similar to: hey from Galinochka B.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "hey from Galinochka B."

2005 Oct 12
Help with act_as_nested_set
Hi, I''m trying to get act_as_nested_set working, and I''m puzzled. I googled the following ails-code.tgz < rails-code.tgz&path=rails-code/ar/acts_as_nested_set.rb&lang=ruby&qy=ruby>
2013 Mar 21
Problems parsing page encoded in Shift-JIS
I''m posting this question to both mailing lists as I''m not sure whether it''s a Mechanize problem or a Nokogiri problem. Using Nokogiri and Mechanize to load and parse a web page encoded with Shift-JIS. I have an HTML construct like: <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=Shift_JIS"> </head> <body>
2001 Nov 21
Slow printing in batch?
For doumentation purposes I run a batch R program that does reshaping etc. of data and finally prints things. When I paste the code into an R-window everything runs in a few seconds, but in Batch mode i get in the output file the result below. Any clues why R uses 4 min to print a 1129\times 6 dataframe in batch mode? The scrit I use to run R is: c:\stat\r\%R_VERS%\bin\Rterm --no-restore
2004 Aug 06
Icecast in Macromedia Flash
Thanks for a lot of usefull info. > -----Original Message----- > From: Macsym [] > Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2003 6:00 AM > To: > Subject: [icecast] Icecast in Macromedia Flash > > > Hello everybody, > This topic was already published in the icecast development > list but it did > not interest many people there
2006 Apr 24
TimeStamp conversion
Hi, I''ve got a TimeStamp field in MySql and want to use the hour and minutes in the value. for example: StartTime = Schedule.find(action2.ScheduleID).DateTimeStart.to_s That returns "Mon Feb 20 08:00:00 Romance Standard Time 2006" How do I get 08:00 returned ?? Thanks ! Steven. -- Posted via
2004 Aug 06
Hot Topic: Icecast in Macromedia Flash
Hi everybody, I am trying to build an mp3 player in Macromedia Flash that would work with Icecast. Using Flash as a mp3 player instead of Winamp, XMMS,. could democratize Icecast because Flash is cross-platform/cross-browser, it is installed on almost every computer connected to the internet and it will be embedded into a webpage. I successfully imported an Icecast live stream into Flash with
2004 Aug 06
Hot Topic: Icecast in Macromedia Flash
Hi everybody, I am trying to build an mp3 player in Macromedia Flash that would work with Icecast. Using Flash as a mp3 player instead of Winamp, XMMS,. could democratize Icecast because Flash is cross-platform/cross-browser, it is installed on almost every computer connected to the internet and it will be embedded into a webpage. I successfully imported an Icecast live stream into Flash with
2004 Aug 06
Re: [icecast-dev] Hot Topic: Icecast in Macromedia Flash
Hi Moritz, Thanks for everything. About the log line: - - [27/Nov/2003:04:42:58 Romance Standard Time] "GET /mystream HTTP/1.1" 200 328981 "(null)" "-" 13712464 How can I set up my php script to send hardcoded header information for the parameter "referrer"? Do you think the value: fputs($sock, "referrer: "-"\n"); hould be
2004 Aug 06
Icecast in Macromedia Flash
Hi - Ok, I don't pretend to have answers for you, sorry, but here are some thoughts: [snip] > HERE IS THE PROBLEM: the code above works perfectly in a standalone swf file > but not when the swf is embedded into a webpage. So you have to assume that there is some difference between the embedded player and the standalone player. <p>> > I analyzed the logs of my icecast
2018 Apr 17
[Bug 13388] New: Feature request: When deleting files only delete files that are over a certain age. Bug ID: 13388 Summary: Feature request: When deleting files only delete files that are over a certain age. Product: rsync Version: 3.1.3 Hardware: All OS: All Status: NEW Severity: enhancement Priority: P5 Component:
2013 Apr 01
[RFC] Online dedup for Btrfs
Hello, I was bored this weekend so I hacked up online dedup for Btrfs. It''s working quite well so I think it can be more widely tested. There are two ways to use it 1) Compatible mode - this is a bit slower but will handle being used by older kernels. We use the csum tree to find duplicate blocks. Since it is relatively easy to have crc32c collisions this also involves reading the
2013 Apr 02
Too many public keys
Apparently my ssh agent is feeling energetic today: debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password debug1: Next authentication method: publickey debug1: Offering RSA public key: [...] debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password debug1: Offering RSA public key: [...] debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password debug1: Offering RSA public key:
2004 Aug 06
Icecast in Macromedia Flash
Hello everybody, This topic was already published in the icecast development list but it did not interest many people there because it is related to Macromedia Flash and apparently all the development team is running Linux PPC (the flash plugin is not available for Linux PPC). For this reason, I was advised to transfer this topic to this regular icecast list. Sorry for those who subscribed to both
2006 Jul 20
Hello, I''m trying to create categories that have their own subcategories, and each subcategory may have its own subcategories, .. and so on. After some reading, I found out that the best way for creating such a thing is to use acts_as_tree, but I didn''t find any tutorial or article that explain this in a clear way. After a lot of work I was finally able to create categories and
2009 Sep 06
An incompatible font ?
Hello, It seems I found a font which doesn't work with wine. It doesn't appear in any font choice dialog as usual or like other fonts. However this font isn't corrupt because I tested it with Open Office 3 and its working. Does it do the same for anyone else but what should I do to make it work ? Thank you in advance
2009 Mar 06
Guru Web Developer - Pune
If you are a master of either Ruby on Rails (or Hibernate/Swing or other agile web development frameworks), JavaScript, HTML/CSS or Flash/ Flex, and have always dreamed of working in an energetic, highly skilled and entrepreneurial team of like minded Internet Junkies, your dream may have just come true. See for more information. == About SapnaSolutions ==
2018 May 31
Understanding the sequence of events when calling the R dpois function
Hello all, I am trying to get a better understanding of the underlying code for the stats::dpois function in R and, specifically, what happens under the hood when it is called. I finally managed to track down the C course at: It would seem that the dpois C function is taking a double for each of the x and lambda arguments so I am a bit
2012 Sep 12
question on "doveadm user" and pass/userdb
Hi, I'm about getting to know dovecot in details, I am about the command "doveadm user". The man page shows this example: userdb: jane uid : 8001 gid : 8001 home : /home/jane mail : sdbox:~/sdbox plugins : sieve quota_rule: *:storage=150M It seems to be nice, however I never got this only: ~# doveadm
2004 Aug 06
Re: [icecast-dev] Hot Topic: Icecast in MacromediaFlash
Hi Dave, I remember I read your post, but when I read it, nobody had answered you yet. Thank you very much for the script, it seems to be more complete than mine. I am new to php, to create a script, I usually edit it in notepad and save it as *.php. How can I compile the script '--with-sockets' under windows? Thanks again MAX ________________________________________ From:
2011 Jun 23
ocfs2 with cman luster stack
hello, i opened a bug on the ocfs2 bugzilla reporting difficulty i have utilize a different cluster stack than o2cb. link: to summarize i'd like to use ocfs2 on an ubuntu server with drbd and ctdb. ctdb requires fcntl locks for its lock files. however o2cb doesn't provide that functionality whereas cman (redhat's cluster manager