similar to: Configuration check script

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "Configuration check script"

2007 Aug 07
parsing manifests in a pre-commit hook
Hello, I was wondering if there is a way to parse individual manifest files as part of a pre-commit hook in subversion. I am looking for something like puppetmasterd --parseonly, but that will work on individual files. This way I can reject a commit if it does not pass. Any ideas? TIA
2007 Oct 03
puppet exit codes and svn pre-commit hook
Hi everyone, I''m using a svn pre-commit hook to check manifests for syntax errors. I''ve recently upgraded puppet from 0.22.4 to 0.23.2 and the hook stopped working. I use the following command to parse .pp files: /usr/local/bin/puppet --confdir=/tmp --vardir=/tmp --parseonly --ignoreimport /tmp/$$.pp Now, I make a decision based on the exit code. If 0 then commit, else exit
2007 Mar 19
Parsechecking in a commit hook
This has been a much-requested feature, and is now a reality (in svn trunk): There is a new option, --ignoreimport, that will (surprisingly) ignore import statements. This is really only useful when using -- parseonly in a commit hook, and note that you''ll have to add the option to --parseonly, none of the puppet executables will add it for you. You should be able to
2007 Oct 02
Is there have a synctax check tool ?
hello,all. Is there a have some tools to check the puppet manifests before to use it ? like nagios -v nagios.cfg .the new version puppet client can''t get error syntax message,so ,when have some syntax error I can''t found it. -- Huang Mingyou
2007 Feb 12
How to validate puppet manifests without actually executing puppet?
Hi, I want to validate my puppet manifests before I check them into source control. I just want to make sure that the manifest syntaxes are legal, not to do any more complex testing - the checkin may be on my laptop and not on the system that the manifests may be intended to run on. Ideally I''d be able to do this from ruby code - and I did try to instantiate some classes and override
2007 Mar 07
Writing definitions to support changing defaults
What is the right way to write definition so that defaults can be overriden? $puppetdir = "puppet://$server/files" define remotefile($source, $owner = "root", $group = "root", $mode = 0644, $backup = false, $recurse = false) { file { $name: mode => $mode, owner => $owner, group => $group, backup => $backup,
2009 Jan 09
Parsing issues
I''m running into a very odd occurrence. I started with a new puppet server and was able to add a few classes, however as I try and add new ones I get odd parsing error messages, the most common being Could not match ''}'' at whatever file. Here is the exact error I get err: Could not retrieve catalog: Could not parse for environment production: Could not match
2007 Aug 24
Variable scope: Class inheritance vs Include statement.
Hello. I''m a long time cfengine user, some might say sufferer, and I have finally managed to get around to experimenting with Puppet. So far I''m very impressed. I am trying to get puppet to configure the openntpd config file, from an ERB template, based on the node definition in the site config. What I''m trying to understand is why when I define a variable in a child
2007 Jan 10
Definition specialization
There was a discussion a while ago about adding inheritance to definitions. There is a need for a way to specialize parameters while allowing passing other options. This comes up with remotefile where it would be nice to have a default server location but not specify all the parameters (and their defaults) in the definition. Was there a change to the syntax? Is there a way to accomplish this?
2008 Jan 17
SVN pre-commit hook
Hi is anybody using the svn pre-commit hook from with 0.24.1 . It was working fine with 0.23.1 and I like it to test stupid typos before checking in. However after updating to 0.24.1 I get the following error for the site.pp: Could not parse for environment development: No file(s) found for import of
2007 Oct 18
ruby error on macosx
I don''t manage any macosx machines but I do run puppet standalone to check syntax etc. I''ve been getting the following error: Could not autoload "/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/parser/ast/resourceoverride.rb": superclass mismatch for class ResourceOverride specifically small test pp files still work, though I''ve found when I use parseonly it
2007 Jan 29
Run command when file changes
I am writing a definition that installs a crontab. I would like it to run the command only when the downloaded file changes. I am using "subscribe" but it doesn''t seem to do the job. The exec command is run every time. define crontab($host = $hostname) { $path = "/tmp/$name.$host.cron" remotefile { $path: source =>
2007 Mar 01
Local puppet
I''m trying to scale up Puppet and am wondering if I can use Puppet in an odd way. I''m looking to use Puppet as an authoritative source for all the configuration done to a cluster. That includes fstab''s, modprobe.conf, etc. This reduces duplication. I''m using SystemImager on a cluster and would like to run Puppet during the install, so when the node reboots, it
2009 Feb 04
Issue with template.pp
Hi i am creating a template.pp for different OS.. Following is my template.pp file node basenode { case $operatingsystem { fedora: { include fedora } default: { include debian } } include baseapps, sshd, admin, default } <=== line 7 node default inherits basenode {} I receive an error. err: Could not parse for environment production: Syntax error
2007 Aug 24
Problem restarting client service ssh in client
Hello, I want a simple operation in a puppet node like restarting the ssh service if it was stopped. My site.pp is simple as this: import "services/*" node default { include ssh } The services directory as a ssh.pp : class ssh { service { ssh: ensure => running, subscribe => File["/etc/ssh/sshd_config"] } } I''ve stopped the ssh service in the
2007 Jun 09
relative path cmd line option
I''m having a hard time shipping off complete puppet manifests/facts/files within a single versioned container to end nodes because of how strict puppet is about not allowing relative paths, even with runtime command line options. (I can not use the puppet/puppetmaster client/server model because of company policies, organization divisions and personnel issues.) When I export a complete
2007 Mar 22
Starting out with lots of problems.
So I am beginning the long process of learning puppet... and it seems that I am missing some vital things. My systems are RHEL-4, and i have installed the puppet/facter/puppetmasterd from''s archive. [root@canopus puppet]# rpm -qa | egrep ''puppet|facter'' | sort facter-1.3.6-1.el4 puppet-0.22.2-1.el4 puppet-server-0.22.2-1.el4 on the client I
2006 Nov 13
0.20.1 and sqlite3 error
Hello, I just installed the latest version of puppet and puppetmaster on an up to date RHEL4 system. If I turn on ''storeconfigs'' on the puppetmaster server I get the following error: debug: Calling puppetmaster.getconfigerr: Could not retrieve configuration: Uncaught exception No such file to load -- sqlite3 in method puppetmaster.getconfig I have gems and rails installed
2007 Oct 04
use client''s server variable instead of $servername?
Our puppetmaster runs on a host with multiple interfaces connected to various private networks, with different hostnames for each IP. I''m trying to use $servername in modules to copy files over a private network, but this is always set to the public hostname of the server. That route is blocked by a firewall. Is there a way to use the server variable in puppet.conf in manifests?
2007 Oct 09
puppetca is unable to sign certificate
Hi - I a ran puppetd -vt against a brand newly build host (which is what I normally do for a new host) and got the usual message: err: No certificate; running with reduced functionality. info: Creating a new certificate request for sega-dev-1. info: Requesting certificate On the puppetmaster, I then list the waiting host with: puppetca --list then sign the key. In this case, I decided that the