similar to: response.should have_content("1 movie") does not seem to work for me

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "response.should have_content("1 movie") does not seem to work for me"

2011 Jun 29
RSpec with Rails 3.1rc4: spec test won't recognize <%= %> (should be simple)
In my user_sessions_controller: class UserSessionsController < ApplicationController before_filter :require_no_user, :only => [:create, :new] before_filter :require_user, :only => :destroy def new @user_session = @message = "Hello." end def create @user_session =[:user_session]) if
2004 Aug 06
my icecast problem
On Wed, 28 Feb 2001, Kelly Lee Myers wrote: > In addition is there a way to set the size of the outgoing packets or is > that completely handled by the stack and not icecast itself. Forgive me if > that sounds stupid, but I didn't really get that deep into icecast > configuration. You can... but... Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but you want to look at the MTU for your
2013 Nov 22
Cancan Rspec load_and_authorize_resource
Hello! While running bundle exec rake, I receive following error (see in attached file) However, my tests are steel passing with command rspec spec/controllers/ Some info: ads_controller.rb: class AdsController < ApplicationController load_and_authorize_resource except: :create end ads_controller_spec.rb: require ''spec_helper'' describe AdsController do render_views
2011 Aug 28
rspec-rails render_views doesn't render layouts? / how to check flash isn't rendered
I''m trying to test that "static" pages (they''re ERB, but get cached), generated through rails, don''t render any stray flash notices left over by the authentication system (Devise) or wherever else. I''ve tried writing this controller spec, but it appears that response.body only renders the template, not its layouts? describe "so that static
2008 Dec 10
Oddness with fieldnames containing an underscore
Hi all, I''m not sure if this is a cucumber or webrat thing given that I only starting tinkering with both last night for the first time (testing newb as well), but I''ve come across an oddity when trying to write a scenario to create a user. Scenario: Register new user Given I am on the new user page And I fill in "login" with "fredf"
2004 Aug 06
MTU was: Re: my icecast problem
It is going to depend on a number of factors. Linux sets (along with a few other OS's I'm sure) its MTU to 1500. The problem is, if you set it longer then it will most likely be frag'd by your router. If that router does not, then another will. I think MTU for ppp interfaces are smaller. Likewise, if your backbone is FDDI, it has a large frame (somewhere in the 8000 range I
2008 Dec 02
Using Cucumber with latest Webrat
I added cucumber to my rails project using the following commands: git submodule add git:// \ vendor/plugins/cucumber ruby script/generate cucumber git submodule add git:// \ vendor/plugins/webrat git submodule add git:// \ vendor/plugins/rspec git submodule add
2004 Aug 06
what I'd like to do
On Wed, 4 Apr 2001, John Griffiths wrote: > i've set up an old 486 running debian 2.2r2 using the debian icecast packages (shout doing the streaming). As my sig points out, yes, it is possible. RiR is linux and icecast stripped to the bare necessities. > so far so good, with a bit of fiddling i had a stream that worked fine over the local network As I too have seen in practice :/
2009 Jul 06
Rspec book issue (mastermind example)
Hey Everyone, Just a simple question. I have read and re-read the examples and I''m not getting the proper output. I''m on page 73/74 of the Rspec book and it says I should have "4 steps passed". I think the problem is within my /step_definition/mastermind.rb" file. It''s definitely not beyond me to make a mistake, but I have checked and double checked my
2010 Dec 16
Ambiguous match error for Cucumber
Hi, I am trying out the cucumber tutorial My tasklist.feature file is like as follows " Feature: Tasks In order to keep track of tasks People should be able to Create a list of tasks Scenario: List Tasks Given that I have created a task "task 1" When I go to the tasks page Then I should see
2012 Jun 14
Cucumber/RSpec ::: Capybara? Webrat What am I using??
Hey everybody I''m currently reading through the Pragmatic Programmers RSpec book, and I really enjoy it. But I’m facing some problems because of the fact that the book is already some years old, I guess. I have installed rvm and use Ruby 1.9.3, and I didn’t really get some Rails code examples to work properly, so I tried it with a 1.8.7 installation, but there I had some other problems
2009 Mar 30
[Cucumber] Bug with background
Seem to be getting a problem when running a feature with background. Running the whole file works fine however running an individual feature fails. The background steps are Background: Given an admin user Philip exists When I login as Philip Then I should be logged in as Philip running the following scenario on its own causes an error Scenario: Admin should be able to run a feed #
2004 Aug 06
A few Newbie Questions
You're going to need root access. Presumably you have it if you have control over icecast. You could do a simple adduser. Then use your favorite editor and open up the /etc/passwd file (again as root). You'll need to read up on what each of the fields are, but in short you'll want to * the password field for that new user. You'll also want to change the shell to /bin/false.
2013 Jun 18
Rails 3 in action book: some files are not generated as written in the book
I''m reading "Rails 3 in action", chapter 3, p. 56. It is said that the Cucumber skeleton generator > rails generate cucumber:install has to also generate the definition for the first step of the Scenario "Given I am on the homepage" in the file "features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb" # file: features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb Given /^(?:|I )am on
2013 Jun 24
wrong number of arguments calling `request` (0 for 1) (ArgumentError)
Here is the scenario Scenario: Successful login Given an unauthenticated visitor When visitor goes to /users/login And fills in Email with: amitpandya And fills in Password with: amitpandya And clicks the Login button Then amitpandya should be logged in And page should include a notice with text: Welcome amitpandya And amitpandya should see the home mypage page
2009 Mar 04
Sinitra 0.9.1 Webrat 0.4.2 Cuc problem
Have created sample sinatra cucumber app as suggested on wiki. Tried both env.rb configurations from there and aslaks git repo. With this combination of gems I get the following error doing basic cuc tests When I visit ''/foo'' # features/step_definitions/general.rb:1 PATH_INFO must start with / (Rack::Lint::LintError)
2004 Aug 06
[ [vorbis] mp3pro and the mp3 streaming license]
> I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not charging anything. As > mentioned, the royalties to record labels still stand if you don't follow > the rules, but this will be true regardless of the format > (mp3/vorbis/whatever.) Do you have any ads on your site? That's probably streaming related revenue. Do you list on There's definately
2012 Feb 02
Missing files with rails generate cucumber:install
when ranning cucumber:install and generate me this files <code> create config/cucumber.yml create script/cucumber chmod script/cucumber create features/step_definitions create features/support create features/support/env.rb exist lib/tasks create lib/tasks/cucumber.rake gsub config/database.yml gsub config/database.yml force config/database.yml </code> im searching for the
2012 Feb 16
Upgrading from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1: Wrong Number of Arguments
Simple spec passes in 3.2.0: it "destroys an album" do 3.times { Factory(:album, photo_library: @photo_library) } visit photo_library_path(@photo_library) find("h3").click_link ''Delete'' find("#notice").should have_content("Album deleted successfully") Album.count.should eq 2 end But fails in 3.2.1 with: 1) Albums destroys an
2004 Aug 06
my icecast problem
And just what exactly is an optimized sized packet? I need numbers in bytes. I want control over it for a very specific reason. Thanks. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Sean /The RIMBoy/" <> To: <> Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 8:31 AM Subject: Re: [icecast] my icecast problem > On Wed, 28 Feb 2001, Kelly Lee Myers wrote: >