Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "ow to force samba to allow write specified filename to folder"
2011 Nov 05
Doing dist on separate objects in a text file
So I have a text file that looks like this:
"Label" "X" "Y" "Slice"
1 "Field_1_R3D_D3D_PRJ_w617.tif" 348 506 1
2 "Field_1_R3D_D3D_PRJ_w617.tif" 359 505 1
3 "Field_1_R3D_D3D_PRJ_w617.tif" 356 524 1
4 "Field_1_R3D_D3D_PRJ_w617.tif" 2 0 1
5 "Field_1_R3D_D3D_PRJ_w617.tif" 412 872 1
2007 Sep 17
removing a specific number of digist from a character string
I would like to remove the last 8 digists of character strings in a
vector. Below I added a couple of elements from that vector.
I have a problem defining a pattern to replace the digits using for
example "sub". Removing the ".tif" part works fine using
sub('.tif',"",x), but how do I get rid of the four preceding digits?
Thanks for your help,
2011 Feb 20
concatenate vector after strsplit()
ls is a list of character vectors created by strsplit()
I want to concatenate the 1st 4 character elements of each list item as a new vector called file. I admit to being confused about list syntax even after numerous readings.
Here's what I tried:
ls <- list(c("Focused", "10k", "A12", "t04.tif", "+", "µm"),
2010 Nov 19
FFA (Fax For Asterisk) tif file (size) problem
We succeed to send faxes using FFA, when the files are converted to tif
from PDF using gs, but it doesn't work with tif files we copy/upload
directly from our PCs.
We saw in the manual that the size is important, since we got the error
"FAX handle 0: failed to queue document 'filename.tif'", so we set it to
1680x2285, but it's still rejected.
Is there a way
2002 Mar 20
include exclude help please.
I know this is a big topic on the list, please forgive me.
rsync -avv --include "/film/jonah/**/sourceimages/*.tif" --exclude "*" /film /tmp
i'm trying to copy all *.tif 's that are in a */sourceimages/ directory
and that are only under /film/jonah.
i would like to copy the directory tree and tif files to /tmp
i was able to copy ever tif with:
rsync -a
2009 May 26
split strings
Hi everybody,
I have a vector of characters and i would like to extract certain parts. My vector is named metr_list:
[1] "F:/Naval_Live_Oaks/2005/data//BE.tif"
[2] "F:/Naval_Live_Oaks/2005/data//CH.tif"
[3] "F:/Naval_Live_Oaks/2005/data//CRR.tif"
[4] "F:/Naval_Live_Oaks/2005/data//HOME.tif"
And i would like to extract BE, CH, CRR, and HOME in a
2009 May 26
split strings
Hi everybody,
I have a vector of characters and i would like to extract certain parts. My vector is named metr_list:
[1] "F:/Naval_Live_Oaks/2005/data//BE.tif"
[2] "F:/Naval_Live_Oaks/2005/data//CH.tif"
[3] "F:/Naval_Live_Oaks/2005/data//CRR.tif"
[4] "F:/Naval_Live_Oaks/2005/data//HOME.tif"
And i would like to extract BE, CH, CRR, and HOME in a
2009 Sep 27
digium fax: failed to queue document
In my quest to actually send a fax, I'm now stuck trying to send the
First I send the fax:
-- Executing [send at outbound-fax:2] System("Console/dsp", "env echo
-e "Channel:DAHDI/g0/12036378447\\nContext:fax-tx\\nExtension:
s\\nPriority: 1\\n" >/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/call-1254012878.0") in
new stack
-- Auto fallthrough, channel
2009 Jun 17
tiff() woes
Hello all,
a friend has a problem with tiff() which I was unable to help about. I
searched the error messages to no avail. When he tries:
tiff(filename = "FedeWhyDoesntThisBloodyWork.tif", width = 5, height =
5, units = "cm", bg = "white", res = 1200)
Error in tiff(filename = "FedeWhyDoesntThisBloodyWork.tif", width =
5, :
unable to start device
2009 Sep 20
Truncated plot in the output file
Dear all,
I made a large plot and wanted to save it as a tif file.
I first opened and specified the size of the window.
Then I plot a heatmap using heatmap()
when I saved the plot by using "Save as" in the file menu or
savePlot("heatmap", type="tif"), the plot in the output tif file is
truncated. Only the upper part of the
2008 Mar 18
how to log only opened files via vfs_modules?
I have share with a lot of scan files with .tif extension.
They are grouped in catalogs by years for example 2006 2007 2008 etc.
I would like to log open files (open scanned files .tif) by users. But
/var/log/messages shows a lot of useless informations!!.
For example user fujitsu opened only file 11005_07.tif in windows
In /var/log/messages I can't exactly know which file was
2011 Apr 26
cups drivers for printing pdf and tif
I updated a gateway/router computer with Centos 5.6 and lost the ability
to print pdf and tif files with the command "lp -d printer img.tif"
This new unit replaced a Fedora 5 system that had been working well, and
is still able to print pdf and tif files withing the same network.
I have other Centos 5.6 gateway's at different facilities that print the
pdf and tif files
2005 Sep 06
Going crazy with FAX :-(
I've upgraded Asterisk from CVS, spandsp and app_txfax and app_rxfax but i'm
still unable to send/receive faxes :-(. I'm using amp_fax to send and this is
what i get from logs:
Sep 6 11:02:52 VERBOSE[10750]: -- Attempting call on Zap/g1/666 for
application txfax(/var/tmp/ast_fax-1125997371.10240.1804289383.0|caller)
(Retry 1)
Sep 6 11:02:52 DEBUG[10750]: Dialing
2011 Sep 01
save grid
I have a problem for saving grid file in R. I want to save a grid file as "tif".
I write this: writeGDAL(predict.grid, 'predict.tif')
after running, I don't recieve any error. But when I want to open the 'file.tif', it doesn't open.
for example in paint program: I recieve this: Paint cannot read this file.
This is not valid bitmap file, or its format
2005 May 13
Re: SpanDSP TXFax and multipage faxes problems
Hi !
Does anyone managed to send multipage faxes (in single TIFF file) with
app_txfax from spandsp package (i'm using 0.0.2pre18, libtiff 3.7.1)?
If so, I'm interested in format of TIFF file that has been sent sent
succesfully (tiffinfo <fax-filename>).
I'm having problems with app_txfax, sending first page successfuly 99 % of
the time, but never managed to send second or
2005 Jul 13
SpanDSP rxfax, no tiff.
Let me start by saying I have checked the wiki and the archives and did find
some relative information. I tried the suggestions in those threads, but
still have the same problem.
I'm using the CVS Asterisk from July 11, 2005.
Redhat FC2
SpanDSP 0.0.2pre18
Libtiff 3.5.7
Digium PCI card 1 FXO, 1FXS.
I have a single POTS line coming, but I have 2 numbers and am using
2010 May 14
Subscripting a matrix-like object
I have an S3 class called "tis" (Time Indexed Series) which may or may
not have multiple columns. I have a function "[<-.tis" that I've
reproduced below.
My question is this: inside of "[<-.tis", how can I distinguish between
calls of the form
x[i] <- someValue
x[i,] <- someValue ?
In either case, nargs() is 3, and looking at the values
2010 May 14
Subscripting a matrix-like object
I have an S3 class called "tis" (Time Indexed Series) which may or may
not have multiple columns. I have a function "[<-.tis" that I've
reproduced below.
My question is this: inside of "[<-.tis", how can I distinguish between
calls of the form
x[i] <- someValue
x[i,] <- someValue ?
In either case, nargs() is 3, and looking at the values
2006 Nov 20
Spandsp rxfax txtax fails no errors
I'm using Slackware 11.
I unistalled the package that provides libtiff 3.8.....
and installed the most current 3.7.... for lib tiff.
I downloaded asterisk 1.4 beta3 and the 1.4 beta2 addons and untared them.
created a simlink:
ln -s asterisk-1.4.0-beta3 asterisk
I've compiled spandsp from as follows
cd /usr/src
2024 Apr 18
Import multiple tif raster
Dear community
Dear Ivan
Thanks a lot. The code works now. Solution: direct and full path to the .tif files.
I confused back and forward slash
#first import all files in a single folder as a list
rastlist <- list.files(path = "C:/Users/Sibylle St?ckli/Desktop/NCCS_Impacts_Lot2_2022/InVEST/Species_Input/valpar_bee_presence", pattern='.tif$', all.files= T, full.names= T)