similar to: Saving a variable

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Saving a variable"

2012 May 10
Error t value matrix
Hi all, I want to make the following: I want to run a linear regression on each column of a matrix "estima" on the correspondent column on the matrix "estima2". You see I want to regress estima[,1] on estima2[,1] this way to all columns.... At the same time I want to make a regression adding each time a new observation. You see, the first regression will regress only one
2012 May 05
No error message no display output
Hi all, I´m re-starting (as my name indicates) my little knowlegde of CRAN R. I made this function time before but I don´t know where is the error because nothing appears as an error but the histogram plot doesn´t appear. Should I install some special library to run sapply? pru<-function(){ randz<-matrix(rnorm(200000),100,2000) H<-matrix(0,100,2000) for (j in 2:2000){ for (i in
2009 Jul 16
Hi I want to simulate random numbers normal distributed with this size (2000,10000). I tried this but my computer exhaust there is a fast way to make it? randz<-matrix(rnorm(2000000),2000,10000) [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Jul 21
writte file doubt
Hi I wrotte this function but when I get the "tmp.xls" file it shows data in a rare way. I mean not appears a matrix with 2000 rows and 100 columns. Can anyone help me, guide me? kim<-function(){ tmp<-randz<-matrix(rnorm(200000, mean=0,sd=0.01 ),2000,100); dim(tmp) write(tmp,file="tmp.xls") Thanks in advance. On the other hand, everytime I execute a function
2012 Jun 09
Inf and NA
Hi all, I have a csv matrix "KT.csv" and it has Inf and NA I want to calculate the mean of each row so I use rowMeans(KT,na.rm = TRUE) but with this Inf cannot be omminted. I?m trying to use before running rowMeans(KT,na.rm = TRUE) KT<-range(KT,finite=TRUE) but it doesn?t works... Do you know a simple way to ommit Inf en the calculations? Many thanks. I have tried also to
2011 Jun 27
Executing the same function on consecutive files
Hi all, I have the next problem: I have a matrix with size 8,000,000x18. My personal I have cut my original file into 100 different file. I have written a function that should be run on each of this file. So imagine I need to read data from q1 to q100 file data<-read.table("q1.txt",sep="") and each time I read 1 file execute my personal function
2010 Mar 23
Creating pdfs using qplot in qqplot2
I am trying to create plots within a for loop and output them to a pdf. Here is a working example using plot: gg <- data.frame(datadate=1:4, spread=5:8) pdf() for (i in 1:3) { plot(gg$datadate, gg$spread, main=i) } I am trying to learn more about ggplot2 so I try a slight modification and it doesn't work. Anyone
2012 Feb 28
Hi all, I´m new using Access. I see that many things that you can do on Access you can do on CRAN R but not on contrary. My question is: Is there any manual with examples comparing how to do data base analysis on access and making the same on CRAN R? Imagine I want to compare two columns "Name" of two different data bases. I want to see if there are "identical" names on both
2013 Apr 01
Hi all if I plot a graph on R, I press on the plot Export/Save Plot as Image.... I change name on "File name:" I select Directory....Bibliotecas\Documentos And select Width 800 and Height 800 And finally save in format JPEG It is posible to "type" code so that I can run my function and it is not necessary to make it manually? Thanks in advance. [[alternative HTML
2012 May 05
Editor to program with CRAN R
Hi all, I´m using the windows writting pad (not Notepad the simplest version). I think there should be greater and helping note pads to help programming. Can you suggest one? Many thanks¡¡¡¡ [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Jul 17
order or sort doesn´t work properly
Hi all, I want to order a series that is included on the second column in MCT.csv. I do but R doesn?t order, could be because is a csv? I have prove MCT<-read.csv("MCT.csv") a<-order(MCTor[,2],2,decreasing = FALSE) a<-order(MCTor[,2],1,decreasing = FALSE) or the same with sort but didn?t worked. It is suposed that a will have the ordered on ascending or descending
2011 Jun 09
Item analysis
Hi all, For several reasons I have no used CARN R in months....I have an idea and I want to retry to learn CRAN R. I know I need to formulate more "intelligent" questions but I will expose and if someone can help me I would be very gratefull I promise to try to learn again.... The question I have a data file like this: Date, Time, Tip 13/11/2008,23:16:00,432 13/01/2009,23:17:00,633
2012 May 06
PLot a matrix
Hi, I want to plot this matrix (I attach the data), it is suposed that each column is a different time series. If I do g<-read.table("dataADF.txt", header=F) and plot(g[,1],type="l") it plots the first column plot if I want in a unique graph each colums of dataA, all in one. How should I proceed?There is a direct pre-defined code? And If I wanted a plot by each
2011 Jun 29
Executing a script "hand-made" and time
Hi all, I have a function written by me that read a matrix (data frame) from a txt with 4 million of rows and 13 columns. The think is my function works with an input matrix of 100x13 and now I tried to execute my function with the big "input file" and it is running form the moment two hours... There is a way to know (how much time could it cost?) The second question is... I want
2011 Jul 02
How many times occurs
Hi all, I have a data matrix likein "input.txt" 8 9 2 5 4 5 8 5 6 6 8 9 2 8 9 2 8 9 2 1 8 9 2 5 4 5 8 5 6 4 8 9 2 5 4 5 8 5 6 6 8 9 2 8 9 2 8 9 2 1 8 9 2 5 4 5 8 9 2 2 In this example will be an 6x10 matrix (or data frame) I want to detect how many times in a row appears this combination 8 follewd by 9 followed by 2, and create a new matrix with only this number of occurs then
2011 Jun 28
Separator of data
Hi all, I have a matrix like this: 188556644 225588666 558888555 I try to read the table using read table but if I put sep="" I have seen it expects a white space, is there a "sep" option to read this matrix so each single number is a position of the matrix You see this matrix would be an 3x9 matrix I tried other option but also didn´t worked. If sep = "" (the
2011 Dec 14
First PRoblem solved > read.csv("KT80.csv") X x 1 1 0.01331361 > I ommitt "" in calling the file name... 2011/12/14 Trying To learn again <> > Hi all, > > I have 100 csv files always with this information (I Attach two example > excels) > > KT80.csv contains: > ,"x" >
2012 Aug 04
Hi all, I´m trying to convert as a data frame (with format "date") this copied excel column of dates (exposed below), I have tried to save them in a txt file tfr<-read.table("tfra.txt") tfr<-data.frame(tfr) I have tried several things, as date, so on, but always error. And it makes Error en as.Date.default(tfr, "%m/%d/%y") : do not know how to convert
2011 Jan 12
aggredating date data
I tried a date by date forecast of a time series and it seems to be too wild. How can I aggregate the date into weeks or months as required? Thanks. The input looks like ID datadate("YYYY-MM-DD") value_for_day -- ----- ------- -- ------ -------- and I want to be able to change it to ID dataweek value_for_week or
2013 Apr 08
Tablet and executing R
Hi all, Have any of you instaled R on a Tablet, in this case, which Tablet. My family wants me to gift a Tablet but I suposse R can not be instaled on a Tablet. And my few "free" time I pass mainly trying to "improve" in R. Can yoy tell me, if there are, wich Tablets should be instaled? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]