similar to: WINS hint please

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "WINS hint please"

2008 Jan 09
Winbindd fails to start
Hi, I have just compiled and installed MIT krb5-1.6.3 and got a ticket with kinit: Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0 Default principal: craig@ABBOTT-SIMSES.LOCAL Valid starting Expires Service principal 01/09/08 18:27:06 01/10/08 01:07:06 krbtgt/ABBOTT-SIMSES.LOCAL@ABBOTT-SIMSES.LOCAL 01/09/08 18:31:18 01/10/08 01:07:06 term-jac$@ABBOTT-SIMSES.LOCAL Kerberos 4 ticket cache:
2013 Dec 19
Centos6.5 -- Broadcom BCM4313 -- having trouble connecting
Dear All, I'm having trouble on 2 laptops Lenovo B580 since upgrading to Centos6.5. ( Because it's a Lenovo I cannot switch the network card for a better supported network card. ) There on the latest kernel : root at jac network-scripts]# uname -a Linux jac.cawdekempen 2.6.32-431. #1 SMP Fri Dec 13 13:06:13 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux With the help of
2011 Mar 15
Problem with nls.lm function of minpack.lm package.
Dear R useRs, I have a problem with nls.lm function of minpackl.lm package. I need to fit the Van Genuchten Model to a set of data of Theta and hydraulic conductivity with nls.lm function of minpack.lm package. For the first fit, the parameter estimates keep changing even after 1000 iterations (Th) and I have a following error message for fit of hydraulic conductivity (k); Reason for
2009 Jan 02
R: numerical integration problems
hello all happy new year and hope you r having a good holiday. i would like to calculate the expectation of a particular random variable and would like to approximate it using a number of the functions contained in R. decided to do some experimentation on a trivial example. example ======== suppose x(i)~N(0,s2) where s2 = the variance the prior for s2 = p(s2)~IG(a,b) so the posterior is
2006 Jun 13
ldapsam with user level security
Hi, Everything I can find about using the ldapsam backend seems to imply that samba will be used as a domain controller. Is it possible to use ldapsam as the backend and have just a user level security workgroup? Thanks. Craig
2008 Jun 09
Problem in RSA Key authentication
Hello Damien, I am using OpenSSH-5.0 on my ARM board. I want to perform RSA authentication, but server is not accepting the key generated by the client. I have copied the authorized_keys in the "$HOME/.ssh/" folder and provided permission (755) to that folder. Please help me how to solve this problem. Following is the log from the client OpenSSH_4.3p2, OpenSSL 0.9.8b 04 May 2006
2006 Sep 29
Sync unix and samba passwords
Hi, We have an Exchange server (server 2003) that is a domain controller and a few Samba file servers that are not part of the Windows domain. The Samba servers use their own LDAP directory ( ldapsam backend with pam_ldap ) that is synchronized to one openldap directory server but is not synchronized to the Windows domain AD. The workstations are all local accounts and not members of any domain
2011 Dec 29
problem of "", no hessian and convergence values
Dear Helper, I used "" and got the value of par. The estimations looks good even if the number of iterations is only 16. But the values of hessian and convergence are both "NULL". I tested the objective function and gradient function by "optim" and didn't see any problem there. With these functions, "optim" gives the convergence value
2006 Jun 16
DTMF in the middle of a call
I found this old post using a Google search for DTMF tones heard during an Asterisk call. The calling party does not hear them, only the called party. We are experiencing this sporadic DTMF "beep" followed by a momentary silence on a random number of our calls. This happens on trunk to SIP and SIP to SIP calls, so it's not PRI related. Since this thread is dated 2003, and the
2003 Feb 16
SIP transfer and SNOM100
Hi, Just wondering if anyone else is able to reproduce this with the current * (CVS 12:15 GMT) Call Snom from any device (tested with i4l, zaptel and SIP). Answer call and try to transfer call using transfer button on Snom. After dialing new number press OK (F4). At this moment the Snom users hears dialtone, but the caller still hears the Snom user... Even hangup on the Snom doesn't
2017 Jun 18
R_using non linear regression with constraints
> On Jun 18, 2017, at 6:24 AM, Manoranjan Muthusamy <ranjanmano167 at> wrote: > > I am using nlsLM {minpack.lm} to find the values of parameters a and b of > function myfun which give the best fit for the data set, mydata. > > mydata=data.frame(x=c(0,5,9,13,17,20),y = c(0,11,20,29,38,45)) > > myfun=function(a,b,r,t){ > prd=a*b*(1-exp(-b*r*t)) >
2013 Oct 14
Clients Windows not update record DNS on zone BIND9_DLZ
Hi List, My clients windows not update record DNS on zones! Show my log: ------------------------------------------ samba_dlz: starting transaction on zone client update '' denied samba_dlz: cancelling transaction on zone ------------------------------------------ Anyone have any ideas? Thanks! Jac? Ramos --
2011 May 18
Constrainted Nonlinear Optimization - lack of convergence
Hello, I am attempting to utilize the 'alabama' package to solve a constrained nonlinear optimization problem. The problem has both equality and inequality constraints (heq and hin functions are used). All constraints are smooth, i.e. I can differentiate easily to produce heq.jac and hin.jac functions. My initial solution is feasible; I am attempting to maximize a function, phi. As
2007 Feb 22
Fwd: Net groupmap list puzzler
Hi, I think at first you have to do a net groupmap add all the well known Groups. System Operators (S-1-5-32-549) -> -1 Replicators (S-1-5-32-552) -> -1 Guests (S-1-5-32-546) -> -1 Domain Users (S-1-5-21-3732367786-856876144-3282938955-513) -> -1 Domain Admins (S-1-5-21-3732367786-856876144-3282938955-512) -> -1 Power Users (S-1-5-32-547) -> -1 Domain Guests
2013 Sep 29
My Clients Windows not update DNS in samba4 DC
Hi, I done joining the Samba 4.0.9 Domain Controller to the existing 2003 domain Transfer all roles to samba4 Down in Windows 2003 server Add client windows to domain! But client windows not update DNS in samba4. Any ideas ? Grato. Jac? Ramos -- *"O homem n?o foi criado para ser feliz nem para vencer, mas para viver para Deus. Quando vive para Deus ? feliz e vence."
2005 Oct 13
Problem whit a piece of program
Hi friends, I'm beginning in R and I have simple question. I have this piece of my program and how you see, that's ok (whit > num<- 0.002) num<-0.002 # ok, but not when I change whit num<-0... ? factor1<-1; while(1) { if (num*factor1<1) factor1<-factor1*10 else { print("out ok!!"); break; } } [1] "out ok!!" but when I change (whit >
2011 Apr 28
DLSODA error
Dear R-users, I'm running an MLE procedure where some ODEs are solved for each iteration in the maximization process. I use mle2 for the Maximum likelihood and deSolve for the ODEs. The problem is that somewhere along the way the ODE solver crashes and I get the following error message: DLSODA- Warning..Internal T (=R1) and H (=R2) are such that in the machine, T + H = T on the next
2015 Dec 22
Cannot allocate vector of size
Hola Rubén, Totalmente de acuerdo con los consejos de Carlos. Ten en cuenta que aunque R disponga de varios (bastantes) GB de memoria, algunos de los objetos que va creando durante el proceso pueden consumirla por completo. Es decir, que aunque tu ordenador tenga 64GB de RAM, es posible que no queden 10 GB libres para almacenar un objeto (porque ya hay demasiados objetos grandes en la
2005 Jan 14
Asterisk@Home Install Problems
I am trying to install asterisk@home on a Dell 1650 server. The setup cd runs fine and completes with no errors but when I try to connect to the web site (http:myip/maint) to edit the configs nothing happens just a page not found error. I'm not sure if there is a problem with my dual on board nics but when I check ifconfig I see the dhcp address info that was assigned for eth0 and then
2006 Oct 11
Strange Mysql connect problem
Hi, I compiled Dovecot and Mysql on two different servers each with the same options. Dovecot connects successfully on Server B. Server A has this error in Dovecot trying to connect to Mysql: dovecot: auth-worker(default): mysql: Connect failed to /tmp/mysql.sock (exim_db): Access denied for user 'user'@'localhost' (using password: YES) - waiting for 5 seconds before Passwords