similar to: Backup Tape

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Backup Tape"

2004 Jul 01
Samba login scripts
Sorry to post a newbie question which may of been asked before but I am struggling to get my head around how to get login scripts to work using samba. I am currently testing Suse Standard Server 8 which comes with Samba 2.2.8a-UL. Using the Suse graphical web interface I can setup users and groups and also setup smb shares. I have told the linux server to act as a PDC. I can't find anywhere
2006 Jul 05
Samba backup and restore with LDAP
Hi I have a problem with a production server (Acer Altos G5350) SLE9 SP3 with Samba 3.0.20b-3.4). It provides shares for about 15 Windows workstations. I purchased it with an Adaptec Hostraid a320 controller (using two 146mb Seatgate drives mirrored with Hostraid) but slowly realising that getting up tod ate kernel supported drivers for these cards is near impossible. When I installed SLE9 it
2003 Jan 01
Tape Drives
Is it possible to share a tape drive using Samba. I have a tape drive that is attached to a Solaris box, that I would like to use to backup my entire environment; Solaris and Windows. If this is possible, how should I configure the smb.conf file. Thanks Nate Grissom -------------- next part -------------- HTML attachment scrubbed and removed
2008 May 15
Tape operation
Hi all, My only encounter with tape-backup was with Windows 2000. With it, when we backup things using windows' backup tool, it will create a 'catalog', then the catalog contains all the backup operations we do based on date. So, with this we can "append" many backups into one tape. Next time we want to restore a backup, we can choose what date available in that
2008 Mar 29
backup to disk
Hi, I'm looking for common practices for backing up user data to disk. My user data is all in /home. I'm also interested in what folks are doing for things backing up os and configs. Any pointers on setting up rsync, cpio, etc would be appreciated. Pointers to good how-to's especially welcome. Currently we're using Arkeia Network Backup (commercial product with which I am
2006 Oct 22
Best backup software for linux
We are running backup softwares for incrementals/differentials and full backups with variouse softwares currently using dirvish scripts + amanda .. what is everyones views on other opensourced backup software? is there anything better or other options we have missed? We are looking at backula as an option? any thoughts? Thanks - Nathan -
2007 Nov 08
question about backup regimens
I need to recommend some backup options for a web server running CentOS 4.1. The client prefers using a tape drive as their backup device and has access to safe offsite storage. I was thinking of system backups weekly and differential backups nightly but don't know what software to recommend for the differential b/u's. For full backups I can just schedule a tar and compress using
2015 Nov 04
Vectorizing structure reads, writes, etc on X86-64 AVX
Hi Jay - I see the slow, small accesses using an older clang [Apple LLVM version 7.0.0 (clang-700.1.76)], but this looks fixed on trunk. I made a change that comes into play if you don't specify a particular CPU: $ ./clang -O1 -mavx copy.c -S -o - ... movslq %edi, %rax movq _spr_dynamic at GOTPCREL(%rip),
2006 Jan 23
Ext3 filesystem access after downgrade from v4.2 to v3.6
I need to downgrade a system from Centos x4.2 to v3.6 (x86) due to performance problems with Arkeia Network Backup and AIT-4 tape drives. The backup database is stored on a v4.2 created ext3 partition. When accessing this partition after the downgrade, Centos complains on boot that fsck.ext3: Filesystem has unsupported feature(s) (/dev/sda5) *fsck: Get a newer version of e2fsck! [fail] If I
2015 Nov 03
Vectorizing structure reads, writes, etc on X86-64 AVX
----- Original Message ----- > From: "Sanjay Patel via llvm-dev" <llvm-dev at> > To: "Jay McCarthy" <jay.mccarthy at> > Cc: "llvm-dev" <llvm-dev at> > Sent: Tuesday, November 3, 2015 12:30:51 PM > Subject: Re: [llvm-dev] Vectorizing structure reads, writes, etc on X86-64 AVX > > If the
2006 Apr 04
Backup options.
I am a long time FreeBSD user and have been using dump/restore for many years for disk to disk backups. Now I am getting more and more into FC4 and CentOS, but am I stuck on only using tar/star for backups? Tar in its various forms are fine for some items, like home directories, but dump and restore in FreeBSD also gave me the possibility of easily doing a bare metal restore. What are my
2010 Nov 02
Using data( ) in a loop
I'm trying to generate 50+ graphs using the UScensus2000tract data. I need to access the data for just about all of the states, so I was hoping to create a simple loop that will take the relevant state from my data and load the associated census data from the UScensus2000tract package. Below is a sample of what I'm trying to do. Any suggestions are much appreciated.
2015 Nov 03
Vectorizing structure reads, writes, etc on X86-64 AVX
Thank you for your reply. FWIW, I wrote the .ll by hand after taking the C program, using clang to emit the llvm and seeing the memcpy. The memcpy version that clang generates gets compiled into assembly that uses the large sequence of movs and does not use the vector hardware at all. When I started debugging, I took that clang produced .ll and started to write it different ways trying to get
2007 Aug 07
Virtualisation of Netware?
Hi, I am hoping someone can kick me up the learning curve (!) on Virtualization: We have an old piece of data logging software that was written in Turbo Pascal 6 using a file I/O module tuned to Netware and so it expects its data files to be on a Netware server and will not access them locally or via an MS/Samba share - essentially, it uses direct NCP calls for parts of its data access. The
2002 Oct 23
How Samba let us down
Before you read this, I want to state (for reasons listed below) that I don't expect an answer (advice is welcomed, but please read this email carefully before answering). I'm sharing this with the community with the hope that better software results from our sad experience... BACKGROUND I've been using NT for 4 years, Netware and Linux for 3 years, and Samba for almost 2. I work
2012 Aug 20
relating data in two data frames
Hi, My data.frame "A" has FID like this FID a a b b b c c d d d d Now my second data.frame "B" has age value for a, b, c, d like FID Age a      5 b      7 c      9 d      3 How can search for the Age column in "B" and replace the values in "A" so that my new "A" looks like this FID Age a      5 a      5 b      7 b      7 b      7
2003 Jun 19
Re: How to share the tape drive in samba server
>> If you're looking to share the tape drive so you ................ >You could probably do something clever with a magic >script in the Samba config, but it still wouldn't >work with native Windows backup utilities. (Are >there native Windows backup utilities that can >access a remote tape drive?) You could probably get >it to work with tar under Cygwin if
2020 Aug 06
How to make a subdirectory in a lit test?
Yeah, the llvm-ar tests are working on Windows. But I'm getting different results when I try to use the same commands in an LLDB lit test. Maybe there's something messed up in LLDB's local lit config? If I have `mkdir %t/subdir` in my lit test, I get either file-not-found or a complaint about "unrecognized option /subdir." The one-and-only mkdir on my PATH is
2008 Mar 31
SYSLINUX 3.70-pre8
I have just pushed out SYSLINUX 3.70-pre8. The two main differences is that I have updated the gPXE source base, and added a sanboot module (sanboot.c32). sanboot.c32 *should* be capable of initiating an iSCSI or AoE boot, but I haven't actually tested it. The other main difference is that gPXE now advertises HTTP/1.0 instead of HTTP/1.1, since the code was not actually HTTP/1.1
2004 Sep 21
Samba server authenticating to NetWare server?
Hello, I've been Googling and O'Reillying around this problem for the last week without success, so I'm either stupid or it's not possible. My money's still on stupid. Can someone confirm that I can't do what I want to do: - Have a SuSE 9.1 Linux box running Samba 3.0 exporting shares by SMB. - Have users log into Windows boxes running a NetWare client,