Hi Nicole, plotrix is intended to be modular, that is, it builds plots step by step. This makes it easier to understand code that you haven't written or haven't seen for a while. Here is an example showing how to change the font using par(): library(plotrix) plot(0,type="n",xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(-1,0)) par(font=3) legendg(0.115,-0.055,legend=c("Pan troglodytes","Macaca mulatta", "Saguinus oedipus","Lemur catta","Galago senegalensis"), pch=list(c(15,0),c(16,1),c(17,2),c(18,5),c(19,10)), col=list(c("royalblue","skyblue1"), c("chocolate","gold"),c("deeppink","lightpink"), c("black","grey"),c("forestgreen","lightgreen"))) par(font=1) legendg(0.45,-0.7,legend=c("Pan troglodytes","Macaca mulatta", "Saguinus oedipus","Lemur catta","Galago senegalensis"), pch=list(c(15,0),c(16,1),c(17,2),c(18,5),c(19,10)), col=list(c("royalblue","skyblue1"), c("chocolate","gold"),c("deeppink","lightpink"), c("black","grey"),c("forestgreen","lightgreen"))) There are 4 or 5 preset font types built into R (normal, bold, italic, bolditalic and maybe symbol). You can also change the base font using the family= argument to par(), but that's quite a bit more complicated. Jim [[alternative HTML version deleted]]