Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Dotplot edition"
2012 Mar 19
Dotplot: how to change size in the y lab ?
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to reduce the font size in the Y exe in this plot:
Anyone knows how to do it?
I have checked the argument lab.cex and cex, but any of these works!
if you want to check us this code:
### read the data
d <- read.csv( file( "http://addictedtor.free.fr/graphiques/data/150/data.txt" ) )
2014 Oct 01
Hi all,I hope to find a solution with the help of the list, I'm trying
to get the status of my extensions with ejabberd , the idea is to
visualize my users ejabberd incoming calls or missed.
I'm testing with my operator extension with this code but only get the
missed call notification does not show me where the call is coming.
my piece of code
exten =>
2011 Jun 21
Resumen de R-help-es, Vol 28, Envío 31
Hola, soy María,
Estoy realizando un trabajo de control de calidad usando en R diferentes
tipos de "Control charts", desde el tipo xbar.one, u, p, c,...Y al validar
el cálculo de los estadísticos media y desviación típica de mis "Control
Charts" en Excel, e investigando, me he dado cuenta de que R calcula las
desviaciones de distinto modo según sea el tipo de control chart;
2010 Sep 24
¡Marcos Ortiz te ha dejado un mensaje en Badoo!
?Tienes un nuevo mensaje en Badoo!
Marcos Ortiz te dej? un mensaje.
Haz click en este enlace para verlo:
M?s gente que tambi?n te est? esperando:
Relquis (Trinidad, Cuba)
Yadiria (Trinidad, Cuba)
Elcubanito (Trinidad, Cuba)
Si al hacer click sobre el enlace, no funciona,
2011 May 18
leyenda cortada en el eje Y
Soy nuevo en esto de R, llevo toda la mañana perdida con esto, a ver si
alguien me puede ayudar, Cuando genero el gráfico con el siguiente
data <- read.table("data.dat",h=T)
postscript(file = "join10kb.ps", horizontal = FALSE, onefile =
FALSE,family = "Helvetica", width = 5, height = 4) par(mar=c(5.1, 4.1,
0.1, 0.1))
d <-
2024 Aug 12
Reconstrucción de hojas con herbivoría
Buen día, estimados.
Tengo un problema y me gustaría saber cómo solucionarlo.
Actualmente me encuentro realizando un estudio estimando la pérdida de
biomasa foliar de una especies de planta, sin embargo, me encuentro con el
siguiente problema: algunas hojas han perdido tanta área foliar que han
perdido también el margen e incluso algunas más de la mitad del área de la
hojas. Mi objetivo es
2012 Apr 30
ez package installation fails - ubuntu 12.04
Hello everyone,
I've just installed ubuntu 12.04 and the package named 'ez' fails to
install because of a dependency.
The error messages are:
Error : package ‘Matrix’ 1.0-2 is loaded, but >= 1.0.3 is required by ‘ez’
ERROR: lazy loading failed for package ‘ez’
* removing ‘/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/ez’
The downloaded packages are in
2012 Feb 21
help error: In dweibull(x, shape, scale, log) : NaNs produzidos
I'm having an error when I use the command:
library(MASS)> dados<-read.table("inverno.txt",header=FALSE)> vento50<-fitdistr(dados[[1]],densfun="weibull")Mensagens de aviso perdidas:1: In dweibull(x, shape, scale, log) : NaNs produzidos2: In dweibull(x, shape, scale, log) : NaNs produzidos3: In dweibull(x, shape, scale, log) : NaNs produzidos4: In
2013 Jan 22
Erro message in glmmADMB
Hello everybody,
I am using glmmADMB and when I run some models, I recieve the following
Erro em glmmadmb(eumencells ~ 1 + (1 | owners), data = pred3, family =
"nbinom", :
The function maximizer failed (couldn't find STD file)
Furthermore: Lost warning messages:
Command execution 'C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c
2011 May 12
Installing a Package tar.gz in windows
Hello I have downloaded the spp_1.10.tar.gz and it contains compiled code. I
installed the Rtools <http://www.murdoch-sutherland.com/Rtools> and I
tried to install the package (spp_1.10.tar.gz) but it not worked bellow it
is the error message.
Could somebody please help me with this.
Thank you
* installing *source* package 'spp' ...
2009 Mar 10
North Arrow (.png file) on a Map
Hi list.
I would like to know how do I insert a North arrow, stored as a png file in
my computer, in a map? I found lots of post asking similar things, one of
them mentioned the pixmap package. The map was done using map() and
shapefiles (the code is below). I’m using the pixmap () and addlogo()
functions. Well I can import the png with pixmap() function (I guess, once
there’s no error message),
2012 May 30
Automatically install package dependencies
I have a R Package. It is working, but I can't that it install the
dependencies automatically. When I try to install I receive this message:
> install.packages("./RT4Bio_1.0.tar.gz",dependencies=TRUE)
Installing package(s) into '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library'
(as 'lib' is unspecified)
inferring 'repos = NULL' from the file name
ERROR: dependency
2007 Nov 05
Help with Error Message
Hoping someone can offer me some assistance. I'm trying to execute a script
and I keep getting this error message about "Error: element 12 is empty".
I'm wondering if my syntax is incorrect within legend.list. If anyone has
any suggestions to sees something obvious that I am missing, I would greatly
appreciate any help.
Many Thanks,
> # These are the symbols and
2015 Jun 16
Ayuda boxplot ggplot2
Hola a todos
Me gustaría saber si me pueden ayudar con lo siguiente.
Realicé un Boxplot usando ggplot2 para visualizar el comportamiento de dos
variables. Visualmente no se notan las diferencias porque la gráfica de la
derecha (parásitos en el abdomen) llega hasta 20 en el eje y. ¿Cómo puedo
hacer para que las dos gráficas muestren la misma escala en el eje Y, es
decir, que las dos lleguen a 60?
2024 Aug 13
Reconstrucción de hojas con herbivoría
Hola Jimmy, creo que solo podrías intentarlo con deep learning. Tomas
hojas enteras, las pesas, a algunas de ellas les quitas los márgenes de
forma similar a las que tienes estropeadas, las digitalizas todas y
utilizas como variable objetivo la masa original. El algoritmo tendrá que
aprender a inferir la masa a partir del patrón en las nervaduras, si es
que se relaciona con la masa, que supongo
2017 Jun 01
[FORGED] Re: Question on function "scatterplot3d"
On 01/06/17 13:17, Ismail SEZEN wrote:
>> On 1 Jun 2017, at 03:41, li li <hannah.hlx at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have a question with regard to making plots using function
>> "scatterplot3d".
>> Please see the example below. It looks like, for y axis, the tickmark text
>> was cutoff.
>> The number "10"
2006 May 23
shapes in rgl
Does anyone have a way of producing solid shapes other than spheres in
rgl? I am using rgl to produce a simple visualisation of a forest model
results using "lollipops". Its just a bit of fun, but as many of the
trees are pines I would like to depict their crowns as cones. If there
is a solution I need it to work under windows.
Here is the example.
2023 Feb 15
Question about italics in legendg() - plotrix
Hi Nicole,
plotrix is intended to be modular, that is, it builds plots step by step.
This makes it easier to understand code that you haven't written or haven't
seen for a while. Here is an example showing how to change the font using
2011 May 19
Pie chart
I made a pie chart and the names of the levels are outside
the circle. How do I put the names of the levels within each
names(tab13) = paste(c('Regular', 'Bom', 'Excelente'),
round(100*prop.table(tab13), dig=1), "%")
pie(tab13, col=c("LightYellow", "lightgreen", 'lightblue',
'white'), clockwise=F, radius=.7)
2017 Jun 01
Question on function "scatterplot3d"
Hi all,
I have a question with regard to making plots using function
Please see the example below. It looks like, for y axis, the tickmark text
was cutoff.
The number "10" does not show up completely. I tried to work with par(mpg).
It does not
seem to work. Hope to get some advice here. Thanks much!
C <- runif(30)
B <- rep(1:3, each=10)