Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Problem building up ggplot graph in a loop."
2011 Mar 31
That dreaded floating point trap
I had a piece of code which looped over a decimal vector like this:
for( i in where ){
thisdata <- subset(herde, herde$mlr >= i)
# do stuff with thisdata..
'where' is a vector like seq(-1, 1, by=0.1)
My problem was: 'nrow(thisdata)' in loop repetition 0.4 was different if
'where' was seq(-1, 1, by=0.1) than when 'where' was seq(-0.8, 1,
2012 Jul 22
Lattice/"panel.bwplot" and Gviz: Boxplot question
I was using Gviz package to create a boxplot. I understand that Gviz uses
"panel.bwplot" to create the boxplot.
Is there any way that I can remove the dashed line surrounding each pair of
Here is some sample code:
thisdata <- matrix(sample(1:100,60),nrow=10,ncol=6)
positions <- sample(1:100,6)
limit1 <- min(positions)-1
2010 Dec 06
ggplot2: Controlling line width of panel borders
Dear R-users,
i encountered some problems when trying to adjust the line width of the
axes and stripes in a plot created with ggplot2.
I use the "barley" dataset of the lattice package to illustrate my problem:
barley[["SD"]] <- 5
limits <- aes(ymax=barley$yield + barley$SD,ymin=barley$yield - barley$SD)
p1 <-
2017 Dec 04
Dynamic reference, right-hand side of function
The generic rule is that R is not a macro language, so looping of names of things gets awkward. It is usually easier to use compound objects like lists and iterate over them. E.g.
datanames <- paste0("aa_", 2000:2007)
datalist <- lapply(datanames, get)
names(datalist) <- datanames
col1 <- lapply(datalist, "[[", 1)
colnum <- lapply(col1, as.numeric)
(The 2nd
2017 Dec 04
Dynamic reference, right-hand side of function
Thanks for the replies!
I understand people more accustomed to R doesn't like looping much, and that thinking about loops is something I do since I worked with Stata a lot. The syntax from Peter Dalgaard was really clever, and I learned a lot from it, even though it didn't solve my problem (I guess it wasn't very well explained). My problem was basically that I have a data matrix
2017 Dec 04
Dynamic reference, right-hand side of function
Um, if you insist on doing it that way, at least use
assign(varname, as.vector(get(varname)))
> On 4 Dec 2017, at 22:46 , Love Bohman <love.bohman at sociology.su.se> wrote:
> Hi!
> Thanks for the replies!
> I understand people more accustomed to R doesn't like looping much, and that thinking about loops is something I do since I worked with Stata a lot. The
2017 Dec 04
Dynamic reference, right-hand side of function
I don't insist on anything, I'm just struggling to learn a new language and partly a new way of thinking, and I really appreciate the corrections. I hope I someday will be able to handle lists in R as easy as I handle loops in Stata...
Thanks again!
-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Fr?n: peter dalgaard [mailto:pdalgd at gmail.com]
Skickat: den 4 december 2017 23:09
2017 Dec 05
Dynamic reference, right-hand side of function
Hi again!
I know you don't find loops evil (well, at least not diabolic :-) ). (After many hours googling I have realized that thinking about loops rather than lists is a newbie thing we Stata-users do, I just jokingly pointed it out). Anyway, I'm really happy that you try to teach me some R-manners. Since I still get questions about what the h**k I mean by my strange question, I sort it
2017 Dec 05
Dynamic reference, right-hand side of function
By the way, R 'vectors' are not the equivalents of mathematical 'vectors'.
In R, a vector is something that can have arbitrary length and which has
no 'attributes', other than perhaps element names. Vectors can be numeric,
complex, lists, etc. Functions, names, and NULL are not vectors. In my
the typical data scientist will rarely find the R vector
2017 Dec 04
Dynamic reference, right-hand side of function
Loops are not evil, and no-one in this thread said they are. But I
believe your failure to provide a reproducible example is creating
confusion, since you may be using words that mean one thing to you and
something else to the readers here.
# A reproducible example includes a tiny set of sample data
# Since we cannot reproducibly refer to filenames (your
2010 Nov 17
Fatal Error R
First, I'm thankful about your wonderful project.
However, I have serious worries about the reliability of R. I found
the next bug which I consider important because in my job everytime We
work with datanames like next. Please see below:
q99 r88 s77
1 1 4 7
2 2 5 8
2017 Dec 04
Dynamic reference, right-hand side of function
Hi R-users!
Being new to R, and a fairly advanced Stata-user, I guess part of my problem is that my mindset (and probably my language as well) is wrong. Anyway, I have what I guess is a rather simple problem, that I now without success spent days trying to solve.
I have a bunch of datasets imported from Stata that is labelled aa_2000 aa_2001 aa_2002, etc. Each dataset is imported as a matrix, and
2009 Mar 31
what is the preferred method to create a package local variable?
for the moment, I'm using:
.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
.bbg.db.conn <<- dbConnect(dbDriver("PostgreSQL"), user="blah","blah")
.onUnload <- function(libpath) {
which results in a hidden global variable in the global environment.
I would prefer to make the assignment only in the package namespace.
2010 Jun 10
Order labels in qplot() - ggplot2 {help}
I want to arrage the label according to my preference eg.. (va, vp, a, b,
c) but don't know how to supress default ordering. Any
Please try the code below:
n <- c("va", "vp", "a", "b", "c")
p <- c(2, 2,1, 3,5)
pm<- c(3,4,2,5,4)
pn <- c(1,1,1,2,3)
2010 Apr 24
left-to-right series of box and whisker plots from a csv file
I've got a csv file with scores like this:
2003 Jul 22
variable names
Dear helpers
I want to use rpart several times in a loop to build a classification tree. My problem is that rpart needs a formula as argument and for that the variables need to have names and this doesn't happen in my case. Every iteration in the loop has a different dataset with several variables (ex. 38 or more) and so I can't type the names by hand every time. Is there any function
2010 Mar 10
ggplot2: Changing colour scheme for bar plot filling?
I'd like to sitch to a monochrome/bw color-palette for the filling of
geom_bar-bars (produced via "qplot" as in the example below). Hours of
googling didn't yield anything useful, so I thought, I'd just ask ...
Thanks, Joh
qplot(factor(cyl), data=mtcars, geom="bar", fill=factor(cyl))
2009 Jun 08
Looking for easy way to normalize data by groups
i do have a dataframe representing data from a repeated experiment. PID
is a subject identifier, Time are timepoints in an experiment which was
repeated twice. For each subject and all three timepoints there are 2
sets of four values.
df <- data.frame(PID = c(rep("A", 12), rep("B", 12), rep("C", 12)),
Time = rep(c(0, 0, 0, 0, 30, 30, 30,
2007 Sep 03
Legend issue with ggplot2
Dear useRs,
I'm struggling with the new version of ggplot2. In the previous version
I did something like this. But now this yield an error (object "fill"
not found).
dummy <- data.frame(x = rep(1:10, 4), group = gl(4, 10))
dummy$y <- dummy$x * rnorm(4)[dummy$group] + 5 * rnorm(4)[dummy$group]
dummy$min <- dummy$y - 5
dummy$max <- dummy$y + 5
2010 Sep 10
ggplot bar geom: control the filling in the colour legend
Hi all,
Is it possible to change the filling of the squares used to represent
the colour legend in a bar plot with ggplot?
in this example, fillings are raven black, I'd like them white.
ggplot(diamonds, aes(clarity, colour = cut)) + geom_bar()
Benoit Boulinguiez
Ph.D student
Ecole de Chimie de Rennes (ENSCR) Bureau 1.20
Equipe CIP UMR CNRS 6226 "Sciences