similar to: sumarizar

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "sumarizar"

2016 May 17
buscar y reemplazar tabs dentro de un archivo
Estimado Eric Las filas que faltan, ¿son filas enteras, donde todo es valor NA o ?? en un data.frame? Porque si es así podrías importar todo y luego buscar (filtrar) los que no son NA. Copio y pego un código que utilizo en un trabajo, posiblemente le sea útil. Tratamientos$Tratamiento[Tratamientos$Tratamiento == ""] <- NA # asignar NA a las celdas vacías Tratamientos<-
2007 May 23
I made some progress on my previous "systemfit" question but still not quite there
Surprisingly, I played around with some test code and below actually creates equations that look correct. tempmat<-matrix(10,nrow=6,ncol=6) restrictmat<-diag(6) colnames(tempmat)<-c("AUD.l1","CHF.l1","CAD.l1","GBP.l1","EUR.l1","JPY.l 1")
2012 Apr 27
multivariate xts merge question
Hi, I have an xts starting with a number of columns (currency pairs see below), then I add new ones which are derived from existing ones (like adding the moving average of a column) by merging the new columns one by one. These get the name of the column they are calculated from concatenated with ".1". All done by merge.xts, easy. Now, I have a function (procState below) which generates
2012 Jan 25
Media en subgrupos de grupos
Un saludo a todos. Es posible que con el asunto no quede claro lo que quiero. Para eso añado una captura. Dispongo de 3 variables (dos discretas y una continua) y me interesaría sacar la media tanto del grupo como de los subgrupos. Esta creo que es la segunda vez que escribo preguntando algo parecido. En la primera me hablasteis de tapply, pero con este comando sólo sé obtener la media de una de
2007 Aug 07
Conditional subsetting
Hello- Upon searching the email archives and reading documentation I haven't found what I'm looking for. I have a dataset with a time/date stamp on a series of geographic locations (lat/lon) associated with the movements of animals. On some days there are numerous locations and some days there is only one location. Associated with each location is an indication that the quality of the
2012 Aug 28
Tilde en RStudio
Estimados miembros de la lista, Cómo hago para trabajar con tildes en RStudio. En concreto, cuando cargo un archivo .txt o .csv en RStudio, no me reconoce el tilde com tal y me coloca otros caracteres en su lugar. ¿Existe alguna solución? Saludos, Manuel -- *Manuel Spínola, Ph.D.* Instituto Internacional en Conservación y Manejo de Vida Silvestre Universidad Nacional Apartado 1350-3000
2007 Apr 16
Names in vector occurring in another vector
I have a vector of character strings such as mainnames<-c("CAD","AUD") and another vector say checknames<-c("CAD.l1","AUD.l1","JPY.l1","EUR.l1","CAD.l2","AUD.l2","JPY .l2","EUR.l2") I want a new vector of character strings that is just
2006 Jan 19
123 * 3 => 123123123! But why?
Hi all I extended the Globalize Plugin the following way: -------- module Globalize class Currency def conversion_rate code = rates = { :USD => 1, :CHF => 0.75, :EUR => 1.1, :GBP => 3.1 } value = rates[code.to_sym] raise "No conversion rate found for currency
2009 Mar 03
zoo and coredata() classes
Hi guys I have a reasonably basic question with zoo usage, but I havent been able to find a satisfactory workaround yet. Heres a simple example of what I'm talking about (the following data frame contains numeric columns that contains NAs): > head(ebs) time src tstamp code bid ask 1 2009-03-03 13:03:29.536 perf.Tib_listener 14980321164 EBS.REC.EURJPY=EBS.NaE 123.48 NA 2 2009-03-03
2012 May 08
How to deal with a dataframe within a dataframe?
Hello all, I am doing an aggregation where the aggregating function returns not a single numeric value but a vector of two elements using return(c(val1, val2)). I don't know how to access the individual columns of that vector in the resulting dataframe though. How is this done correctly? Thanks, robert > agg <- aggregate(formula=df$value ~ df$quarter + df$tool, + FUN=cp.cpk,
2009 Mar 30
Calculating First Occurance by a factor
I'm having difficulty finding a solution to my problem that without using a for loop. For the amount of data I (will) have, the for loop will probably be too slow. I tried searching around before posting and couldn't find anything, hopefully it's not embarrassingly easy. Consider the data.frame, Data, below Data Sub Tr IA FixInx FixTime p1 t1 1 1 200 p1 t1 2
2008 Aug 12
perl expression question
I have a string such as fileName<-"Agg.20.20.20-all-01". All I want to do is pull the "20.20.20" and the "all" as strings. Obviously, they aren't always those values. The "20.20.20" can be "30.30.30" but it's always after the . which is next to the second g in Agg and it's always the same length. The all might not always be
2008 Jul 16
[LLVMdev] GEP::getIndexValid() with other iterators
Hi all, currently, GetElementPtrInst has a method getIndexedType, which has a templated variant. You pass in a begin and an end iterator, and it will find the indexed type for those. However, both iterators must iterate over Value*. For some argpromotion code, I would like to pass in iterators that iterate over unsigneds instead of Value*. I currently solve this by transforming my
2011 Oct 06
[LLVMdev] A potential bug
Hi all, There might be a bug in DeadStoreElimination.cpp. This pass eliminates stores backwards aggressively in an end BB. It does not check dependencies on stores in an end BB though. For example, in this code snippet: ... 1. %sum.safe_r47.pre-phi = phi i64* [ %sum.safe_r47.pre, %entry.for.end_crit_edge ], [ %sum.safe_r42, %for.body ] 2. %call9 = call i32 @gettimeofday(%struct.timeval* %end,
2006 Sep 21
transforming factor back to numbers
Hi I generate a new dataframe by doing: npl.agg <- aggregate(npl$DensPlants, list(year=npl$year, sim=npl$sim), mean, na.rm=TRUE ) Now I want to plot it by using coplot(npl.agg$x ~ npl.agg$year | npl.agg$sim, type="l") but, as npl.agg$year is seen as a factor, the order of the points on the x-axis (time axis) does not follow the numerical sorting 1...100, but rather the text
2001 Oct 30
creating chron object aggregates (e.g. sums by day)
What is the recommended/optimal way to perform aggregates on data frames with chron objects? Here is an example: > 1 07/09/01 4000 2 07/09/01 2000 3 07/11/01 1000 4 07/13/01 800 5 07/13/01 700 6 07/16/01 600 7 07/17/01 500 I'm trying to construct a function that would first aggregate the data (second column) by day (grouping by the first column) according to a
2007 Aug 08
Relocating Axis Label/Title --2
Apologies for the previous mail (I sent it off too early by mistake). This is the correct example: rm(list=ls()) D_mean<-seq(-5,5,length=100) y<-exp(-D_mean^2/5) pdf("my.pdf") plot(D_mean,y,type="l",yaxt="n",lty=2,lwd=2,col="black", ylab = list(expression(paste(dN/dlogD[agg]," ["*cm^-3*"]"))), xlab = expression(paste(D[agg],"
2008 Mar 20
Break up a data frame
Hi R users, I have a dataframe in the below format xyz 01/03/2007 15.25 USD xyz 01/04/2007 15.32 USD xyz 01/02/2008 23.22 USD abc 01/03/2007 45.2 EUR abc 01/04/2007 45.00 EUR
2011 Oct 06
[LLVMdev] A potential bug
On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 2:20 PM, Eli Friedman <eli.friedman at> wrote: > On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 2:12 PM, Zeng Bin <ezengbin at> wrote: >> Hi all, >> >> There might be a bug in DeadStoreElimination.cpp. This pass eliminates >> stores backwards aggressively in an end BB. It does not check dependencies >> on stores in an end BB though.
2009 Aug 17
number in R
Hi, i export data from an csv file like this :  Data <- read.csv2("c:/Art.csv",sep=",") # import data into R > Data <- Data [1:5,1:5]# extracting the first 5 rows and columns > Data   Policy.Number AXA.Entity Country LoB 1         6e+13        BNL     BNL   P      EUR 2         6e+13        USA     BNL   P      EUR 3         6e+13         UK     BNL