similar to: Problem with before(:all) command

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2007 May 10
RSpec 0.9.4
RSpec 0.9.4 has just been released. Gems haven''t rsync''ed around the globe yet, so you might have to wait a few hours to install it. The big news this time is Spec::Ui 0.2.0, which has been released along with RSpec core. This RSpec extension gives you custom Watir matchers (custom Selenium-RC matchers are not implemented yet). Moreover, it comes with a custom KICK ASS formatter
2006 Sep 07
Dead easy Watir AND Selenium
Yesterday I added some Watir examples to RSpec''s svn. Today I added some Selenium (actually - Selenium Remote Control) examples. It''s dead easy to use both, and the Ruby code you end up writing is actually quite similar. Here''s a taste: == Watir == require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/rspec_watir'' context "Google''s search page" do
2007 Jan 12
spec_ui problems
While looking into spec_ui, I decided to run the examples. The watir example works a little, but always chokes on the ''better than fudge'' spec (failure output below). Also, is there any command to pause the "browser"? If my connection slows, the test gets out of whack. The selenium example fails right away (output below). I do have the 0.9.0 selenium-rc
2012 Jan 17
does jruby rspec have to use selenium?
With jruby and rspec requests, do you have to use selenium webdriver? I''m confused, with ruby and rubyonrails using cucumber with capybara, I didn''t have to set the default driver, what was it using and can i use that with jruby? Things just worked w/o me even having to know about it :) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Apr 11
Default exclude pattern in 0.9.0
The "rspec" rake task collects all _spec files in the spec directory, and excludes the "watir" directory. Is this indicating a preference for using Watir over Selenium? I would like it better to standardize on something more neutral, ''ui'' perhaps? /Marcus -- Marcus Ahnve
2008 Jun 09
Selenium/Watir usage along side Webrat in story testing
This is related to Selenium/Watir usage along side webrat in story testing. MHS_Testing and Rspec-ui provide some great help for testing through frameworks like Selenium/Watir. But there is something missing, Webrat has changed the landscape somewhat with Acceptance Tests/Story Driven development. Now I have a choice: 1. Tests and rails process run as one test process (Webrat) 2. Use
2010 Oct 25
Fail to load spec/rake/spectask
Hi! I''m a newbie at Ruby. I''m trying to run rspec tests using rake. In my rake file I include spec/rake/spectask. It fails to load giving me the following message: rake aborted! no such file to load -- spec/rake/spectask C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake.rb:2383:in `raw_load_rakefile'' I''m using version 1.8.7 of Ruby. I have installed rake
2006 Dec 17
Best way to do automated acceptance tests
Hi This is only part related to rspec but I asked the Rails list and didn''t get a reply so I thought I''d try here. Basically, since rspec_on_rails doesn''t have an equivalent to rails integration tests, I''m trying to find a way of doing automated acceptance tests. I''ve found selenium and watir, but I''m struggling to tell the two
2012 Jan 15
DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing a template handler in the template name is deprecated. (rspec + haml)
I upgraded a small project that I had created on 3.1.3 to 3.2.0.rc2. Running rspec on it brings about a large amount of these messages: DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing a template handler in the template name is deprecated. You can simply remove the handler name or pass render :handlers => [:haml] instead. (called from block (2 levels) in <top (required)> at
2012 Dec 04
Empty test suite is run after every rake task
When I run rake db:migrate or rake -T I get these lines at the end: Finished in 0.000276 seconds. 0 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors My Gemfile is: source '''' gem ''rack'' gem ''rails'', ''3.0.9'' gem "acl9", ''0.12.0'' gem "fastercsv"#, :version =>
2007 Jul 26
Coding standards and whitespace
Recently as a result of using Git I''ve noticed a number of inconsistencies in the RSpec codebase with respect to whitespace (mixed line endings, mixed use of spaces and tabs for indentation, and trailing whitespace at the end of lines). I never would have noticed, but Git produces nice colorized diff output which highlights these kinds of inconsistencies. I wanted to ask if the
2012 Oct 21
rails g problem
When I enter rails g, I get the bunch of logs behind. Any idea what I''m missing? I though it''s trying to install minitest, so I manually installed it. Still this error persists. $ rails g gem install minitest /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-3.2.8/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:251:in `require'': no such file to load -- minitest/unit
2012 Jun 14
Cucumber/RSpec ::: Capybara? Webrat What am I using??
Hey everybody I''m currently reading through the Pragmatic Programmers RSpec book, and I really enjoy it. But I’m facing some problems because of the fact that the book is already some years old, I guess. I have installed rvm and use Ruby 1.9.3, and I didn’t really get some Rails code examples to work properly, so I tried it with a 1.8.7 installation, but there I had some other problems
2007 Apr 13
HTML report and Spec::Ui improvements
The trunk now has some nifty improvements to the HTML report (--format html). Each failing spec will (in addition to the backtrace) have a box with a source code snippet of the offending code. If you have Jamis Buck''s syntax gem installed the code will also be syntax highlighted 8-D There has also been some major improvements to Spec::Ui, and it should be much easier to set up than
2016 Aug 11
script to make webpage snapshot
I have some some angularjs sites that I test with protractor and a chrome webdriver. I read in the docs at some point that I could take and save screenshots if I wanted. You may be able to write a simple nodejs script to kick of the webdriver and take the screenhsot. Or someone may have already writen one :-)
2007 May 09
UI testing framework? (w/o selenium)
Hey all, I am currently working on coming up w/ an easy to use, developer-centric web testing framework to test a J2EE app with. (I have 3 rails apps in production, love rspec, and am currently at a java shop). I''ve looked at selenium, and it just doesn''t seem like it is ready for prime time, and the target audience is developers. So, having said that, does the rspec
2007 Jan 12
Integration Testing - Wait, Watir, or Selenium
I''m evaluating what to use for integration testing: SafariWatir - integrates nicely with RSpec - doesn''t work with Ajax because of Safari event firing issues Selenium - Works with Ajax - doesn''t integrate with RSpec What is the best guess timeframe for RSpec integration testing? Will it be able to test Ajax application in the early iterations? Thanks, Brian Yamabe
2010 Sep 20
For Your Own Info: Rails 2.3.2 is incompatible with Cucumber (0.8.5), Capybara (0.3.9) and Selenium-webdriver (0.0.17)
Railers, I am running an application on Rails 2.3.2. For some reason within our organization, we wish to remain on this version of Rails. For BDD/Testing, we use Cucumber. So I installed Cucumber (0.8.5), Capybara (0.3.9) and Selenium-webdriver (0.0.17). But when I run Cucumber on any feature, I get an error saying *" wrong number of arguments (2 for 1) (ArgumentError)"*, (Check here
2008 May 08
Rspec Stories / Selenium Nightmare
I have been using Rspec stories with Webrat feeling very productive and happy. Then I needed to do something with Selenium (Webrat could have done what I needed but it does not yet have the functionality). Selenium-core as part of a rails plugin looked nice but did not seem to fit with rspec stories. So I went the Selenium-rc route. Since Selenium uses a separate instance of rails
2008 Sep 29
rspec-ui overlap with cucumber?
Hi! I''m using cucumber + selenium and I love it. However I''m looking to add some methods (example: click_and_wait etc) to the lib. Therefore looked around a bit and I got two questions: Firstly about rspec-ui, I''m a little confused, does rspec-ui overlap with its propose with webrat with cucumber or I''m missing a point? Secondly, are there any plans to