similar to: Remove wireframe outer box but keep ticks

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Remove wireframe outer box but keep ticks"

2010 Mar 15
Eliminate border in wireframe plot
How can I eliminate the border drawn by default around a wireframe plot? I've tried using border=NA and box=FALSE to no avail. Scott Waichler Pacific Northwest National Laboratory scott.waichler at
2007 May 09
How to remove outer box from Wireframe plots?
I would like to remove the outermost box from my wireframe plots -- this is the box that is automatically generated, and is not the inner cube that frames the data. There was a thread on this 4 yrs ago but none of the fixes work (e.g., grid.newpage(), grid.lines(gp = gpar(col = NA)) or,col=NA. These just make the data or the cube disappear. Has anyone solved this issue?
2011 Mar 01
Does POSIXlt extract date components properly?
I would like to use POSIX classes to store dates and extract components of dates. Following the example in Spector ("Data Manipulation in R"), I create a date > mydate = as. POSIXlt('2005-4-19 7:01:00') I then successfully extract the day with the command > mydate$day [1] 19 But when I try to extract the month > mydate$mon [1] 3 it returns the wrong month. And
2009 Dec 29
subsetting by groups, with conditions
I have a data set similar to this: P1id Veg1 Veg2 AreaPoly2 P2ID 1 p p 1 1 1 p p 1.5 2 2 p p 2 3 2 p h 3.5 4 For each group of "Poly1id" records, I wish to output (subset) the record which has largest "AreaPoly2" value, but only if
2010 Mar 05
conditioning variable in panel.xyplot?
I wish to create a multipanel plot (map) from several datasets ("d" and "q" in the example below). I can condition the main xyplot statement on the "site" variable, but I don't know how to pass a conditioning variable to panel.xyplot plot so that the x-y coordinates from dataset q are only plotted at the appropriate site. library(lattice) d <-
2010 Jun 22
Lattice legend
I have a moderately complex graph with three panels. There are data points plotted, and fitted lines are added using a panel function, which includes "with([[which.packet()[1]]]" statements. It all graphs out beautifully, but none of the usual tricks to get the proper legend to plot are working, i.e., using auto.key, key, etc. One message I keep getting is Error in
2012 Nov 22
[lattice] Increase distance between tick labels and ticks in wireframe plot ("pad")
Hello, I try to increase the distance between tick labels and ticks in a lattice wireframe plot. Here's a minimal example: ## Minimal example x <- y <- z <- c(1,2,3) df <- data.frame(x, y, z) wireframe(z ~ x*y, df, scales = list(arrows = FALSE, col = "black", font = 1, tck=0.6)) I tried the axis.components option
2007 Dec 13
Overlaying trellis xyplot on contourplot
Friends: I wish to overlay data points on a contour graph. The following example produces a nice contour plot, but I have not mastered the concept of using panel functions to modify plots. Can someone show me how to overlay the data points (given after contour plot statement) on the contourplot? --Seth model <- function(a,b,c,X1,X2) # provide model function for contour
2011 May 25
Accessing elements of a list
I have a list that is made of lists of varying length. I wish to create a new vector that contains the last element of each list. So far I have used sapply to determine the length of each list, but I'm stymied at the part where I index the list to make a new vector containing only the last item of each list mylist =
2009 Sep 18
xyplot: Can I identify groups but not use them for regression?
I wish to identify groups representing different treatments, but to plot them and do a regression using a continuous variable ("cover") ignoring the groupings. d$year <- NA d$year <-c(rep(2007,12), rep(2008,12)) d$treatment <- c(rep("A",4),rep("B",4),rep("C",4), rep("A",4), rep("B",4), rep("C",4)) d$cover <-
2010 Sep 21
Doing operations by grouping variable
I'm writing an expression that requires searching a vector according to group. As an example, I want to find the maximum value in each of 5 groups. group=rep(1:5, each=5) # create grouping variable variable=rnorm(25) # generate data d <- data.frame(group,variable) # make data frame
2009 Nov 24
Cannot set wireframe ticks?
I have an issue when making a wireframe plot. I can't find any way to change the number of ticks on the labels. I try to set it in the code below with z.ticks=1, but that doesn't work. Is there anything that works? (Note. I need to use wireframe. persp is out of the question since I want mathematics in the axis labels). Here is some sample code: library(lattice) x <-
2007 Jul 06
Changing Tick Mark Values for lattice / wireframe
How can I change the tick mark values in lattice, specifically wireframe? I have a 11*46 matrix of values that I am plotting using wireframe. Unfortunely, the values range from 0.1-1.1 and 0.5-5. Using the code below the tick marks have are (2,4,6,8,10) and (10,20,30,40). Thanks in advance. graphic5 <- wireframe(output.matrix, shade= TRUE, scales = list(arrows = FALSE, cex=.6,
2011 Sep 09
Adding groups to regression line panel function in Lattice
I wish to display a single-panel Lattice figure with grouped data and fitted regression lines. I don't seem to be able to get the individual regression lines to display, e.g.; d <- data.frame(q = rep(1:6, each=10), cc = rep(seq(10,100, 10),6)) # create data frame with group identifier 'q', independent variable cc d$ba = d$q*0.1*d$cc + 5*rnorm(nrow(d))
2006 Oct 25
cloud() works but wireframe() is blank
Per the message from Alexander Nervedi, 29 April 2006: > I have to be making a riddiculously silly ommission. > when I run the fillowing i get the cloud plot ok. But I cant figure > out what I am missing out when I call wireframe. > Any help would be appreciated. > x<-runif(100) > y<-rnorm(100) > z<-runif(100) > temp <-data.frame(x,y,z) >
2007 Sep 26
add points to wireframe
Hello R-classicist won't like the following question due to there's no minimal reproducible example and the question was posted already. Anyway I'm not able understand this rather complicated version of "add points to wireframe". what I have is matrix 3x2000 with a dem<-(x,y,z, coordinates) (not provided). with follwing code I want to produce the wireframe and add some
2011 Feb 04
Suppress only Z axis tick marks and numbers in wireframe statement
I actually have several questions revolving around the generation of wireframe plots. The most pressing is that which is described by the subject line. I am trying to produce a figure with x, y, and z labels, but only tick marks on the x, and y axes. I have supplied sample code below substituting the volcano data set for my own such that you may run the code and see the results.
2011 Mar 03
lattice: How to increase space between ticks and labels of z-axis?
Dear expeRts, How can I increase the space between the ticks and the labels in the wireframe plot below? I tried some variations with par.settings=list(..) but it just didn't work. Many thanks, Marius library(lattice) u <- seq(0, 1, length.out=20) grid <- expand.grid(x=u, y=u) z <- apply(grid, 1, function(x) 1/(x[1]*x[2]+0.0001)) wireframe(z~grid[,1]*grid[,2], aspect=1,
2003 Jul 16
wireframe question
Hi, I'm probably being dense, but could somebody tell me how I can get tick marks on the axes of my wireframe plot to show up? This gets me a beautiful looking plot, but no ticks: wireframe(z ~ x * y, data, drape=T, colorkey=F) Thanks in advance, -James [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Mar 04
lattice: wireframe "eats up" points; how to make points on wireframe visible?
Dear expeRts, I would like to add two points to a wireframe plot. The points have (x,y,z) coordinates where z is determined to be on the wireframe [same z-value]. Now something strange happens. One point is perfectly plotted, the other isn't shown at all. It only appears if I move it upwards in z-direction by adding a positive number. So somehow it disappears in the wireframe-surface