similar to: decision/classification trees with fewer than 20 objects

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2010 Nov 04
cross-validation for choosing regression trees
Dear All, We came across a problem when using the "tree" package to analyze our data set. First, in the "tree" function, if we use the default value "mindev=0.01", the resulting regression tree has a single node. So, we set "mindev=0", and obtain a tree with 931 terminal nodes. However, when we further use the "cv.tree" function to run a 10-fold
2011 Nov 04
Decision tree model using rpart ( classification
Hi Experts, I am new to R, using decision tree model for getting segmentation rules. A) Using behavioural data (attributes defining customer behaviour, ( example balances, number of accounts etc.) 1. Clustering: Cluster behavioural data to suitable number of clusters 2. Decision Tree: Using rpart classification tree for generating rules for segmentation using cluster number(cluster id) as target
2001 Jul 26
tree and rpart
There have been various messages about packages tree and rpart whilst I have been travelling, and I have now prepared updates. tree ==== Tree is one of the oldest packages on CRAN (Feb 2000 apart from adding the maintainer field), and I had been hoping that it would fade away in favour of rpart. 1) sys.parent needed to be replaced by parent.frame in all but the most recent R (post 1.3.0).
2009 Jul 26
Question about rpart decision trees (being used to predict customer churn)
Hi, I am using rpart decision trees to analyze customer churn. I am finding that the decision trees created are not effective because they are not able to recognize factors that influence churn. I have created an example situation below. What do I need to do to for rpart to build a tree with the variable experience? My guess is that this would happen if rpart used the loss matrix while creating
2011 Aug 08
Classification trees problem.
Hello Everyone, I'm doing a Classification trees with categorical explanatory variables using library rpart and I would like to do a prediction for some data imputs. I don't know where's a function or how can I do it?. Is there someone can help ?? ¿. Here's the code that I'm using. library(rpart) fit <- rpart(Kyphosis ~ Age + Number + Start, data=kyphosis) plot(fit)
2005 Aug 26
learning decision trees with one's own scoring functins
Hi netters, I want to learn a decision tree from a series of instances (learning data). The packages tree or rpart can do this quite well, but the scoring functions (splitting criteria) are fixed in these packages, like gini or something. However, I'm going to use another scoring function. At first I wanna modify the R code of tree or rpart and put my own scoring function in. But it
2010 Dec 14
rpart - how to estimate the “meaningful” predictors for an outcome (in classification trees)
Hi dear R-help memebers, When building a CART model (specifically classification tree) using rpart, it is sometimes obvious that there are variables (X's) that are meaningful for predicting some of the outcome (y) variables - while other predictors are relevant for other outcome variables (y's only). *How can it be estimated, which explanatory variable is "used" for which of
2005 Aug 14
How to add decision trees into a list?
Hi, I am somewhat new to R so this question may be foolish, but is it possible to add decision trees into a list, array or vector in R? I am trying to build a collection (ensemble) of decision trees. Every time a new instance arrive I need to get the prediction of each decision tree. I have tried to add a decision tree into a variable but without luck. Is a special package needed perhaps? This
2009 Nov 24
Decision trees with factors and numericals
Hi all, Does any of you know how to make a decision tree when the data set contains factors and numericals? I've got a data frame with 3 columns, where y and x1 are numerical and x2 contains factors. Is it possible to use the rpart package, and in that case how? Otherwise, is there another alternative? This is what I've tried so far > rpart(LT50_NA ~ Raf + Antho,
2005 Mar 18
How to show which variables include in plot of classification tree
Dear all For my research, I am learning classification now. I was trying some example about classification tree pakages, such as tree and rpart, for instance, in Pima.te dataset have 8 variables (include class=type): library(rpart) library(datasets) pima.rpart <- rpart(type ~ npreg+glu+bp+skin+bmi+ped+age,data=Pima.te, method='class') plot(pima.rpart, uniform=TRUE) text(pima.rpart)
2008 Jan 29
rpart error when constructing a classification tree
I am trying to make a decision tree using rpart. The function runs very quickly considering the size of the data (1742, 163). When I call the summary command I get this: > summary(bookings.cart) Call: rpart(formula = totalRev ~ ., data = bookings, method = "class") n=1741 (1 observation deleted due to missingness) CP nsplit rel error 1 0 0 1 Error in yval[, 1] :
2011 Apr 08
Rpart decision tree
Dear useRs: I try to plot an rpart object but cannot get a nice tree structure plot. I am using plot.rpart and text.rpart (please see below) but the branches that connect the nodes overlap the text in the ellipses and rectangles. Is there a way to get a clean nice tree plot (as in the Rpart Mayo report)? I work under Windows and use R2.11.1 with rpart version 3.1-46. Thank you. Tudor ...
2009 Dec 16
rcart - classification and regression trees (CART)
Hi, I am trying to use CART to find an ideal cut-off value for a simple diagnostic test (ie when the test score is above x, diagnose the condition). When I put in the model fit=rpart(outcome ~ predictor1(TB144), method="class", data=data8) sometimes it gives me a tree with multiple nodes for the same predictor (see below for example of tree with 1 or multiple nodes). Is there a way
2005 Sep 09
Finding a decision tree's leaf node from a new value
Dear mailinglist members, I have the following problem: I run a decision tree using the rpart function and, afterwords, I try to find to which leaf node a new register (not used to build the decision tree) belongs to. I will try to explain better: rpart.tree <- rpart(target.value ~., data) leaf.node <- new.function(rpart.tree, new.register) The new register has all the explanatory values
2004 Mar 08
Decision Trees
I am familiar with the rpart and tree packages for classification and regression trees. However, quite a bit of the research in the transportation community relating to decision trees uses the C4.5 family of algorithms by Quinlan. Are there any plans to make a C4.5 (or a derivative of it) available to R? If not, then I might use the WEKA Java package ( that
2010 Aug 13
decision tree finetune
My decision tree grows only with one split and based on what I see in E-Miner it should split on more variables. How can I adjust splitting criteria in R? Also is there way to indicate that some variables are binary, like variable Info_G is binary so in the results would be nice to see "2) Info_G=0" instead of "2) Info_G<0.5". Thank you in advance! And thanks for Eric who
2007 Jan 29
comparing random forests and classification trees
Hi, I have done an analysis using 'rpart' to construct a Classification Tree. I am wanting to retain the output in tree form so that it is easily interpretable. However, I am wanting to compare the 'accuracy' of the tree to a Random Forest to estimate how much predictive ability is lost by using one simple tree. My understanding is that the error automatically displayed by the two
2010 Jul 22
decision tree with weighted inputs
I'd like to train a decision tree on a set of weighted data points. I looked into the rpart package, which builds trees but doesn't seem to offer the capability of weighting inputs. (There is a weights parameter, but it seems to correspond to output classes rather than to input points). I'm making do for now by preprocessing my input data by adding multiple instances of each data
2006 Aug 09
How to draw the decision boundaries for LDA and Rpart object
Hello useR, Could you please tell me how to draw the decision boundaries in a scatterplot of the original data for a LDA or Rpart object. For example: > library(rpart) >fit.rpart <- rpart(as.factor(, data=data.frame(Data) ) How can I draw the cutting lines on the orignial Data? Or is there any built in functions that can read the rpart object 'fit.rpart' to do
2005 Oct 14
Predicting classification error from rpart
Hi, I think I'm missing something very obvious, but I am missing it, so I would be very grateful for help. I'm using rpart to analyse data on skull base morphology, essentially predicting sex from one or several skull base measurements. The sex of the people whose skulls are being studied is known, and lives as a factor (M,F) in the data. I want to get back predictions of gender, and