Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "Bhat package and plkhci function"
2009 Jul 30
Continue to finish for loop even there is an error in one of rounds.
I am trying to fit a logistic model to my 10 year data (1999-2008) by year. Codes like below:
Year <- c(1999: 2008)
for(y in 1:length(year)) {
file.input <- paste("C:\\", year[y], "\\data.csv", sep="")
table <- read.csv(file=fileinput, header=TRUE, as.is=TRUE, na.strings=c(""))
initial <- getInitial(percent ~ SSlogis(age, Asym,
2008 Mar 03
How to make a break on y-axis of a histogram chart using R?
Attached is a histogram chart with a break on y-axis which my friend made
for me using phot shop. Do anyone know how to make such a break using R?
Thanks in advance.
(See attached file: 2007 age distribution.doc)
Hongsheng (Hank) Liao, Ph.D.
Lab Manager
Center for Quantitative Fisheries Ecology
800 West 46th Street
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, Virginia 23508
2008 Feb 15
Error 'singular gradient' in nonlinear model fitting
w.age.female.2004 <- nls(WEIGHT ~ (alpha*TOTAL^beta)/454,
start=list(alpha=1, beta=3),
I am trying to fit above model to length-weight data of a fish species
(spotted seatrout) by year (1999-2006). The convergence occurred for all
the years except 2002 and 2004. In these two year, R shows the error
2008 May 29
test for multivariate normality?
My stat textbook tells me that using Shapiro-Wilk test for each variable
one by one is not equal to a test for multivariate normality as a whole.
Does R have a function of testing for multivariate normality? Thanks.
Hongsheng (Hank) Liao, Ph.D.
Lab Manager
Center for Quantitative Fisheries Ecology
800 West 46th Street
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, Virginia 23508
2008 Jul 10
princomp loading help
Dear all,
When I print out princomp's loading outputs, there is alwasy a section for "SS loading", "Proportional Var" and "Cumulative Var". Anybody can tell what they are for? Or anyone can direct me to some reference to read about?
Any help will be highly appricated.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2004 Feb 11
Bhat: installation problem
I'm trying to install package Bhat on
a Win machine, had a problem and figured out
a fix, but would like to report the
problem and make sure the fix is correct. This is what I do:
1. Download Bhat_0.9-07.tar.gz
2. Uncompress it and compress it back to Bhat_0.9-07.zip
3. Install from the R windows gui (that
apparentely requires the zip compression and cannot
deal with the tar.gz)
2003 Feb 06
Win98 policies,profiles and logon scripts
I am running Samba 2.2.3a and have my users logging into the 'samba
domain'. My WinNT and WinXP users are working fine with roaming profiles
and policies. My problem is my Win98 users. The logon script doesn't seem
to be working, i.e. when I log onto a Win98 machine (logging into the
domain), the logon script doesn't run. I have opened up the permissions to
the logon script
2007 Jan 17
Row limit for read.table
I have been trying to read in a large data set using read.table, but
I've only been able to grab the first 50,871 rows of the total 122,269 rows.
> f <-
header=TRUE, nrows=123000, comment.char="", sep="\t")
> length(f$change_rate)
[1] 50871
From searching the email archives,
1998 Jun 08
Services not required?
I''m in the process of locking down as much of my systems here
as possible as to available ports. I am down to only a handful
but am not sure how much of a security risk they pose and was
wondering if anyone here might be able to comment, or suggest
secure versions to run:
21/FTP (WU-ftpd v2.4.2 BETA 14)
22/SSH (1.22)
23/TELNET (Netkit 0.09)
25/SMTP (Sendmail
2011 Apr 01
read.table question #only need to change column names
Hi all,
I have a huge data set. All I want to do is to change the column names of
the it. So if I use read.table, I can read the data in and change colnames
and then write back, such as,
t <- read.table("a.txt", header = T, sep = "\t")
colnames(t) <- c("....) # new column names
write.table(t, "a.txt", quote = F, sep = "\t",
2017 Apr 20
Permissions for llvm-mirror - Setting up Libc++ Appveyor builders
What would be the status of these buildbots? Is it for your private usage?
Otherwise having “project' bots” using a non-official mirror may sound like a strange situation to me.
> On Apr 19, 2017, at 5:04 PM, Eric Fiselier via llvm-dev <llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:
> Adding cfe-dev list...
> On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 5:50 PM, Eric Fiselier <eric at
2017 Apr 20
Permissions for llvm-mirror - Setting up Libc++ Appveyor builders
> On Apr 20, 2017, at 12:39 AM, Eric Fiselier <eric at efcs.ca> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 11:19 PM, Mehdi Amini <mehdi.amini at apple.com <mailto:mehdi.amini at apple.com>> wrote:
> What would be the status of these buildbots? Is it for your private usage?
> I intend for them to be public Windows buildbots for libc++.
I’m not sure
2012 Sep 07
[LLVMdev] 64 bit special purpose registers
On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 10:56 AM, Michael LIAO <michael.hliao at gmail.com>wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 10:02 AM, Reed Kotler <rkotler at mips.com> wrote:
> > Here is the problem explained more.
> >
> > Normally there is a 64 bit register that is the result of certain
> multiply
> > and divide instructions.
> > It's really 2 32 bit registers.
2005 Jul 28
using integrate with optimize nested in the integration
Hi guys
im having a problem getting R to numerically integrate for some function,
say f(bhat)*optimize(G(bhat)), over bhat. Where id like to integrate this over some finite range, so that here as we integrate over bhat optimize would return a different optimum.
For instance consider this simple example for which I cannot get R to return the desired result:
f <- function(bhat) exp(bhat)
2007 Jan 26
Form of the equation produced by a GLM with Poisson family and log link function
Hi everyone,
My background is not math and I am trying to figure out exactly what equation to use to map a response variable in GIS based on the coefficients obtained from the GLM and the values of the independent variables in each grid cell of my study area. Most specifically, I want to know how to incorporate the Poisson family and log link function in the equation. I would really appreciate if
2012 Jun 07
Quantile regression: Discrepencies Between optimizer and rq()
Hello Everyone,
I'm currently learning about quantile regressions. I've been using an
optimizer to compare with the rq() command for quantile regression.
When I run the code, the results show that my coefficients are consistent
with rq(), but the intercept term can vary by a lot.
I don't think my optimizer code is wrong and suspects it has something to do
with the starting
2006 Jun 12
Searching People
Hello to all Rubyist and Railist ;)
I''m looking for people to start a blog-project, write about Rails and with
its related subject. Or if anyone have a blog that I can join in and write
some articles?
Greetings, Chris Dorner
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2006 Jun 12
starting WEBrick
I''m doing some testing and want to start WEBrick as a daemon on my RHEL 4
server. How can I start this to run as a daemon from the command line so
that I can close my ssh session and leave WEBrick running?
2003 Apr 29
Voice Modem Support?
I'm still playing with * at the moment. Just trying to figure out how much it
can do.
Anyway, it looks like * supports voice modems. So here come the obvious
How well does * support vmodems?
How do I set * to use my vmodem for incoming calls?
Has anyone gotten it to work?
Mike Diehl.
2002 Sep 17
Install on Mandrake 8.2
I have a fresh install of Mandrake 8.2 which comes with Samba 2.2.3a. I
wish to upgrade to Samba 2.2.5, however, I cannot find the correct RPM
to do so. Any help here is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
- Robert Dempsey