similar to: Component/type defaults for 0.22.x

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Component/type defaults for 0.22.x"

2007 May 25
services do not get restarted
Hello List, We are using puppet to manage a growing number of Debian Etch based servers (currently 70). Since upgrading to 0.22.4 we encountered a problem when services do not restarted on puppets request. For example the Nagios remote plugin executor daemon (nrpe). It''s running daemonized and its confiugration is located in /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg. This file is managed through puppet
2012 Jan 04
installing Nagios client with selinux enabled
Hi, I''m new to Puppet so may be going about this completely the wrong way, or perhaps it is an selinux problem rather than a Puppet problem. I have a problem copying a file and changing the seltype. I don''t think it is Nagios specific. Code is something like: file { ''/usr/sbin/nrpe'': source =>
2006 Oct 26
New Syntax Error after upgrading to 0.20
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 I had a working 0.19.3 puppet install, but after an upgrade to 0.20 and then restarting puppetmasterd I get the following error: # /etc/init.d/puppetmaster start All resource specifications require names in file /etc/puppet/manifests/modules/ssh_keys.pp at line 24 * Failed to start puppetmaster So, looking at the file in question shows the
2015 May 01
Could not complete SSL handshake to Amazon EC2 host
Hello, I am trying to monitor a host in the Amazon EC2 cloud. Yet when I try to check NRPE from the monitoring host I am getting an SSL handshake error: [root at monitor1:~] #/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nrpe -H CHECK_NRPE: Error - Could not complete SSL handshake. And if I telnet into the host on port 5666 to see if the FW port is open, the connection closes right away:
2015 May 01
Could not complete SSL handshake to Amazon EC2 host
Hi NRPE: Error receiving data from daemon Seems as this is not a SSL Problem. Do you have a nagios user account? Cat /etc/passwd Am 01.05.2015 18:45 schrieb "Tim Dunphy" <bluethundr at>: > > > > Oh my mistake. I mean nrpe without parameters. It should say something > > about SSL/TLS aktiv or so. > > You could test nrpe without SSL. Use nrpe -n -
2015 May 01
Could not complete SSL handshake to Amazon EC2 host
Oh my mistake. I mean nrpe without parameters. It should say something about SSL/TLS aktiv or so. You could test nrpe without SSL. Use nrpe -n - H host Am 01.05.2015 13:18 schrieb "Eero Volotinen" <eero.volotinen at>: > well. how about trying default setting and running nrped without xinetd. > > -- > Eero > > 2015-05-01 14:14 GMT+03:00 Tim Dunphy
2015 May 01
Could not complete SSL handshake to Amazon EC2 host
Hi Eric, Thanks for your reply. I do have nrpe running under xinetd on the host I'm trying to monitor. And running the nrpe checl locally: [root at ops:~] #/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nrpe -H localhost NRPE v2.15 [root at ops:~] #grep only_from /etc/xinetd.d/nrpe only_from = And I do have port 5666 open on the security group for this host.
2015 May 01
Could not complete SSL handshake to Amazon EC2 host
> This is strange... > Do you have SSL aktive on both systems? Run nrpr localy without parameters > (this should return some nrpe stats) and check ldd for libssl. I don't seem to have that command. [root at monitor1:~] #find / -name "*nrpr" 2> /dev/null [root at monitor1:~] # And that's on either system. And if I do an ldd on both, this is what I can tell:
2012 Apr 25
Exec and snmpd restart question
Hello Pros and users of Puppet. I have two problems with the following modul setup: My first problem that i tried every combination of require,notify,subscribe for the mail sending exec but it runs every single time when i run the module no matter if the files changed or not. Second problem that puppet reports that snmpd was refreshed by two resource and restarted but actually it doesnt happen.
2012 Sep 24
Overriding variables.
I am trying to override variables in a class that is defined in the default node profile. I want parent class to be included in every single node, but override its variables in others. I have tried it several different ways now, and every single time the variables either become unset (undefined) or are set to the value of the first if statement. Here is my current iteration of failure.
2015 May 04
can't disable tcp6 on centos 7
On Sun, May 03, 2015 at 08:25:45PM -0400, Tim Dunphy wrote: > Rather than a yum install. If I install the nrpe package from yum I don't > find a check_nrpe script on the system for some reason! That's because the 'check_nrpe' command isn't in the nrpe package. It's in the nagios-plugins-nrpe package. The executable is installed, along side all other nagios check
2011 Jan 21
What the??? Failing dependancies and not sure why...
Observe the following code sniget: user { nagios : comment => "Nagios Host Monitoring Service", shell => "/bin/bash", home => "/home/nagios", ensure => present } file { nagios-homedir : path => "/home/nagios", owner => "nagios",
2006 Oct 13
Services on Gentoo Client Systems
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 You folks were so helpful with my last problem I thought I''d try again. I''m attempting to use the services filetype to ensure that ntpd is running on all my hosts. Unfortunately this does not seem to be working on my Gentoo test system. I get the following output on the client log: puppetd[3436]: Starting configuration run
2015 May 03
can't disable tcp6 on centos 7
Tim, where did you installed this nrpe package? is selinux running enforcing mode (getenforce command), try disabling with setenforce 0. why you are running it under xinetd as usual way is to run it as nrped daemon. test against with check_nrpe, not using telnet. -- Eero 2015-05-04 2:27 GMT+03:00 Stephen Harris <lists at>: > On Sun, May 03, 2015 at 07:23:19PM -0400, Tim
2011 Nov 30
Using facts from stored configs based on class
Hi, Is it possible to use facts from external nodes via stored configs, based on a filter such as class? To illustrate, I provide the following use case ; class nagios::nrpe { # No such resource "ip". I''d like to use "ip" fact of any node that is assigned to class "nagios::server" $nagios_servers = Ip <<| class="nagios::server"
2011 Jul 07
I have a service that just wont restart.
For my nagios::nrpe class, I have the following service: service {"nagios-nrpe-server": ensure => running, enable => true, require => Package["nagios-nrpe-server"], hasrestart => true, restart => "/etc/init.d/nagios-nrpe-server restart", subscribe =>
2008 Jan 16
Memory Leak
So, I''ve stumbled across bleak_house ( - this looks like it may help me track down what is causing the Memory leak I''m seeing (be it me, Ubuntu, Debian, or Puppet). First step: I''m going to clone the repo, branch Second step: Learn Ruby - shouldn''t be too hard. Third step: Do exactly what
2015 May 01
Could not complete SSL handshake to Amazon EC2 host
Hi Brian, Does "iptables -L" show anything of note? I'm leaving iptables off in this host. Because it's an AWS EC2 host I'm managing the firewall ports using the AWS security groups. [root at ops:~] #service iptables status Firewall is stopped. But still, there's this... [root at monitor1:~] #/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nrpe -H CHECK_NRPE:
2012 Jan 15
puppet client server connection refused when I use puppet kick
I have very strange problem. I set up puppet client on serveral servers but have problem with one of them. When I invoke: root@www ~ # puppet agent --server --test notice: Ignoring --listen on onetime run info: Caching catalog for info: Applying configuration version ''1326444431'' notice: Finished catalog run in
2015 May 03
Could not complete SSL handshake to Amazon EC2 host
On Sat, May 02, 2015 at 06:26:47PM -0400, Tim Dunphy wrote: > > > > Not just /var/log/messages. Doesn't nrpe have a log file? Maybe even > > secure. > > > Hmmm I don't find any log specific to nrpe. In other words I don't see > /var/log/nrpe.log or whatever. :) > > And when I tail -f /var/log/secure or /var/log/messages I don't see any >