similar to: issues submitting a search form

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "issues submitting a search form"

2007 Sep 24
selecting a form
What''s the best way to select a form on a page with Mechanize if the form doesn''t have the "name" attribute? I''m already familiar with the page.form(''myformname'') syntax but this doesn''t? work with forms that have no names. -- Thank you, Shane Witbeck Digital Sanctum, inc. -----------------------------------------------------
2007 Dec 10
Road to 0.7.0
Hey everyone, I''ve been refactoring Mechanize for an 0.7.0 release. Basically I''m trying to clean the code up and there are a few features that I think are unnecessary, but I would like to ask people first. 1) REXML as a parser. I want to remove support for REXML. I don''t use it. Hpricot seems to do everything I need. 2) 1.8.2 thru 1.8.4 support
2006 Nov 02
Adding fields to a form
Is there a decent way to add a field to a form before posting it? I haven''t tried using HPricot manipulations just yet, since I can''t ever find really solid docs on hpricot.... Form#[]= doesn''t work because it first searches only pre-existing fields. I''m investigating how to write a patch now. But I thought maybe someone here might have an idea.
2007 Jul 23
I knew that hpricot was a dependency, but hoe and this right? Version 0.6.9 for ruby Mike B. ---------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
2007 Jan 27
Getting elements from a web page
I am new to Mechanize and was wondering if there was a built-in method to get the elements that are on the page that are not part of a form. A couple of examples would be my banking site lists my entries and I want them to go into an array so that I can handle them. Or another site I use, does some categorization for me and I would like to manipulate it and present it differently to a user.
2007 Jan 12
Single method call to retrieve the entire page in HTML?
All, Another easy question. In Hpricot, on a doc that I am using, I can do a .to_html method and retrieve the entire page. However, this doesn''t seem to work in Mechanize. My goal is to the text of the page and put it into a database to make it searchable with ferret (using the acts_as_ferret plugin in Rails). Does anyone have a good suggestion short of iterating over the entire
2007 Mar 25
mechanize 0.6.6 Released
mechanize version 0.6.6 has been released! The Mechanize library is used for automating interaction with websites. Mechanize automatically stores and sends cookies, follows redirects, can follow links, and submit forms. Form fields can be populated and submitted. Mechanize also keeps track of the sites that you have visited as a history. Changes: =
2007 May 28
Clicking image maps?
Hello all, I am trying to click image maps ("area" nodes), and while Perl''s mechanize treats "a", "area", "frame", "iframe" and "meta" tags as links, it seems to me that Ruby''s Mechanize thinks only "a" tags can be links (at least my little experiment, namely: page.links.each {|link| puts}
2008 Jan 15
Converting Watir script to Mechanize
I have a Watir script that I would like to convert to a Mechanize script. The watir code looks like this require ''watir'' include Watir def test ie = ie.goto('''') ie.text_field(:name, ''inter_string'').set(''Potassium'') ie.button(:id, ''image1'').click
2007 Jul 23
What does {bogusetag </TABLE>} mean?
I got this in one of my pages, and I''m not exactly sure what it means. ideas? Mike B. ---------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
2007 Sep 23
Selecting Links with their parent class attribute?
Hi all, Trying to figure out a quick way to do something. I have a yahoo groups list, and it has listings that look like this: </td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2" class="ygrp-g"> <span class="ygrp-nowrap"> <em><a href="/group/freecycledc/">freecycledc</a></em> </span> <a
2008 Jan 14
Quick and Easy Question
All, Been a while since I''ve "mechanized" and I''m running into an idiot simple problem. I''m looking for more detailed examples to refresh my memory. My question is how to get a list of links off of a page based on information in the img src attribute, specifically if the img tag contains a "mp3.gif/jpg". I, for the life of me, can''t seem
2009 May 05
Only partially reading a page!
I am trying to get a page which includes a form, but the form is missing from the WWW::Mechanize::Page object. I retrieve it via: page = web_agent.submit(a_different_form) For debugging this problem, I then immediately write the resulting page to two different logs:''big.html'',''wb'') { |f| f.write(page.body) }
2006 Dec 07
Response To Form Submission Hanging
Hello, I am using Mechanize to post a form to a website. When I do this by hand in my browser the response takes about 35s to come back (it''s a long page full of tables and graphics). When I do this with Mechanize, the server starts to respond and then appears to hang. The obvious conclusion is that my code is wrong but I am reasonably sure that I haven''t altered it
2007 Nov 12
Weird error downloading a gzip''ed file
Hi all, I''ve been using mechanize for a while and it rocks. Docs are pretty clear and so far I''ve been able to do it on my own. However, I''m stuck in a weird situation in a script to download my contact list from hotmail. I''ve used Firebug to check all urls, and tested it by hand while logged in via browser. Even in the script everything works well until the
2007 Feb 26
some Mechanize objects never garbage collected?
Greetings, I''m using Mechanize to scrap dozens of pages and have noticed the size of my ruby process keeps growing. I set Mechanize.max_history to 0 with no effect on the memory use. I wrote a little test to show the objects left on the heap after mechanizing a single page and then doing a garbage collection. Sample list appended below. I can supply the test code if it helps.
2007 Sep 14
Unable to scrap - EOFError: End of file reached
Hi all, I am so excited to use mechanize! It has opened a whole new world of projects for me :) I am trying to login into the server, as described in but am running into a few issues... irb(main):010:0> page = agent.submit form EOFError: end of file reached from
2008 Jul 10
custom http headers in form.submit / upload without original form
Heyas :) I''m wondering how do I do to send my custom HTTP headers when posting a form. agent.set_headers is a private method and I don''t know how to get a reference to HTTPHeaders to use add_field and such. Since my request is a form, I''m sending it using agent.submit(form). Any hints? Bonus question: I would like to upload a file to a REST webservice, but I
2007 Mar 20
bad URI problem when submitting a form
Hi all, I''ve a problem when submitting a form : the URL seems to be invalid. I really don''t see the way I should try to solve that problem. I searched on the web, but didn''t found any kind of that problem. Here is the code : require ''mechanize'' agent = page =
2007 Jun 11
hpricot as dependency for building rspec?
It looks to me that hpricot is a dependency to building rspec: euclid% rake pre_commit (in /Users/smtlaissezfaire/ruby/projects/rspec/hpricot) rake aborted! Could not find RubyGem hpricot (>= 0.0.0) /Users/smtlaissezfaire/ruby/projects/rspec/hpricot/rakefile:9 (See full trace by running task with --trace) Let me know if I''m wrong. Otherwise, I''ll submit a patch in the docs.