similar to: File type attribute "type"

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "File type attribute "type""

2007 Jul 10
Recursive permissions
Does anyone know if it''s possible to do the following: Given the directory structure: /foo/bar /foo/bar/<bunch of stuff> Is it possible to set /foo/bar to, say 555, and all stuff below to 440 or the directory equivalent? Thanks, Trevor
2007 Apr 18
Graceful recovery on bad config
Would it be possible to... ( I suppose that this is an enhancement request )... automatically do the following on a client-side manifest failure: 1. Wipe localconfig.yaml and state.yaml and try again (seems to fix most things for me) 2. Revert to a last known good configuration if all else fails. Thanks, Trevor _______________________________________________ Puppet-users mailing list
2007 Jan 25
Usability concern with overrides
I''ve been tinkering around with managing users and am concerned with the overall administrative usability of the inheritance overrides. For instance, the user games: redhat_base: user { games: ensure => present } local_site inherits redhat_base: User[games] { ensure => absent } This is fine, but imagine a few levels of nesting later with an admin that wants to ensure that a
2007 Feb 06
Removing circular dependant RPM files with Package.
Hello, I just attempted to remove both the ypbind and the yp-tools packages using the package parameter with yum. As it turns out, both of these packages depend on each other. Is there a way of forcing package removal and, if there is not, is there a way of making all packages to be removed be collapsed into the same yum command? Either of these solutions would solve the problem with the
2007 Jan 23
Puppet File checksums directories
I''m not sure if this is the way things are supposed to happen but, when I specify a directory with recursion and md5 checksums, the directory itself is checksummed and assumed to have changed. Of course, if anything in the directory changed, the directory checksum will change. What I would like to do is to manipulate all of the files in a directory, but ignore the directory itself.
2007 Jan 24
Another ''found a bug'' problem - This time with user purging.
Ok, given the statement on the web page about unlesssystemuser under Resources (, I assume that users can be purged. However, when I attempt to do this with resources { user: purge => true, noop => true } and what I get is: err: Found a bug: private method ''split'' called for nil:NilClass.
2007 Feb 27
Restricting host access to files
I suppose that this is a question about fileserver.conf but what I''m trying to do is to have something like the following in fileserver.conf: [$hostname] path /var/lib/puppet/files/privatefiles/$hostname.txt allow $hostname Basically, this would allow access to a file named <hostname>.txt for only the host to which it should be delivered. I''m not entirely sure
2006 Dec 14
Puppet and Cfengine Differences
Hello, I''ve recently begun looking at Puppet as an alternative to Cfengine and I have a couple of questions. 1) Besides the information posted on the Puppet website, are there any critical differences between Puppet and Cfengine? 2) Does Puppet allow for client-specific file text manipulation. For instance, in Cfengine I can add a line of text to a file if the line doesn''t
2007 Feb 06
Unless in exec doesn''t seem to be honored on notify.
This was a fun one to track down... I was trying to use the append_if_no_such_line script from the wiki and it was working fine EXCEPT when I threw a notify at it. The notify appears to completely ignore both unless and onlyif within the exec for some reason. If I put the same test in the actual command line, it works fine. Example: unless => "/bin/grep -Fqe ''$line''
2007 Feb 13
Scope question
If I do something like the following: class blah { File { mode => 111 } file { "/cheese": } } Will the File override stay within the class or break outside? Also, if I then do: class moo inherits blah { File { owner => bob } file { "/bobsfile": } } What will happen? Thanks, Trevor _______________________________________________ Puppet-users mailing
2007 Jul 27
Small patch to take care of missing yum server problem.
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 I''ve created a small patch, below, to take care of the case when you wish to use yum to ensure that the latest version of the package is installed but the yum server is down. This patch makes the assumption that, in the case of an yum query error, you want to assume that, if the application is installed, it is the latest. This allows you
2007 Jul 27
Patch to tighten down the permissions and ownership in configuration.rb
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Attached is a patch which attempts to enforce ''proper'' permissions of all files controlled directly by the puppet processes. All owners and groups are explicitly set as are all permissions. The idea is that the Puppet process configuration files should be relatively tamper resistant and at least throw a warning that the
2007 Jan 18
Remounting after changing mount options.
Unfortunately, this is another "I don''t yet know ruby" question, but I''m hoping that someone can help me out. I''ve just tried to write some mount options via puppet and I noticed that, while fstab is written, the managed mounts are not remounted to effect the stated changes. For instance: Original - /home, options: rw Puppet - /home, options: rw,acl
2007 Jan 30
Problem deleting user''s primary groups and the users themselves.
This has been a "fun" issue. Basically, I''m trying to purge (ensure => absent) useless users and groups that I don''t need. The problem that I''m having, is that I can''t seem to determine a way to make sure that the users are deleted before the groups. For example: user { games: ensure => absent } group { games: ensure => absent } Now,
2007 Feb 28
Platforms supported by Puppets?
Hello, I would like to know on what platforms Puppet runs. I cannot seem to find the information on Puppet''s web site. Bcfg2 has it on it''s front page :-) I know there are .debs and .rpms, but are, for instance, Solaris, FreeBSD and AIX supported? Thanks. -- Guillaume Pratte Recherche et développement Révolution Linux Toutes les opinions et les prises de position
2007 Jan 01
suggestion - Password replication
Hi, I would find it very useful if puppet were able to replicate passwords for specified users from a master PC (the puppetmaster would do me fine, though I suspect this may not suit everyone). That would make changing passwords on my small Linux network a little easier. cheers John Dubery
2007 Apr 24
Announce: References are now on Trac
I''ve converted all of the inline docs over to restructured text, and I''ve got them all up on trac: Please let me know if you find any
2007 Jul 19
Perhaps greater integration with RedHat? Just a thought that it might get some more press. Trevor
2007 Apr 25
Multiple swap partitions
I have a machine with two swap partitions (sda2 and sda8). Both will have none as mount point. When I try to use puppet (using mount type) for managing fstab I get problems because "name" in both instances (i.e. mount path) will be "none". How should I fix this within puppet? Regards Halvard Moe
2007 Jan 23
"Found a bug" message when purging services
I attempted the following: resources { service: purge => true, noop => true } service { sshd: ensure => running; iptables ensure => running; } And got the following message: notice: Starting configuration run err: Found a bug: uninitialized constant Parse notice: Finished configuration run in 0.47 seconds When I remove the ''resources'' line, everything works