similar to: beginner question

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "beginner question"

2013 May 24
Example of a working runinterval + splay configuration?
I have a substantial number of Windows hosts running puppet 3.1.1 with the following in their puppet.conf: runinterval = 1800 > splay = true > splaylimit = 900 However in checking puppet logs, I''m finding that these hosts are dialing in at 30 minute intervals +/- 5-10 seconds. Can someone provide me an example puppet.conf that is properly implementing the splay feature on a
2012 Jul 11
certname doesn't seem to work on the agent
Hi guys, I have a box that needs to identify itself to the puppetmaster as something different from the FQDN. I added certname to the agent configuration before the first run, but it doesn''t seem to be sufficient. The certificate was generated for the FQDN, and the host appears in the dashboard as the FQDN, and the node name used to evaluate the manifest is also the FQDN. I would
2008 Dec 18
errors after 0.24.7 upgrade ..
After upgrading my puppetmaster to 0.24.7 from 0.24.6 i am getting the following errors in the puppetmaster logs. Any help would be appreciated. Thu Dec 18 16:11:39 +1100 2008 Puppet (err): Could not store configs: undefined method `environment='' for #<Puppet::Rails::Host:0xb72c0c38> I do not use environment''s and they are not defined anywhere in the puppet.conf
2012 Jan 15
puppet client server connection refused when I use puppet kick
I have very strange problem. I set up puppet client on serveral servers but have problem with one of them. When I invoke: root@www ~ # puppet agent --server --test notice: Ignoring --listen on onetime run info: Caching catalog for info: Applying configuration version ''1326444431'' notice: Finished catalog run in
2009 May 18
running and configuring puppetd as a daemon at a set time
Hello All I gather that the number of times the daemon checks in is controlled via runinterval (default 1800 seconds) Further, splay (and splaylimit) sets if a pseudo random time is used before checking in. BUT does splay have any meaning if i can not set when the daemon should attempt to check in? Or can i set the check-in time (i may have just missed the option)? cheers chakkerz
2007 Oct 23
what''s the maximum of the runinterval
hi,all I want the puppetd run in daemon only run by the puppetrun trigger, not schedule run . so how can do this ? what''s the maximum of the runinterval ? I want change this option to do this. Please help me . -- Huang Mingyou
2012 Jun 14
Problem with Load Balancing Puppet masters with Apache mod_proxy
I have a single LB running Apache with mod_proxy in front of a Puppet master. These are the LB and Puppet master configs: <Proxy balancer://puppetmaster> BalancerMember </Proxy> Listen 8140 <VirtualHost *:8140> SSLEngine on SSLCipherSuite SSLv2:-LOW:-EXPORT:RC4+RSA SSLProtocol -ALL +SSLv3 +TLSv1 SSLCipherSuite
2008 Apr 12
Question: Do all puppetd run at the same time?
(I know more questions... :-)) I know the default for puppetd is to check puppetmasterd every half hour, but my question does each puppetd check at the same time? Or does it depend when puppetd is started or like a cronjob does it run at the 1/2 hour and hour mark? Is there some randomness to the times they run? My point is if they all run at the same time then if you have a large amount of
2010 Aug 13
Push changes to clients
I was wondering how to configure the puppet clients to only listen, not to periodically pull configs down from the puppetmaster. I''d rather push the configs out from the puppetmaster with puppetrun... At a guess I need to set runinterval to 0 in /etc/puppet/puppet.conf? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post
2007 Jan 24
bug in logging
Hello... After a break, I am back to my integrating puppet project. While testing I ran into a bug in puppetmaster.log. (maybe. it is possible I did this myself with a borked config ) I seems that puppetmaster is re-logging past data. I have noop = true and set runinterval = 60 to show the bug. I manually added the "manual break" lines in between runs. Wed Jan 24 09:27:29
2007 May 15
Puppet performance
--On Monday, May 14, 2007 9:16 PM -0700 Jos Backus <> wrote: > ObPuppet: we ramping up our deployment this week to around 200 hosts. So > far everything has been going smoothly. We don''t have nearly as many and yet, we see occasional errors ("End of file reached") which seems to indicate the network cutting out. I can''t imagine what would
2007 Mar 29
Anyone using the rrdgraph report on the puppetmaster on Debian stable? I''m trying to get this working and not getting far. I even took rrdtool and librrd0-dev from backports and I still get the same problem. It seems that the rrdfiles are being somewhat created, but nevertheless, the puppetmaster isn''t happy and keeps spewing: err: Report rrdgraph failed: Could not create
2008 Dec 04
puppetmaster built via puppetd
hi, i''m trying to set up my puppetmaster infrastructure with multiple puppetservers behind load balancers in each of our datacenters. i''m using 0.24.6. i''ve read the howto on puppet scalability, and i think i''ve got the ssl config working correct, but i''m noticing that when puppetd is used to build a puppetmaster, some of the files in $vardir/ ssl
2007 Jul 03
CA migration
Anyone ever migrated the puppetca to a different host? What are the steps that are involved?
2012 Aug 23
Puppet Agent VS User
Hello, Running into a problem when wanting to daemon-ize the agent. It doesnt seems to do anything: - cannot find any daemon process with (ps aux | grep puppet) - the config is not updated after editing some params on the master - /var/log/puppet stay empty... while, when logged as root, it is working without issue with $puppet agent --test. ##Conf Ubuntu 12.04 Puppet 2.7.11 ## Daemon is
2007 Apr 18
Could not describe errors
Hello community, We are running puppetmaster 0.22.3 with 45 servers attached and we are seeing a lot of messages that say: (err): Could not describe /ssh/sshd_config.RedHat: End of file reached: We were seeing a lot of this with 0.22.1 as well. Interestingly, during the stretch where we were running 0.22.2 (most of April until 2 days ago) we didn''t see this error at all or very
2009 Jan 09
Cannot create /var/lib/puppet/clientbucket; parent directory /var/lib/puppet does not exist
Hi all, I''m doing a new install of my puppet server and I''m doing it like: 1.-) adding epel repo: 2.-) yum -y install puppet-server 3.-) rm -rf /etc/puppet 4.-) copy my old puppet conf (from puppet-0.24.5 to 0.24.6) mv /etc/puppet.old /etc/puppet 5.-) start puppetmaster: [gridinstall etc]# /etc/init.d/puppetmaster start
2007 Mar 08
Solid How-To
I have been all over the wiki pages for puppet and I have noticed that all the configuration examples seem vague. Does anyone know of a good solid resource for start to finish configuration of puppetmaster and puppet (server and client)? A step by step guide would be great.
2007 Apr 10
Import all modules?
Is there a way to tell the puppetmaster that I want to import all modules rather than listing each one individually?
2010 Jul 22
Foreman / External Nodes -- Node Not found
Hello All, So I finally got around to start to cut over node definitions from standard flat files to external nodes (foreman), and getting error message: "Error 400 on SERVER: Could not find node ''nodename''; cannot compile" - So basically it can''t pick up the node from the external node config. When I test the fetching of the yaml file it seems to work