Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Correlated count data technique advice"
2009 Nov 20
different results across versions for glmer/lmer with the quasi-poisson or quasi-binomial families: the lattest version might not be accurate...
Dear R-helpers,
this mail is intended to mention a rather trange result and generate potential useful comments on it. I am not aware of another posts on this issue ( RSiteSearch("quasipoisson lmer version dispersion")).
MUsing the exemple in the reference of the lmer function (in lme4 library) and turning it into a quasi-poisson or quasi-binomial analysis, we get different results,
2012 Oct 01
[Fwd: REML - quasipoisson]
Hi Greg,
For quasi families I've used extended quasi-likelihood (see Mccullagh
and Nelder, Generalized Linear Models 2nd ed, section 9.6) in place of
the likelihood/quasi-likelihood in the expression for the (RE)ML score.
I hadn't realised that this was possible before the paper was published.
ps. sorry for slow reply, the original message slipped through my filter
2009 Apr 11
Sean / Re: question related to fitting overdispersion count data using lmer quasipoisson
Hey Buddy,
Hope you have been doing well since last contact.
If you have the answer to the following question, please let me know.
If you have chance to travel up north. let me know.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sean Zhang <seanecon@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 12:12 PM
Subject: question related to fitting overdispersion count data using lmer
2009 Apr 11
question related to fitting overdispersion count data using lmer quasipoisson
Dear R-helpers:
I have a question related to fitting overdispersed count data using lmer.
Basically, I simulate an overdispsed data set by adding an observation-level
normal random shock
into exp(....+rnorm()).
Then I fit a lmer quasipoisson model.
The estimation results are very off (see model output of fit.lmer.over.quasi
Can someone kindly explain to me what went wrong?
Many thanks in
2003 Jul 04
Quasi AIC
Dear all,
Using the quasibinomial and quasipoisson families results in no AIC being
calculated. However, a quasi AIC has actually been defined by Lebreton et al
(1992). In the (in my opinon, at least) very interesting book by Burnham and
Anderson (1998,2002) this QAIC (and also QAICc) is covered. Maybe this is something
that could be implemented in R.
Take a look at page 23 in this pdf:
2010 Sep 12
R-equivalent Stata command: poisson or quasipoisson?
Hello R-help,
According to a research article that covers the topic I'm analyzing,
in Stata, a Poisson pseudo-maximum-likelihood (PPML) estimation can be
obtained with the command
poisson depvar_ij ln(indepvar1_ij) ln(indepvar2_ij) ...
ln(indepvarN_ij), robust
I looked up Stata help for the command, to understand syntax and such:
Which simply says
2010 Feb 17
Help with sigmoidal quasi-poisson regression using glm and gnm functions
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to perform the following regressions in order to compare linear
vs. sigmoidal fit of the relationship between my dependent variable (y) and
one explaining parameter (x2), both including the confounding effects of a
third variable (x1):
quasi-pois-lin <- glm(y ~ x1 + x2, family = quasipoisson(link="identity"),
quasi-pois-sig <- gnm(y ~ x1 +
2009 Aug 13
Fitting a quasipoisson distribution to univariate data
Dear all,
I am analyzing counts of seabirds made from line transects at sea.
I have been fitting Poisson and negative binomial distributions to the data
using the goodfit function from the vcd library. I would also like to
evaluate how well a quasi-poisson distribution fits the data. However, none
of the potentially suitable functions I have identified (goodfit(vcd),
2010 Apr 09
computation of dispersion parameter in quasi-poisson glm
Hi list,
can anybody point me to the trick how glm is computing the dispersion
parameter in quasi-poisson regression, eg.
Thanks ®ards, Sven
2011 May 18
Dataset Quasi Poisson
Hello, I'm looking for a dataset for Quasipoisson regression. The result must
be significantly different from the classic poisson regression.
You can help me?
Please It is for my last university exam
Thanks a lot
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Dataset-Quasi-Poisson-tp3533060p3533060.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2007 Feb 13
lme4/lmer: P-Values from mcmc samples or chi2-tests?
Dear R users,
I have now tried out several options of obtaining p-values for
(quasi)poisson lmer models, including Markov-chain Monte Carlo sampling
and single-term deletions with subsequent chi-square tests (although I
am aware that the latter may be problematic).
However, I encountered several problems that can be classified as
(1) the quasipoisson lmer model does not give p-values when
2011 May 26
'constrained' negative.binomial model estimates
Hello list,
I am not sure if the terminology that I am using here is widely used,
however, I provide an example in the hopes that my problem will become
clear. My basic problem is that I am unsure of how to 'constrain' my
model estimates to reproduce the aggregate (by factor levels) observed
dependent variable for a negative.binomial model. I realize this
sounds rather vague, so I provide
2008 Mar 08
analysing mixed effects/poisson/correlated data
I am attempting to model data with the following variables:
timepoint - n=48, monthly over 4 years
hospital - n=3
opsn1 - no of outcomes
skillmixpc - skill mix percentage
To determine if skillmix affects rate (i.e. no.of.outcomes/total.patients).
To determine if nurse.hours.per.day affects rate.
To determine if rates vary between
2006 Mar 31
add1() and glm
I have a question about the add1() function and quasilikelihoods for GLMs.
I am fitting quasi-Poisson models using glm(, family = quasipoisson).
Technically, with the quasilikelihood approach the deviance does not have
the interpretation as a likelihood-based measure of sample information.
Functions such as stepAIC() cannot be used. The function add1() returns
the change in the scaled
2008 Oct 31
AIC for quasipoisson link
Dear fellows,
I'm trying to extract the AIC statistic from a GLM model with quasipoisson link.
The formula I'm referring to is
AIC = -2(maximum loglik) + 2df * phi
with phi the overdispersion parameter, as reported in:
Peng et al., Model choice in time series studies os air pollution and mortality. J R Stat Soc A, 2006; 162: pag 190.
Unfortunately, the function logLik
2006 Jun 28
Fwd: add1() and anova() with glm with dispersion
> Hello,
> I have a question about a discrepancy between the
> reported F statistics using anova() and add1() from
> adding an additional term to form nested models.
> I found and old posting related to anova() and
> drop1() regarding a glm with a dispersion parameter.
> The posting is very old (May 2000, R 1.1.0).
> The old posting is located here.
2007 Mar 17
Correlated random effects in lme
I am interested in estimating this type of random effects panel:
y_it = x'_it * beta + u_it + e_it
u_it = rho * u_it-1 + d_it rho belongs to (-1, 1)
u and e are independently normally zero-mean distributed.
d is also independently normally zero-mean distributed.
So, I want random effects for group i to be correlated in t, following an
AR(1) process.
Any idea of how
2005 Oct 10
Under-dispersion - a stats question?
Hello all:
I frequently have glm models in which the residual variance is much
lower than the residual degrees of freedom (e.g. Res.Dev=30.5, Res.DF
= 82). Is it appropriate for me to use a quasipoisson error
distribution and test it with an F distribution? It seems to me that
I could stand to gain a much-reduced standard error if I let the
procedure estimate my dispersion factor (which
2003 Jan 16
Overdispersed poisson - negative observation
Dear R users
I have been looking for functions that can deal with overdispersed poisson
models. Some (one) of the observations are negative. According to actuarial
literature (England & Verall, Stochastic Claims Reserving in General
Insurance , Institute of Actiuaries 2002) this can be handled through the
use of quasi likelihoods instead of normal likelihoods. The presence of
negatives is not
2011 Jan 27
Quasi-poisson glm and calculating a qAIC and qAICc...trying to modilfy Bolker et al. 2009 function to work for a glm model
Sorry about re-posting this, it never went out to the mailing list when I
posted this to r-help forum on Nabble and was pending for a few days, now
that I am subscribe to the mailing list I hope that this goes out:
I've been a viewer of this forum for a while and it has helped out a lot,
but this is my first time posting something.
I am running glm models for richness and abundances. For