similar to: relative path cmd line option

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "relative path cmd line option"

2007 Jul 17
reports without puppetmaster/puppetd
It appears that --report only works to send reports to puppetmaster. Is there a way or could an option be added to have the puppet client print out it''s report to stdout or stderr, for folks who are using puppet without the puppetmaster/puppetd? Thanks, Abe _______________________________________________ Puppet-users mailing list
2009 Jun 10
puppet client looking for server puppet
In my puppet client I have puppet.conf defined puppet server as mypuppet server = Not sure why the puppet client puppet-test is still sending these noises to the syslog Jun 10 13:36:23 puppet-test puppetd[10863]: [ID 702911 daemon.error] Could not find server : getaddrinfo: node name or service name not known Jun 10 13:36:23 puppet-test puppetd[10863]: [ID 702911
2009 May 12
Problem with storeconfigs
Hello all, I have what is certainly a stupid problem on my part. I have setup puppet in a test environment and it''s been working wonderfully. I am now in the process of moving this to our production systems and I have rebuilt our puppetmaster completely from scratch using the same modules/manifests, etc. from my test system. Unfortunately I am running into an issue with what I
2007 Dec 10
Results from testing our manifests, functions and types against HEAD
Hi Luke and other people working on 0.24. I hope this is constructive. So, I have our configuration working against a checkout from git as of last night. Subject to (sorry, here''s the big but :) * external_nodes script is not being called (#951) * Custom types aren''t working unless I drop them into $rubysitedir/puppet/{type,provider}. Previously they worked in
2007 Mar 26
Basic help with imports and includes
Do any of you good people have a moment to help me out with my basic Puppet language skills, I''m a little new around here and getting an error I don''t yet understand. I have an RHEL4 Puppetmaster happily controlling the permissions of /etc/sudoers on an RHEL5 and SolarisX86 client. My actual environment consists of several systems in several locations. All systems need the
2007 Aug 24
Problem restarting client service ssh in client
Hello, I want a simple operation in a puppet node like restarting the ssh service if it was stopped. My site.pp is simple as this: import "services/*" node default { include ssh } The services directory as a ssh.pp : class ssh { service { ssh: ensure => running, subscribe => File["/etc/ssh/sshd_config"] } } I''ve stopped the ssh service in the
2007 Oct 11
Specifying geographic related facts
Let''s say I have two different geographic sites. They are pretty much identical ie. each site has a machine called web1 which is a web server, etc. Except there are couple site-specific settings ie. outgoing DNS servers are different, SSL certs are different etc. On the puppetmaster I can put in a file called e.g. /etc/sideid which would uniquely identify a site ie. siteX or siteY.
2012 Apr 25
Unable to import a manifest file from a different directory to the one where site.pp is located using environments
Hi List, Puppet Version: v2.7.13 Question - If I correctly setup multiple manifestdir''s in the puppet.conf file how can I import a node pp file located in a different directory tree to site.pp? My configuration information is below. In my puppet.conf file I have setup an environment called "stable", within this environment I have setup the manifestdir, modulepath and
2007 Oct 04
use client''s server variable instead of $servername?
Our puppetmaster runs on a host with multiple interfaces connected to various private networks, with different hostnames for each IP. I''m trying to use $servername in modules to copy files over a private network, but this is always set to the public hostname of the server. That route is blocked by a firewall. Is there a way to use the server variable in puppet.conf in manifests?
2012 Dec 14
Duplicate declaration for invoking a class
Hi everyone, Here are the manifest I am using: In file ''*modules/test/manifest/init.pp*'': class test ( $test = undef, ) { notice("Here is the message: ${test}") } Now in ''*modules/saas/manifests/client/sudo.pp*'': class saas::client::sudo { class { ''test'': } } Now in ''*manifests/sites.pp*'': import
2008 Jan 03
modules and parser plugins: function unknown
Hi, We are totally sold on Pupet (what a nice concept) and are trying to setup a proof-of-concept. We are trying to learn a bit from other people''s work by integrating external modules. One of the modules we wanted to start with was the ''ntp'' module from David Schmitt. It clearly uses some functionalities from the ''common'' module, which we also
2013 Oct 30
Warning: Local environment: "42A" doesn't match server specified node environment "production", switching agent to "production"
Hi, When I run puppet agent --test --environment 42A, I have the following warning : Warning: Local environment: "42A" doesn''t match server specified node environment "production", switching agent to "production". ... The puppet manifest for the environment "42A" isn''t applied. The puppet version is 3.3.1-1puppetlabs1 on agent and
2007 Jul 14
timeout error on file transfer
Hi, The following is with the latest (and last) puppetmaster/puppetd on FC5. I use puppet to configure a server and several workstations on my home network. This includes managing several files of >5Mbyte on the workstations. I have had problems recently with timeout errors on some of these files. These errors seem consistent for a particular puppet setup/configuration, but can change when
2007 Dec 24
err: Could not retrieve configuration:
Hi all, I''m using the version 0.24.1 with strange problem: When I enable storeconfigs in puppetmaster (puppet.conf) I have the following error on clients debug: Finishing transaction -604715208 with 0 changes info: Loading fact hardware_platform info: Loading fact dmi debug: Retrieved facts in 2.12 seconds debug: Calling puppetmaster.freshness *err: Could not retrieve configuration:
2008 Feb 24
0.24.2 release candidate
Hi all, I''ve done as much bug-fixing as I''m going to be able to do in 0.24.2, I think, so please test the current code if you can. I made some unfortunately significant changes today, in order to try to remove any shared objects in the file server, which will hopefully solve the file corruption issues, plus some very strange issues resulting from renaming
2007 Dec 10
One more HEAD foible against our config
One more error/warning from the latest Puppet from git: In the provider I have KEYS = Facter.value(:roothome) + "/.ssh/authorized_keys" Puppet::Type.type(:authorizedkey).provide(:parsed, ... I get an error on the Puppetmaster: Could not autoload "/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/provider/authorizedkey/parsed.rb": undefined method `+'' for nil:NilClass Could not
2008 Jan 17
A function can always run when a client connect to the pupetmaster?
hello,all I write a function. this function will write the client fqdn to a file. But this function only run one time when the puppetmaster recompile the configuration. How can let this function run every time when a client connect to the puppetmaster ? please help me. -- Huang Mingyou
2011 Dec 06
module can't find other modules
I have these three modules with the following structure: |-- modules | |-- create_resources | | |-- LICENSE | | |-- Modulefile | | |-- README | | |-- lib | | | `-- puppet | | | `-- parser | | | `-- functions | | | `-- create_resources.rb | | |-- spec | | | |-- spec.opts | | | |-- spec_helper.rb | | | `-- unit
2007 Nov 11
puppetrun fails: "Certificates were not trusted"
Hello all, I''ve tried to run ''puppetrun'', but there seems something unconfigured regarding the certificates. The reverse way (puppetd pulls the config from puppetmasterd) works fine. The namespaceauth.conf on the client (where puppetd runs) is configured as follows: [puppetrunner] allow * (also tried the calling host: But when I call
2007 Oct 10
Puppet ldapnodes issue
I am attempting to move our test puppet installation from looking for node information in a manifest to LDAP. I followed the instructions at: and was able to get the puppet schema loaded into our LDAP. I can now query LDAP and modify/load data without any issues using the OpenLDAP tools. e.g. ldapsearch -h -x