similar to: I/O error when trying to write

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "I/O error when trying to write"

2008 Apr 28
SAMBA with NetApp filer
I'm newbies in SAMBA and NetApp filer , I use Filer with OpenLDAP as an authentication and authorization server , but look like NetApp doesn't work properly ( can't authentication ) , NetApp engineer suggest me that NetApp work properly with pure ActiveDirectory Environment. not SAMBA + OpenLDAP backend like me have. so I solve this problem by make Samba as native PDC and use
2010 May 15
multi-homed samba PDC and NetApp filers
We are having a problem getting a NetApp filer to re-join a samba domain after a move to a new network. The filer worked fine with samba before the move. Apologies in advance for the long missive. I've tried the following: - re-running the CIFS setup program on the filer - removing the problem filer's samba account, replacing it, and re-running the setup program on the filer
2013 Jan 31
migrating samba shares to a netapp filer?
Hello, I'll soon have to migrate our samba shares to a netapp filer (not my decision). Currently the shares are on an xfs filesystem and served by samba 3.5.2, which is also the domain controller (a role that it will maintain, only the shares are being transferred) and sama/unix users are in ldap. The filer is in the domain and uses ldap to map user ids and that seems to work. Samba maps the
2009 Nov 19
SET_PATH_INFO is not working on NetApp Filer
Hi, I'm using samba-3.2.6 on linux. Using this, I'm trying to update/modify Last Access Time(atime) of a file on CIFS share(on NetApp Filer). But not able to do so. I could successfully update atimes on windows server, but NOT on NetApp Filer. Is SET_PATH_INFO supported by NetApp filer(7.2 version)? Any help is greatly appreciated. thanks, -Kishore
2009 Apr 26
Peculiarities of COW over COW?
We run our IMAP spool on ZFS that''s derived from LUNs on a Netapp filer. There''s a great deal of churn in e-mail folders, with messages appearing and being deleted frequently. I know that ZFS uses copy-on- write, so that blocks in use are never overwritten, and that deleted blocks are added to a free list. This behavior would spread the free list all over the zpool. As well,
2004 Aug 12
Compatibility with NetApp DataONTAP filers?
Good ${time of the day} I have just been wondering if anyone would know if Samba is compatible with the CIFS implementation of the Network Appliance DataONTAP filers? I have so far unable to connect to any shared folder on the NetApp filer that require authentication. An attempt to access or list shared resources on the NetApp filer fails with the
2017 Oct 20
Samba 4.6.7 AD, Netapp CDOT 9.2 and missing "Domain Users" membership
Hi, we are testing a new AD domain that will replace our old NT4 one, and we are setting up a new cifs vserver of our Netapp filer (running Clustered Dataontap 9.2). The new AD domain was a clean deployment created using "samba-tool domain provision --server-role=dc --use-rfc2307 ...". All seems to work well and the Netapp filer joins the domain without errors and seems to run fine.
2007 Jul 31
Linux File System w/case-insensitivity
I used to mount some files via Samba which resided on a windows machine on a CentOS box. We moved the files to a NetApp filer, and I was unable to mount those files using either Samba or CIFS. Most of my problems with Samba were related to the (Windows?) password encryption scheme that has not been included in the Samba suite. Even if I use the mount t cifs, it didn't work. So on the
2009 Sep 29
Samba and NFS locking on Netapp filers ?
Hello I have troubles with some shares that are NFS mounted to a Netapp filer, if I enable locking on that share, the file cannot be opened by the windows client in write mode ( read only after a looong time ) Anyone has the same problem , it seems to be a Netapp bug but they do not support samba at all :-) so I don't expect any answer from them. thanks
2000 Jul 05
Samba And and NetApp Filer
I need some help. I can map the NetApp filer, but when I do a 'ls' in the directory I get errors. Saying that the file or directory does not exist and I know the directories and files do, you can see them when you map the NetApp with NT. If you know the name of the directory you can change into it. I can also map NT with samba just fine with no problems. The NetApp is running a CIFS server
2009 Nov 17
Question about Posix Locking and Windows XP/SP3 clients
Hi, We have SAMBA 3.0.33 running on RedHat 5. We are sharing home directories to users via Samba using the [homes] share. The home directories reside on a Netapp filer, (actually multiple), and are accessed by the Samba server over NFS. When users try to open a Microsoft Excel file from a Windows XP SP3
2017 Aug 17
objectclass "posixAccount" missing on new created users
I don't played much recntly with NetApp filers but as they are supposed to work well with MS AD I expected you don't really needs posixAccount objectClass. So a google search leads me there: Perhaps it's not what you
2011 May 27
Sharing an NFS mount via samba
Hi, >From what i understand sharing an NFS mount via samba is not a good idea. Is the any way to make this work with strict locks = yes ? The NFS mount is on a NetApp filer, I cannot create users on the Netapp. therefore mounting via NFS allows me create users on a Linux machine. and manage the access to data. Any advice to maintain the data integrity would be helpful thanks Will
2002 Sep 25
samba as a block device
Netapp (a CIFS/NFS NAS solution) has the ability to emulate a physical device and present itself as a local drive to a Windows box over the network. It involves a Windows client side driver as well as some server side stuff to do this. To Windows, the drive appears to be local and not a mapped drive (you can format it/etc) Are there any initiatives to do something like this with Samba?
2008 Nov 06
Painfully slow NetApp with databas
Hello, We have long running problem with NetApp filers. When we connect server to the filer sequential read performance is ~70MB/s. But once we run database on the server seq read performance drops to ~11MB/s. That's happening with two servers. One is running Oracle another - MySQL. During speed tests database load is very light (less than 1MB/s of reads and writes). During the tests NetApp
2009 Sep 10
Excessive NFS operations
Reading the "waiting IOs" thread made me remember I have a similar problem that has been here for months, and I have no sulution yet. A single CentOS 5.2 x86_64 machine here is overloading our NetApp filer with excessive NFS getattr, lookup and access operations. The weird thing is that the number of these operations increases over time. I have an mrtg graph (which I didn't
2005 May 17
Samba compatibility with NetAPP filers.
We are running scripts using smbclient to get some data of NetAPP filer and we run into the output below. After doing some digging, I found that there is a incompatibility between NetAPP Data ONTAP OS and samba. Is this still the case or there is a fix for it. We are running 3.0.10 Any ideas would be great George Client started (version 3.0.10). Connecting to at port 445
2007 Dec 15
Is round-robin I/O correct for ZFS?
I''m testing an Iscsi multipath configuration on a T2000 with two disk devices provided by a Netapp filer. Both the T2000 and the Netapp have two ethernet interfaces for Iscsi, going to separate switches on separate private networks. The scsi_vhci devices look like this in `format'': 1. c4t60A98000433469764E4A413571444B63d0 <NETAPP-LUN-0.2-50.00GB>
2011 Sep 29
Help needed to debug Samba problem
I have a Samba domain that is having problems. We have a new NetApp file server (FAS2040 running NetApp Release 7.3.4) that keeps dropping its connection to the Samba server. We didn't have this problem with an older NetApp box (FAS250 running NetApp Release 6.5.1R1). I can run tcpdump on the Samba server and see traffic going back and forth between the FAS2040 and the Samba server when
2008 Oct 09
Using Samba PDC from Netapp filers ?
Hello Anyone has succeeded to use a Samba PDC erver as a PDC from a Netapp filer to use CIFS direct connections ? ? Any infos welcome ! Thanks a lot.