similar to: order, managing one file and refreshonly

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "order, managing one file and refreshonly"

2007 Dec 13
access to databases in puppet - best practice?
Hello! In my puppet configuration I need to get some data from database. Ie.: I''ve got information about my all hosts in db - thier name, mac addresses, ip addresses, what to backup from this host etc. For now it''s just .xml file, but it could be sql db, or ldap directory. Then, using this small "database", I want to generate configuration using puppet - ie.:
2013 May 07
Announce: cis-puppet 0.2.0 is now available
Overview ======== This module implements the Center for Internet Security (CIS) Security Configuration Benchmark for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 v.1.1.0 (avilable at Each scored control has been implemented as a class or a custom fact. Installation ============ Please either: - Clone git repo from - Run "puppet
2008 Jul 30
Refreshonly question
Does anyone have a technique for performing an exec the first time puppetd runs but then reverting to refreshonly => true state for subsequent runs? The basic idea is: file { "/etc/foo": notify => Exec["bar"] } exec { "bar": command => "Do stuff to /etc/foo", refreshonly => true } Should I use a fact that is unset based on a
2010 Aug 31
Puppet + APT, I am lost...
Hi, For the past week, I have been trying to figure out the best way to do package management with Puppet on an Ubuntu system. I have studied many solutons I found on the web, but none of them seem to do exactly what I want. Among other things, I have tried everything that is discussed here: but
2009 Jan 02
problem with custom funcion
Hello! I''ve written custom function split - it''s located in modules/common/ plugins/puppet/parser/functions/split.rb and contains: module Puppet::Parser::Functions newfunction(:split, :type => :rvalue) do |args| str=args[0] regex=args[1] idx=args[2] out=str.split(/#{regex}/) if out.is_a? Array out[idx] else "" end
2008 Oct 16
virutal resources and ssh_authorized_key
Hello! I''ve got question - how to use ssh_autorized_key as a virtual resource? I''ve got bunch of users and ssh_authorized_key virtual resources, but only users gets to the target system - ssh keys not... I write something like: class admins { @user { "username": ... } @ssh_authorized_key { "username": ensure => present, key => "...",
2010 Apr 27
strange pson error...
Hello! What does this error means? err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Could not intern from pson: Could not convert from pson: Could not find relationship target "Nagios_hostgroup[]" I cannot find it anywhere in my config... I have only 2 nagios_hostgroups, exported to server, then collected in nagios module. Any ideas? Cheers --- Grzegorz MarszaƂek
2007 Nov 15
class dependency?
Hello! I''m newbie to puppet but I like it a lot :) I''m still trying to figure out how to write good manifests. And my problem is like this: I''ve got class samba-server - I''ve got there all settings I need for samba to behave properly in my network. I include it in nodes- definition on servers. Then I''d like to define shares - diffierent on each
2008 Oct 16
puppet not creating users?
Hello! My problem is - puppet is not creating users... I''ve got class: class admins { @user { "graf0": ensure => present, uid => 1500, comment => "Full name", home => "/home/graf0", managehome=> true, shell => "/bin/bash", password => ''SOMEVALIDSHADOWPW'', tag => admin } } Then, in have
2008 May 12
Complex data structures in templates
Hi. I wonder if it is possible to use more complex data structures in templates than simple variables and arrays? I have been trying nested arrays, as well as nested arrays and hashes, but nothing seems to work (more specifically, nested arrays seem to be flattened into a single array). Having only simple variables and arrays is a little limiting. Something like the Perl-based Template Toolkit
2007 Dec 27
"fakeing" exported resources - is that possible
Hello! I''m trying to solve small problem - linux server AND windows clients AND managing this using puppet :) As far as I know puppet don''t work under windws, but I''m still using it on linux side. And I need some information from windows machines - ie.: info about what should I backup from each one. Of course one solution is to port puppet to windows - but for
2007 Dec 28
Still need help with ticket triage
As everyone probably realizes, I''m getting swamped with incoming problems and tickets and I still need help triaging the tickets. James Turnbull has volunteered to help some, but I think we need more than one person. We''ve had a few people step in once or twice, but I''d like to be able to depend on Unreviewed tickets getting handled by someone else, rather
2020 Jun 30
Choosing the right domain
Hi, I am about to spend one week of my holidays with transfering our (about 20 clients) NT4 domain to a AD DC one. We are running a samba NT4 PDC on debian buster which is offering dns (bind9) and dhcp (isc-dhcpd), too. I have an older server where I can play with an AD DC setup. If I see I won't make it in a week, I would like to be able to return as smooth as possible to the present
2013 Jun 04
Centos6.4 routing problem
dear All, I'm facing this routing problem, the setup is actualy part of ltsp, but I think this problem is Centos-specific. The server is a Dell Poweredge R210. The install is standard 6.4, updated. I have one nic facing the public internet: vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-em1 DEVICE=em1 BOOTPROTO=none HWADDR=d4:ae:52:c1:28:2b NM_CONTROLLED=no ONBOOT=yes TYPE=Ethernet
2006 Oct 01
[Bug 467] iptables is complaining with bogus unknown error 18446744073709551615 changed: What |Removed |Added ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Status|RESOLVED |REOPENED Resolution|INVALID | ------- Additional Comments From 2006-10-01
2007 Feb 06
Unless in exec doesn''t seem to be honored on notify.
This was a fun one to track down... I was trying to use the append_if_no_such_line script from the wiki and it was working fine EXCEPT when I threw a notify at it. The notify appears to completely ignore both unless and onlyif within the exec for some reason. If I put the same test in the actual command line, it works fine. Example: unless => "/bin/grep -Fqe ''$line''
2007 Sep 04
exec creates and subscribe
I have the following test case: file { sendmail-conf: path => "/etc/mail/${fqdn}.mc", owner => "root", group => "wheel", mode => 0644, links => follow, source => "puppet:///sendmail/${hostname}.mc" } $mail_dir = "/etc/mail" $cf_dir = "/usr/share/sendmail/cf/" exec { build-conf: command => "/usr/bin/m4
2012 Oct 02
PROBLEM : Cannot require an Exec
hello: i currently am using Puppet to run some commands in a sequence. there are two sequences of exec resources. we found that we cannot use require => Exec and it does not work at all as expected. here is some sample code. exec { "exec-AAA": command => "/bin/true", returns => 0, notify => Exec["exec-BBB"], } exec { "exec-BBB":
2006 Aug 27
Re: preseeding files only on reinstall
On Aug 27, 2006, at 9:55 AM, Thorsten Sandfuchs wrote: > hio, > me again :) > > In Debian, there is a mechanism to preseed debconf (configuration- > database for > the system) with decisions, before installing a package. Debconf > mussn''t ask > the user then. I wrote this pp for preseeding-support: [snip] Very cool. Seems like that''s something that
2013 Mar 12
Only running database_grant the first time.
I''m using puppet through Vagrant to manage my dev VM, and as part of that I have a few database grants that I run after creating users, but when I subsequently run vagrant up or provision these grants fail (because of some changes I make to the mysql config after they have been created.) I''m using database_grant to execute the grants, but there doesn''t seem to be a