similar to: Printing resource before they''re checked

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Printing resource before they''re checked"

2007 Dec 11
puppet seems to be restarting itself very often
I turned on reporting the other day and I''m seeing alot of these when puppet runs. Especially during times when nothing is going on (middle of the night etc) Tue Dec 11 12:34:48 -0500 2007 //base/puppet/puppet::client/Service[puppet]/ensure (notice): ensure changed ''stopped'' to ''running'' It''s also quite odd that puppet when it runs it thinks
2007 Apr 18
Graceful recovery on bad config
Would it be possible to... ( I suppose that this is an enhancement request )... automatically do the following on a client-side manifest failure: 1. Wipe localconfig.yaml and state.yaml and try again (seems to fix most things for me) 2. Revert to a last known good configuration if all else fails. Thanks, Trevor _______________________________________________ Puppet-users mailing list
2007 Feb 01
lockdir parameter
it seems that puppet refuse to run in the new version. It fails on the line: err: Could not apply complete configuration: Unknown configuration parameter :lockdir the client is .22.1 and server still .22.0 -- Cordialement, Ghislain _______________________________________________ Puppet-users mailing list
2007 Oct 30
append to static array (was: Re: Why External Node Classification is my future)
On 10/29/07, Luke Kanies <> wrote: > On Oct 29, 2007, at 2:35 PM, Brian Finney wrote: > > Although iteration would be really cool if we could also append to an > > array in a global fashion, but thats a completely different dream. > > What do you mean? Thinking some thing like: # define for simple firewall control define port($port, $status){ push
2007 Mar 13
N00B questions: How to dynamically set hostname in a config file . . .
Greetings - I''ve just started testing Puppet and have a couple of questions: 1. Is there a way to dynamically change a configuraion file that is sent to nodes? For example, I want to modify /etc/hosts to have the hostname and ip address set dynamically - the hosts file shoule look like: But I don''t want to
2006 Nov 16
Negating or removing classes
I have a situation where I''d like to perform some actions when a node is removed from a class. I have a few (homegrown) services that install ssh keys in authorized_keys and it''s possible that a node may have the service enabled and disabled during it''s lifetime. When disabled I''d like to clean up the ssh keys for security reasons. This brings up the broader
2007 Dec 10
Results from testing our manifests, functions and types against HEAD
Hi Luke and other people working on 0.24. I hope this is constructive. So, I have our configuration working against a checkout from git as of last night. Subject to (sorry, here''s the big but :) * external_nodes script is not being called (#951) * Custom types aren''t working unless I drop them into $rubysitedir/puppet/{type,provider}. Previously they worked in
2008 Jan 23
Hi all, Just wondering if anyone is going to FOSDEM 2008 this year. I know Luke can''t come (which is his loss, more beer for me :P) but that doesn''t mean we can''t have a little meetup amongst puppeteers! Just to see some faces behind the nicks and emailaddresses and the like. Like last year, I''m planning on only visiting one day, probably the Sunday. Anyone
2006 Aug 28
Templates and arrays
I''m in the process of documenting templates right now, and I figured I should see what happens when you use them with arrays: $ cat ~/bin/test.pp $values = [this, is, an, array, of, values] $content = template("/tmp/templates/testing.erb") file { "/tmp/temtest": content => $content } $ cat /tmp/templates/testing.erb <% values.each do |val| %> I got
2007 Mar 19
puppet hangs while trying to restart a daemon
Hello all, puppet hangs while trying to restart a daemon when the associated config file changes, here the log: Mar 19 11:30:04 ingentTest puppetd[27390]: Starting Puppet client version 0.22.0 puppetd[27390]: Starting configuration run puppetd[27390]: (/ingenttest/qualsevolnode/guaita[guaita]/File[/etc/guaita.conf]/content) synced puppetd[27390]:
2007 Feb 14
Recursive home-dir does more than only files in repository
Hi all, Today I came across something that I consider a bug. Would like to hear your opinions. Facts: - Using 0.22.1 from Debian Unstable on a Debian Testing machine - Recipes work on other machines The recipe in question is: # Keep home-dirs in sync file { "/home/tim": recurse => true, source =>
2007 Feb 12
FOSDEM meet-up!
Hi all, We were just talking on IRC about a meet-up for the interested parties on Saturday of FOSDEM in Brussels. Although it''s a bit difficult to pinpoint any spot at this time, we''d thought it would be nice to try to meet up at 13:00 at the CentOS+Fedora room. When we''re there, we''ll see if we''re welcome or not :) If you got any better ideas, now is
2007 Sep 11
Re: #786: exported resources not refreshed
Hello all, what exactly is the "design decision" that is needed here? We currently have the problem that 0.23.2-3 (debian package) does not work when it comes to collecting exported resources. The resources are saved in the database, so picking them up is the problem (db is Mysql5.x). This is a major problem for us, since we are using this a lot for our monitoring services. I
2007 Jul 15
Tips for Dummies!
Hi all, In a fit of helpfulness and working on my IRC-to-Wiki-conversion, I created a place where to add tips for new users. I couldn''t find it anywhere else on the wiki, except for a primer in the documentation. Feel free to add to it (and please do!!): -- Gegroet, Tim
2009 Jan 09
Parsing issues
I''m running into a very odd occurrence. I started with a new puppet server and was able to add a few classes, however as I try and add new ones I get odd parsing error messages, the most common being Could not match ''}'' at whatever file. Here is the exact error I get err: Could not retrieve catalog: Could not parse for environment production: Could not match
2007 Feb 14
managing multiple files
How can I express the following in puppet? $http_conf = "/etc/http/conf/httpd.conf" $vhosts_conf = "/etc/http/conf/vhosts.conf" @files = ("$httpd_conf", "$vhosts_conf") foreach f (@files) { file { "$f": owner => root, group => root, mode => 664, source => "puppet://$server/apache/$f", }
2007 Jan 22
aes unsupported algorithm for ipsec?
Hi all, I''m trying to create a IPsec tunnel from a Debian Etch machine to a Cisco PIX. Part of my config is the following: add x.x.x.x x.x.x.x esp 34501 -m tunnel -E aes-ctr "abcdefghijklmnop"; When I try to set this using setkey, it fails with the following message: line 9: unsupported algorithm at [abcdefghijklmnop] parse failed, line 9. Can anyone tell me what
2007 Dec 17
Configuration check script
We have started having developers make changes to our manifests file. We have a couple of changes with errors that have broken updating for all clients. We even ran into a bug where a broken configuration on puppetmaster start would cause it to return 500 server errors to all clients. I would like to have a way for developers to check their changes before committing them to version control and
2007 Oct 02
Is there have a synctax check tool ?
hello,all. Is there a have some tools to check the puppet manifests before to use it ? like nagios -v nagios.cfg .the new version puppet client can''t get error syntax message,so ,when have some syntax error I can''t found it. -- Huang Mingyou
2007 Feb 01
Apt should --purge?
Hi all, Please excuse me if someone has already offered this, but I think the Apt provider should, in addition to -y and -q, also do --purge. This will remove config files and keeps /etc cleaner on the whole. Just a suggestion. Great product and keep up the good work etc. -- Gegroet, Tim (tim|mac or tim|imac on irc)