similar to: Windows XP always see folder with read-only attribute set

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Windows XP always see folder with read-only attribute set"

2008 Jan 17
Re-2: Re: Windows XP always see folder with read-only attribute set
hi hector adding the following to smb.conf should cure the problem map read only = no regards ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Damien Dye BSC(hon) IT and Telecommunications Engineer Mckenna Group Lawn Road Industrial Estate Lawn Road Carlton-in-Lindrick Worksop Nottinghamshire United Kingdom S81 9LB Email : Tel :
2005 May 01
My public folder is not public
Hi dudes, I have a share in linux Mandrake 9.1. Workstations are Windows 98, XP and 2000 Pro. My public share in smb.conf is: [publica] available = yes browseable = yes comment = public folder guest ok = yes path = /home/public read only = no writable = yes The problem is: The user Bob open any folder located in publica share, then create a new folder and insert new content. The user Magie
2011 Mar 16
Recursos sobre R en la red, Twitter, etc.
Hola, ¿qué tal? Hace unos meses anuncié en esta lista que había creado un agregador de noticias de R. Este agregador rastrea una serie de blogs, filtra aquellas entradas referentes a R, las agrega y: 1) Crea un RSS, que puede consultarse aquí: 2) Publica las entradas nuevas en Twitter bajo el usuario @noticiasSobreR. Están todas etiquetadas como
2007 Feb 06
abbreviate dataframe for Sweave output
I wanted to print the first and last rows of some dataframes in Sweave using dots in columns to separate the two parts. Head and tail almost work, but I have problems with factors and row names. z<-data.frame(id=letters[1:26], x=sample(1:26,26)) rbind(head(z,3), ".", tail(z,1)) id x 1 a 18 2 b 8 3 c 14 4 <NA> . 26 z 10 Warning message: invalid
2018 Apr 25
formating DVR-RW
My Centos 6 wodim tell me that it can only format DVD+RW. I have DVD-RWs. Even when I format a DVD-RW on my standalone DVD recorder, wodim still will not write to it. Is there a centos-6-useable mechanism for formatting and writing DVD-RWs? -- Michael hennebry at "Sorry but your password must contain an uppercase letter, a number, a haiku, a gang sign, a heiroglyph,
2004 Jul 26
Building Windows Package
I am using R-1.9.1 with windows 2000 and trying to build a package. However, when I issue the command: RCMD build --binary BSDA I get: >>> Building/Updating help pages for package 'BSDA' Formats: chm hhc: not found cp: cannot stat `C:/R191/R191/JUNK/BSDA/chm/BSDA.chm': No such file or direc tory make[1]: *** [chm-BSDA] Error 1 make: *** [pkg-BSDA] Error 2 ***
2002 Oct 24
Hi all, I have a debian server with 4 network cards: The first card is used to connect to public network and this network connects with a big router. The Second, third and fourth cards are used by other networks. The first card used a dinamic route with the big router. The other cards used a static route with a little router. All runs good but my problem is when I try to use the IP of my first
2017 Jun 06
Hola Javier, Hola usuarios, Muchas gracias por contestar y por el interés. Sí es cierto que re-leyendo el correo la información es escasa? Red Eléctrica, a través de ESIOS , publica los datos del mercado eléctrico. Estos datos pueden descargarse a través de la web de la API: Si ponemos un ejemplo concreto, para saber los precios del
2015 Sep 22
Excel vs. R
Antes que nada puedes encontrar documentación sobre la librería ggplot2 que es la que yo uso para gráficos como el que quieres hacer, aunque hay otros paquetes que te pueden ser útiles: Adicionalmente a lo dicho por Carlos aquí te van otros ejemplos (los agrego porque no nos proporcionaste datos con lo que pudiéramos ver mejor lo que buscas):
2019 Jan 29
BioStatFLOSS 4.0
Hola. Os informo de que hemos publicado una nueva versi?n (la 4) de BioStatFLOSS. Para el que no lo conozca, se trata de una recopilaci?n de software para Windows. Es una "colecci?n" de programas de utilidad para la realizaci?n de estudios estad?sticos en general (y bioestad?sticos/biom?dicos en particular) en el que "la estrella" es (of course) R. La principal caracter?stica
2016 Jan 07
Instrucciones uso rvest
Hola buenos días: Perdonar por no contestar antes, pero estaba aislado jeje. En principio la ideas que apuntas la conozco pero es aún más sencillo en este caso ya que dichos datos te los puedes descargar de un excel que publica el INE. La cuestión que planteo es para interactuar directamente con la web. He tomado esta página como ejemplo, porque si consigo ejecutar lo que pregunto aquí, entonces
2002 May 10
Unix Group Question with repect to Samba
I have a question with regards to using Unix groups with samba. This might be easier to explain with an example. Lets say I have two users UserID: GID UserA:Group1 UserB:Group2 etc..... I now have an entry in /etc/group that looks like groupdev::UserA, UserB If I have a directory with group ownership set to "groupdev" and group mode "rws" UserA & UserB cannot create a
2017 Sep 14
Creación de data frame
Hola Javier, gracias por tu respuesta, explico de nuevo. Luego de varios calculos, llego a un dataframe con varias observaciones, llamado resuu: Letra Suelo result 1 a 2 23 2 b 2 15 3 c 2 36 4 a 3 20 5 b 3 2 6 c 3 36 7 a 2 32 8 b 2 25 9 c 3 32 ... La primer columna que no tiene cabecera o etiqueta, aparece en la consola en color gris y es un identificador de las filas Cuando quiero resumir,
2008 Dec 31
CD burning issues & questions
I have been having some strange results trying to burn CDs under CentOS. I don't think they are hardware related because I have had some success, in fact most of this usually works. I use k3b for most of my CD and DVD writing - it seems to work fairly well (well, except for wrecking my installation a few weeks ago when it crashed my installation and I had to reinstall to get it back, but
2007 May 23
name of object in quotes
I am writing a function in which, at some point, I to recuperate the name of a previous object in quotes. I am currently using the function Cs() from the Hmisc library but the result is: foo <- function(xvar) { variable <- Cs(xvar) return(variable) } foo(x1) > "xvar" when I would expected to obtain "x1". Any suggestion? Thanks -- *Gonzalo Rivero* Ph.D.
2003 Mar 13
subdirectory of home
Hi. Sorry: my level of english is not enough good. I hope you understand what I mean. My question is: it's possible to share a subdirectory (and only one subdirectory for every user) in the section [homes]? The version of samba which i'm working is 2.2.7a, over Solaris 8. Thanks in advance. --
2018 Apr 25
formating DVR-RW
On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 09:30:46AM -0500, Bill Gee wrote: > On Wednesday, April 25, 2018 9:10:34 AM CDT Michael Hennebry wrote: > > My Centos 6 wodim tell me that it can only format DVD+RW. > > I have DVD-RWs. > > Even when I format a DVD-RW on my standalone DVD recorder, > > wodim still will not write to it. > > Is there a centos-6-useable mechanism > > for
2008 Feb 15
About postgresql tcpip connection
hello everybody i?m trying to connect to my postgresql via tcpip and it thow an error is not accepting tcp-ip connections I ask to google but i dont find the solution, people said about the prostgresql.conf enable tcpip, I try but when i start the service it thow an error. Other thing is add the option i to postmaster.opt but when i start the service this file is redefined anybody can helpme
2006 Jun 22
Debian WineCVS Daily Repository?
Exist a Debian WineCVS Daily Repository?
2020 Jun 04
Preserving destination group and owner
Hi, I'm trying to get an rsync updating some files without changing their owner, groups or permissions. I've read man pages etc. stating I need to use the "--no-o", "--no-g", "--no-p" flags, something like rsync -r --no-p --no-o --no-g source destination While the permissions are keeped, there is something not working as expected or I'm missing