similar to: overriding file in a class

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "overriding file in a class"

2007 Apr 30
syntax error, but wherz
sorry to come with such a silly request but i have a code: shorewall-zone { "$name": SHTYPE => ''ipv4'', PARENT => "$PARENT" } and it bring a syntax error : debug: importing
2007 Jul 03
puppetversion and downgrade/upgrade of puppet
i wonder why this case fail: case puppetversion { ''0.22.4'':{ #ok notice(''ok bonne version'') } default:{ fail("mauvaise version de puppet $puppetversion, downgrade vers 0.22.4") } } gives me: protos:/usr/local/.aqadmin/home%(aqadmin)> facter puppetversion 0.22.4
2007 May 15
Purging issue
I have a little issue with purging. I use: file { [''/etc/shorewall/puppet'',''/etc/shorewall/puppet/rules'']: ensure => directory, mode => 0700, recurse => true, purge => true, } but purging does not work, i can do a touch
2006 Nov 02
certificate not trusted
Hello, I try to install puppet on freebsd 6.X. All is well but i cannot get the certificte to install and be recognized. I run .19.3. I run the puppetd --test --waitforcert 60 then sign and then i got: err: No certificate; running with reduced functionality. info: Creating a new SSL key at /usr/local/.aqadmin/puppet/conf/ssl/private_keys/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.pem info: Creating a new certificate
2007 Feb 14
various ordering issues in puppet manifests
Hello, The more complicated my puppet scripts gets, the more ordering issue i meet. Here is a simple thing: I use a default backup policy for the nodes in my backup classe and then, in the node i try to override the defined default but even if they are done one after the other i got an error to say that the override is triggered before the default: include backup
2007 Feb 08
exported ressources
Hello, i wanted to know if we can use exported ressrouces to do things like this: - for all nodes tagged as xxx create on the node yyy a file which content is a template where we can have each hostname , or create one file per nodes matching exemple /etc/hosts.allow sshd: host1 sshd: host2 ... or /etc/backuppc/host1 /etc/backuppc/host2 ... from the docs it seems i can collect only ALL
2006 Apr 20
The contrary of command %in%
Dear r-list, I've got a data base: > HData[1:10,] NumTree Site Species Date Age DBH H IdentTree 1 1 Queige Spruce 2002 184 49 33.5 Queige 1 2 2 Queige Fir 2002 NA 5 4.6 Queige 2 3 3 Queige Fir 2002 25 8 6.6 Queige 3 4 4 Queige Spruce 2002 198 47 32.5 Queige 4 5 5 Queige Fir 2002 200 59 35.3 Queige 5 6 6 Queige
2006 Sep 02
BayLISA Puppet presentation video
Hi all, Jennifer Davis from BayLISA has done us the service of already posting the presentation from this past Wednesday night: It''s about 2 hours total, and I can''t promise it''s any kind of amazing presentation, but I do a
2017 Aug 21
Control multi-threading in standard matrix product
Hi Tomas, Thanks for your answer. Indeed, I checked and my R-3.4.1 installed from the ubuntu repository use '' while my R-3.3.2 that I did compiled on my machine use '' which explain the difference of behavior. I will use RhpcBLASctl to avoid issue when combining matrix product and other multi-threading package. Maybe this point regarding
2007 Apr 18
puppet does not speak french ;)
i got a little idea there, should not puppet use environement LANG=C when managing facts or packages etc... ? i have LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8 and puppet choke on quite a few facts (erors messages with uname for exemple: Pour en savoir davantage, faites: « uname --help ». ) and also with packages updates : /usr/bin/apt-cache policy mysql-client-4.1 => err:
2007 Aug 08
multiple inherits layers
Hello, i am using for my management some class dependency like this: unix => linux => debian => etch (linux inherits unix, debian inherits linux, etch inherits debian...) also linuxvservers inherits debian and linuxvservers::host inherits linuxvservers then my node is node myhost { include debian include linuxvservers::host } i have an issue as i have a file
2005 Jul 06
Plotting confidence intervals for lme
Hello and sorry to disturb. I'm trying to plot the confidence intervals for the fixed effects of a lme. I want to obtain graphically, if it is possible, a bar with Estimate, upper and lower CI for each level of the factors. I know how to do for a lm model but for a lme one, I tried with plot(intervals(...)) and plot(ci(...)) from the gmodels package but it doesn't work well. Thanks
2007 Jan 07
0.22.0 Errata: Facts are not downcased
I forgot to mention this in my announcement yesterday. Puppet facts are no longer downcased in the language, and string comparisons now default to being case-insensitive. Where your operating system might previously have been ''solaris'' or ''debian'', it is now ''Solaris'' or ''Debian''. However, you can still do comparisons
2006 Dec 04
puppet definition
Hello, still upgrading to .20.1 and i have another issue that puppet does not regonize anymore my definitions, i use some ensure lines definition in a function.pp file and since then i am unable to make it work. puppetmasterd tells me this: Unknown function sudoensure_line in file /etc/puppet/manifests/./classes/backup.pp the import of the function is my 2 line of the site.pp and i
2007 Feb 09
err: Found a bug: Field dump is required
what can i do to find the bug when puppet print this: err: Found a bug: Field dump is required -- Cordialement, Ghislain _______________________________________________ Puppet-users mailing list
2018 Jun 15
[WebAssembly] lld dynamic loader
Hi Sam, Thanks for your answer! Sorry I didn't really know how to process, but this issue block me to make some legacy C code works without having some glue with a bit static lib ;( (The change have really low risk) The changes I used locally to make dlopen/dlclose et dlsym mechanism works :) : Index: wasm/Writer.cpp =================================================================== ---
2007 Feb 01
lockdir parameter
it seems that puppet refuse to run in the new version. It fails on the line: err: Could not apply complete configuration: Unknown configuration parameter :lockdir the client is .22.1 and server still .22.0 -- Cordialement, Ghislain _______________________________________________ Puppet-users mailing list
2008 Mar 08
Installing odesolve package of R under Ubuntu (Debian) Linux
Bonjour, Je cherche à installer le package odesolve du logiciel de statistique R sous Ubuntu Linux. C'est un package qui contient des fonctions appelant du code en Fortran. A l'installation sous R via le shell, j'obtiens l'erreur suivante: Hi, I tried to install odesolve package of R under Ubuntu Linux. But I got the following error: ghislain@ghislain-laptop:~$ sudo R [sudo]
2007 Jun 08
website down ?
seems that the tracksite is down ? -- Cordialement, Ghislain _______________________________________________ Puppet-users mailing list
2007 Dec 21
simulating provider in a module
Hi, What is the best way for you to simulate a provider behavior in modules ? For exemple if you have an webserver module and want to have a apache2, lighthttpd prividers. How would you do so the call to the modules functions stay like: webserver::addvhost { ... } and not webserver::apache2::addvhost Any best practices you can share ? I know that conditional include would not work