similar to: OS X Packages

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "OS X Packages"

2007 Apr 24
Announce: References are now on Trac
I''ve converted all of the inline docs over to restructured text, and I''ve got them all up on trac: Please let me know if you find any
2007 May 01
ANNOUNCE: 0.22.4
I''ve just put it out; hopefully the packagers will get it in place soon. Here''s the changelog: Execs now autorequire the user they run as, as long as the user is specified by name. (#430) Files on the local machine but not on the remote server during a source copy are now purged if purge => true. (#594) Providers can now specify that some
2007 Jul 16
DRBD facts
Hi, I can''t find a way to add a page on the wiki (i''m logged in but there is no edit button on the facter recipes page), so here is a recipe for DRBD. It has been tested on version 0.8.4. Can someone publish it on the web site? if FileTest.exists?("/proc/drbd") result = {} Thread::exclusive do File.readlines("/proc/drbd").each do |l| if l =~
2007 May 11
Quote me on that [puppet best practice]
Another point of disparity between how I see others write Puppet manifests and the Best Practice that I''ve adopted at my institution is the use of quoting. In Puppet, you can get away with not quoting values or references if there isn''t a special character or a keyword being used (e.g. package { openssh: ...} or User[agirl]). However, even though that is possible, to make
2007 Jun 07
Reductive Labs Asks: What platforms and software are you managing?
We'd like to get new users to the information they need quickly and one thing new users want to know is if they can use Puppet for what they want to do. So far, we don't have a very extensive (or thorough) list of platforms and software solutions that our community is using with Puppet. To deal with this, I've drafted a short list of platforms under which Puppet is
2007 Apr 30
Managing packages which require a reboot
Hi, I''m working on a method to manage packages which require a reboot after being installed. I''m curious how other people are handling this problem. Consider the resource: pkg_deploy { "MacOSXUpdCombo10.4.9Intel.dmg": alias => macosx1049 } I''d like to only install the package under if the following conditions are met: - No user is logged into the
2007 Sep 24
ANNOUNCE: Facter 1.3.8
I''ve just committed Facter 1.3.8. All of the work for this release was done by James Turnbull, so everyone should thank him for getting it done. Here''s the changelog: Fixed Rdoc::usage bug on CentOS 5 - closed Puppet #753 and Facter #40 Added support to return multiple interfaces and their IP addresses and MAC addressess as facts. Returns
2007 Apr 11
any pointers for starting a windows port?
Hello I am entertaining the idea of putting some time and effort into making Facter and Puppet run on MS Windows. Call me crazy ... Does anyone know anything about the issues that I''m likely to face? What are the major stumbling blocks? Initially I''d be happy just getting File to work, this would be of tremendous value. I''m guessing that Facter will require the
2007 Mar 19
Changing the SSL Ciphers used between Puppet client and server.
Hello, Is it possible to specify which of the OpenSSL ciphers to utilize during client/server communication? Thank you, -- Rob -- ____________________________________________________________________________________ 8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time with the Yahoo! Search movie showtime shortcut.
2007 Jan 15
How to conditionally run defines?
Hi all, Is there a (simple) way to add conditionals to a call to a define? What I want is to run a define only if a file (that gets created somewhere along the run of the define) does not exist. In this way I can skip a whole lot of setup work in the define if I know it has already run once before. I would think adding a unless clause would be a elegant solution (and the other conditionals like
2007 May 01
Custom functions and facts
Hello! I''ve been trying to use facts from Facter in a custom function. I''ve been following Matthew''s entry in the wiki ( What i''m seeing is that Facter[''fqdn''].value is always returning the fqdn of the puppetmaster host. I was expecting the fqdn of the client host.
2007 May 09
Facter docs
Hello there, i cannot find the links to Facter on the site. I saw code with things like :confined and such. Where can i read any docs about how the inner uses of Facter works ? don''t speak of it. -- Cordialement, Ghislain _______________________________________________
2007 Apr 09
Issues with Puppet on FreeBSD / Creating a Recipe
Hi, I am running an environment with 15 FreeBSD servers on which I want to maintain ports, rc.conf settings, and assorted configuration in /usr/local/etc/. Looked around the existing Puppet docs, I got a puppetmaster and a test client to work and install a package as specified in the site manifest. This is very basic but awesome! I want to create a puppet FreeBSD HowTo that addresses a
2007 Jun 16
facter lsb* on Fedora
I just realized that if you don''t have redhat-lsb on your (Fedora 7) box, all those lsb* facts don''t show up. Should I make redhat-lsb a requirement for the facter rpm to guard against that ? David
2007 May 07
Puppet Best Practice
Hello everyone, A long time ago, I posted the Stanford Best Practices and I''ve gone through and updated it today. I''d like to have people go through it and see if we can strip out some Stanford specific stuff and tag this as an official best practice. I think an official best practice will be important as more and more people consider making shareable modules, etc (mostly
2006 Oct 19
puppet 0.20.0: updated language syntax doesn''t work?
Hi, I just upgraded to puppet 0.20.0 today after a short time playing with 0.19.3. The docs say to use the uppercase form for types but that seems to break for me. When I updated the remotefile function to use the new way, the puppet clients complain about objects not being found. For example: ----- OLD WAY (works, just with deprecations) ----- define remotefile (...) { file { $name :
2007 Apr 26
$processor fact not working on OS X
Hello dear list. First of all thanks to all the developers for the great work on puppet. After using it for a while, there is not better tool to manage a network! I have a problem with the $processor fact, which seems to be either not there or ignored at all. I try to implement package deployment for the Macs (Intel vs. PowerPC) as described here:
2007 Feb 06
Question on case statements...
Just poking around on the Docs site and went to the facter recipe for VMware. ( If you look at the bottom, the author states that they were unable to get case statements to match as a regex. case $macaddress { "00:0C:29:*":{ file{ "/etc/running_inside_vmware": ensure => present } } }
2007 Dec 27
Error when extending a resource parameter
Attached is a class for vmware guests that i am expanding however i am getting an error when i try to extend the ''require'' parameter on an ''Exec'' to install the tools. The error is err: Could not retrieve configuration: Parameter ''require'' is already set on Exec[setup_vmware_tools] by vmware::guest at
2007 May 15
Trying to make tidy{} work
Hi, Say I''ve got a directory full of stale Tomcat temp files of the form: /usr/local/blackboard/apps/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/webapps_assessment/strts6866.tmp and I want to delete any files that haven''t changed in a week and not keep any backup. Should this get rid of them: tidy {