similar to: Split the work for many cores

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Split the work for many cores"

2011 Jul 27
Ordinary Least Products regression in R
Dear all, Does any one know if any R package or function can do Ordinary Least Products regression? Many thanks! Bill
2012 Feb 21
Plot Many Data to same plot
Dear all, I have a function that for a variable number of inputs plots them to the same plot I am doing this quite simply by plot(seq(from=start, to=stop, length.out=np), datalist[[1]]$dataset                                                                  xlim=c(start, stop), ylim=c(0, 1), type="l")                                                                                      
2011 Oct 05
SPlus to R
I'm trying to convert an S-Plus program to R.  Since I'm a SAS programmer I'm not facile is either S-Plus or R, so I need some help.  All I did was convert the underscores in S-Plus to the assignment operator <-.  Here are the first few lines of the S-Plus file:   sshc _ function(rc, nc, d, method, alpha=0.05, power=0.8,              tol=0.01, tol1=.0001, tol2=.005, cc=c(.1,2),
2009 Dec 07
Announce: edtdbg, integrating R's debug() with your text editor
I've just developed edtdbg, a small package that integrates R's debug() with one's text editor. Excerpt from the README file: Goal The debug() function in R is primitive. My goal was to make it more usable by integrating it with one's text editor. Hence I wrote the package here, edtdbg. Its features include: * As one steps from line to line of code
2011 Jun 06
Plot many x and y
Dear all could you please plot many x's and y's with one legend per plot? I would like to thank you in advance for your help Best Regards Alex.
2011 Oct 19
new R debugging tool
I've developed a new R debugging tool, debugR, available at This basically replaces my edtdbg, which I will no longer be supporting. The new tool is now decoupled from one's text editor, and has a lot more features than edtdbg did. Try it! Feedback is encouraged, of course. Norm Matloff
2012 Mar 26
many curves to the same plot
Dear all, I would like to plot under the same plot many curves like mycdf<-ecdf(runif(100)) plot(mycdf) curve(mycdf,from=-1,to=1) mycdf<-ecdf(runif(200)+3) plot(mycdf) curve(mycdf,from=-1,to=1) as you can see each new call to curve redraws (erases) the window. How I can have an effect like plot(mycdf) lines(mycdf2) lines(mycdf3) I would like to thank you in advance for your help
2006 Sep 29
Helmert contrasts for repeated measures and split-plot expts
Dear R-help I have two separate experiments, one a repeated-measures design, the other a split-plot. In a standard ANOVA I have usually undertaken a multiple-comparison test on a significant factor with e.g TukeyHSD, but as I understand it such a test is inappropriate for repeated measures or split-plot designs. Is it therefore sensible to use Helmert contrasts for either of these designs?
2010 Mar 11
ANNOUNCE--Rdsm package, a threads-like environment for R
My long-promised Rdsm package is now on CRAN. Some of you may recall that I made a prototype available on my own Web page last July. This is the official version, much evolved since I released the prototype. The CRAN description states: Provides a threads-like programming environment for R, usable both on a multicore machine and across a network of multiple machines. The package
2012 Aug 21
GPU Computing
Hi all, I am looking for a function similar to mclapply() that would work with GPU cores. I have looked at all possible packages related to GPU computing but they are mainly providing functionality for big dataset or big matrices. I use mainly mclapply to speed up simulations by running several simulations in parallel, which works nicely. Is it possible to do the same with a multicore GPU? I
2002 Jul 11
missing links in GRASS package for R
Dear list, I get the following error message when installing the package GRASS. missing link(s): missing link(s): vgram Krig predict.Krig See also below for the full installation message. What does this mean exactly? Regards, Ulrich ------------------------------------------------------------------ > R CMD INSTALL
2003 Jun 14
problem installing packages from source on win2k
Dear R-helpers, I'm having trouble compiling R packages from source on Win2K. I installed R 1.7.1beta [1] on my win2k machine [2], downloaded the fields package as source [3] and tried but failed to install the package [4]. I get the same problem with other packages, so it doesn't appear to be limited to fields. Installation of precompiled packages seems to work fine. I've been
2005 Jan 28
extracting from a data.frame
Hi, I am sorry for this simple question, but... How do I extract something from a data.frame? The following is my Problem: I have got a dataframe "a" with various columns. One of those columns is called V3 and contains elements of the following levels: > levels(a$V3) [1] "C" "CA" "CB" "CD" "CD1" "CD2"
2015 Jan 04
( previous thread at ) > > <info from="web interface mailman" extra_from="backend mailinglist software"> > dmarc_moderation_action Option > dmarc_moderation_action (privacy): Action to take when anyone posts > to the list from a domain with a DMARC Reject/Quarantine Policy. > >
2019 Apr 09
sieve match ANY header
On Mon, 8 Apr 2019, @lbutlr wrote: > Really? Where outside the Received headers do IPs appear in your email headers? Well, let's see. Running a rough grep on 270-message spam folder # grep -E '^[-A-Za-z0-9]+:.*[^.0-9]{0,1}[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' ~/mail/FN | sort -u -k1,1 -t: Authentication-Results: spf=fail (sender IP is List-Help:
2011 Feb 16
read.table - reading text variables as text
Hi I'm reading a CSV file using read.table, and it keeps importing a text variable as a factor. To overcome this, I've used the command referring to the variable in question (called "stim") data<-read.table(file.choose(), header=T, sep=",", = "stim") However, "stim" is still imported as a factor. I notice there are other read.table
2007 May 12
mtrace() fails
I find the R debug package very useful. I've installed and used it on several of the machines I use, without problems, but on one machine I get the following error: Loading required package: mvbutils Loading required package: utils MVBUTILS: no "tasks" vector found in ROOT Loading required package: tcltk Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done [Previously saved
2010 Nov 17
How to catch warnings
Hello when my code executes I receive the message that were some warnings. I want to catch warning messages at run time so to print some local variables and try to understand why this warning happens. I searched on internet and I tried withCallingHandlers( which seems to work but as I used Rkward the result is awful. I get a prompt to copy paste a value only while at the same time my background
2011 Oct 06
apply and functions with many arguments
Dear all, I would like to use the following function fitdist(data, distr, method=c("mle", "mme", "qme", "mge"), start=NULL, fix.arg=NULL, ...) for many different distr values like distr=c("norm","lnorm","pois") (just a small example) and take back into a list the parameter name which is what is inside distr plus what the
2011 Apr 27
Eval to write many files
Dear all I am looking for a shorter way and more elegant to write the following for (i in c(1:length(Shadowlist))){ filename<-paste('/home/apa/maps/',model,i,'.mat',sep="") varname<-paste(model,'_shadow',i,sep="") eval(parse(text=paste('writeMat(filename,',varname,'=Shadowlist[[i]])',sep=""))) } actually I do not