot the issue, but I've not been able to find any solution that I could get working on my data. I was wondering if someone could look at my code and tell me what I'm doing
2001 Sep 12
Analysis of Varience question.
I'm trying to use R for some of the analysis shown in Box, Hunter and Hunter
(1979, I believe) using the aov function. I'm using the first example in
chapter 6, where they are determining the analysis of varience between 4
In this example, the are determineing the analysis between and within
treatments, which I can get by
2005 Apr 23
I already used --recursive
In /usr/share/doc/rsync/README.gz:
If you have web access then please look at...
Well what if you don't have web access? You don't mention what to do
then. "Send bugs to rsync@lists.samba.org" probably. OK. Will do.
Here's one now:
$ rsync -avz debian.linux.org.tw:var/lib/apt/diet.lists var/lib/apt/diet.lists
receiving file list ...
2010 Mar 16
simple line graphics, labels and legend
Dear users,
I think my questions are pretty simple, but I got lost in the hundreds
of par() and plot() arguments and plot functions, so I don't know in
which direction I should go.
Here is my sample dataset:
test <- structure(list(DIET = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 3L, 3L,
3L, 3L, 3L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L), .Label = c("G",
"GG", "L",
2010 Oct 01
Format of Output of Residuals
An excerpt from dataset ChickWeight:
??? weight Time Chick Diet
1?????? 42??? 0???? 1??? 1
2?????? 51??? 2???? 1??? 1
3?????? 59??? 4???? 1??? 1
I am interested in the residuals of the dataset.? Specifically in
saving them to another format. I have been creating text files with
CW.lm <- lm(weight ~ Diet, ChickWeight)
resid.CW.lm <- resid(CW.lm)
But when I call:
The data