similar to: There away to pass args to a package provider ?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "There away to pass args to a package provider ?"

2006 Oct 18
Creating client certificates
I testing Puppet 0.19.3. If we decide to use it, we''d deploy it across several thousand hosts. The method described for creating client certificates described in the documentation - running "puppetd --server <server> --waitforcert 60 --test" and "puppetca --sign <client>" - is not practical for our installation. I''ve tried creating
2007 Oct 25
Upcoming USENIX/LISA conference
Greetings - Does anyone have plans for a Puppet BOF at LISA this year? I''ve seen some talk on the LOPSA configmgmt list about Config Mangement BOF''s, but nothing focused on Puppet. Please, Please, mom, can we have a BOF, PUHLEESE!!!! Luke - I hope you''ll be there so I can at least buy you dinner and beers/drinks for making my SA life easier with Puppet. Cheers, Jeff
2006 Oct 20
fqdn & templates
So, looks like the latest facter has fqdn... cool. but for some reason templates can''t access it. I was defining $fqdn in my site.pp, but had to remove it after the last yum update, which brought in a new facter package. But now my templates can use fqdn. Why would this happen? --jason
2007 Mar 04
What I am doing with Puppet.
Hi, Luke asked me if I was willing to share what I am doing with the Puppet user community. So here goes: I am using puppet to manage one host right now. While that isn''t a good advertisement for Puppet''s scaling capabilities, I find it interesting because I built my single node (personal mail, svn, ci and web server) with puppet where I could (clearly there was some
2007 Oct 19
client update to 0.23.2: "Could not find value for"
hi all, we maintain about 30 puppet managed nodes. the version of the clients is 0.23.0 and 0.23.1. the master is 0.23.0. today we installed a new CentOS 5 node with David Lutterkort''s puppet 0.23.2 rpm. this host is a reinstall of an old FC4 on new hardware. we are getting this error on 0.23.2, never happened before: | Could not retrieve configuration: | Failed to parse template
2007 Jul 09
This list through gmane
Hi, Would it be possible to make this list accessible from gmane? Regards, -- Ugo Bellavance ( Consultant en Sécurité Informatique Lubik Inc. Site Web: # Tél.: 514-907-3253 # Sans Frais: 866-507-3253 # Fax.: 1-866-334-1426 Protection de courriel par LastSpam (
2007 May 07
Host information gathering
I''d like to keep the desired and current states of a machine regarding it''s configuration. Sometimes a chain of administrative commands is needed to get a special thing (re)configured on a machine, e.g. reconfig of a suncluster. This cannot be done with puppet in an easy way. In the majority of cases, these commands change appropriate files, which reflect the current
2007 Feb 06
Removing circular dependant RPM files with Package.
Hello, I just attempted to remove both the ypbind and the yp-tools packages using the package parameter with yum. As it turns out, both of these packages depend on each other. Is there a way of forcing package removal and, if there is not, is there a way of making all packages to be removed be collapsed into the same yum command? Either of these solutions would solve the problem with the
2007 Feb 01
Hi all, A couple of people are trying to convince me to come to FOSDEM in Belgium at the end of February. I''m a bit hesitant because I''ve been doing so much travel, but was a great experience and seems to have really helped get exposure to Puppet. There seems to be a pretty strong European contingent of Puppet users, and it''d be great to meet
2008 Jan 18
puppet 0.23.2 can''t collect exported resources
hi,guys I''m test the resources export and collect , OS is Debian etch and sarge, puppet server and client version all of the 0.23.2 ; the db is MySQL-4.1 My test code is like this. node ''b'' { @@file {"/tmp/a": ensure => present ,content => "test"; } } node ''a'' { File <<||>> } I run puppetd on
2007 Feb 09
err: Found a bug: Field dump is required
what can i do to find the bug when puppet print this: err: Found a bug: Field dump is required -- Cordialement, Ghislain _______________________________________________ Puppet-users mailing list
2008 Jun 06
useradd provider not working?
I have this config: # BL00070 - Disable NFS service {["nfs","nfslock","netfs","portmap"]: ensure => stopped, enable => false, } user {"rpc": ensure => absent, provider => "useradd" } user {"rpcuser": ensure => absent, provider => "useradd" } file
2007 Dec 20
No networking
I''m trying to run puppet on a node I''m cloning from CD. No IP, no DNS, puppet with a standalone manifest and --use-nodes. I get dnsdomainname errors and a "Network is unreachable" error. I''m using 0.20, but I checked for new options in 0.23 and didn''t see one to turn off networking. Is this an option? Thanks.
2006 Sep 04
package: ignores "source"; "provider" doesn''t work as advertised?
Hi I¹m not sure if I¹m misunderstanding, however, when I try the following: class thttpd { package { thttpd: version => "2.25b-4.2", source => "" } [snip other code] } On fedora core 5, the ³source² is ignored: yum is used to pull the package from the upstream repos listed in
2007 Feb 23
not conditionals
Hi, I''m new to puppet so apologises if this is obvious and only proves that I haven''t read the manual from cover to cover (oops, did I really to admit that! ;-) In the DebianRecipies example it uses the variable to determine the relative path to some template files. The variable has been set up at the node level however, there''s the possibility that it hasn''t
2007 Aug 24
Problem restarting client service ssh in client
Hello, I want a simple operation in a puppet node like restarting the ssh service if it was stopped. My site.pp is simple as this: import "services/*" node default { include ssh } The services directory as a ssh.pp : class ssh { service { ssh: ensure => running, subscribe => File["/etc/ssh/sshd_config"] } } I''ve stopped the ssh service in the
2007 Feb 06
Unless in exec doesn''t seem to be honored on notify.
This was a fun one to track down... I was trying to use the append_if_no_such_line script from the wiki and it was working fine EXCEPT when I threw a notify at it. The notify appears to completely ignore both unless and onlyif within the exec for some reason. If I put the same test in the actual command line, it works fine. Example: unless => "/bin/grep -Fqe ''$line''
2007 Oct 01
freebsd ports provider patch to use ports tree directly
The included patch is what I''ve been able to throw together in a few hours after studying the pkgtools code. All I''m using the library for at the moment is to resolve the proper base location of the ports tree, but at least by invoking make directly instead of through portupgrade it works *a lot* better. Is there a proper way to include/require a third party ruby library?
2007 May 08
Override to unspecify
In the normal override method, you can change the value of a parameter, but can you unset a parameter? file { "/etc/somefile": mode => 644, owner => "dude" } File ["/etc/somefile"] { mode => unset } ??
2007 May 08
Provider suitability reports
As promised, I''m trying to extra more data out of Puppet''s internals, and this is one I''ve been wanting to do ever since I developed the idea of provider suitability. I''ve created new type of ''reference'' (although it''s more of a report than a reference) that can tell you which providers are functional on the current platform,